
In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

author:Quacking cats

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There is growing talk about the continued decline in sales of TV sets in China. Even the boss of TCL came out to sigh that more than 300 million people in the United States can sell more than 40 million TVs a year.

And China's 1.4 billion people are less than 40 million units a year, which is indeed a bit confusing. So, let's talk about the reasons and phenomena behind it today.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

In recent years, many people have found that the TV set at home is being used less and less, especially young people, who are not interested in TV at all. Just look at one set of data: once TV was the center of home entertainment, the average amount of time young people in China spend watching TV per day has been drastically reduced.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

The popularity of smartphones is to blame. After all, if you take a mobile phone, you can watch videos, catch up on dramas, and listen to music anytime and anywhere, while the TV is big and inconvenient, and you have to grab the remote control. However, this phenomenon is by no means a one-day cold, so we have to start from the beginning.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

In the early years, it was quite a great thing to have a TV at home. Every night, the whole family huddles together on the sofa, staring at the "News Network" or hit drama on TV, which is also a kind of happiness. But now, every household has a TV, who else will jump for a TV?

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

The decline in TV sales is not only due to the problems of the TV itself, but also because the way people are entertained has changed. Especially mobile phones,

It's really "terrible in the afterlife". Watch a short video, watch a Douyin, and an episode of an online drama can be done anytime, anywhere. Compared with TV, mobile phones are small and convenient, with diverse functions, which are more in line with the fast-paced life of modern people.


According to data, global smartphone shipments exceeded 1.5 billion units for the first time in 2018, and in 2020, Chinese mobile phone users have exceeded 1.1 billion. As for television, on the contrary, the status of some young people is gradually marginalized.

Not only is the market space squeezed, but even the ratings of many TV stations are not optimistic, and the money made from doing programs is naturally less.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

Not only about the program, but also the quality of the TV and the operating experience. Either you have to pay for it every month to buy a VIP; Either advertisements are flying all over the sky, and it is common to insert a few minutes of advertisements in an episode of a TV series.

This kind of experience really disgusted many viewers. Even many netizens are complaining: "You have to spend more money to buy a TV, who can stand it?" ”

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

So, does this mean that it is time for the TV to say "goodbye" to everyone? Let's continue to disassemble the problem and see if there is a solution.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

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In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

In fact, the marginalization of television is also the inevitable development of the times. The upgrading of many electronic products is also promoting the change of people's living habits. How many people still use BB players, MP3 and CD players in the past? I'm afraid even children don't know what these things are. Therefore, in the face of the strong attack of smartphones and computers, TVs naturally seem a bit old-fashioned.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

However, this does not mean that the TV set is completely hopeless. In order to regain the favor of the audience, TV manufacturers are also working hard. For example, the smart TVs that are now on the market have catered to the audience as much as possible in terms of features and content.

With the camera, you can make video calls, voice control and even play games, isn't this what the TV is working towards?

Besides, content is king. Many video websites have launched self-made dramas and online comprehensives, attracting a large number of viewers. If TV programs can't be innovated, how can they compete with others by relying only on old-fashioned routines? As one industry insider said, "If the TV content is good, the audience will naturally come back." While that sounds like chicken soup, it makes a lot of sense.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

In addition, from the viewer's point of view, if the TV can provide a better interactive experience, it may also be able to recapture their attention. Wouldn't it be great if TV could cater to the user's preferences and personalize the content?

This,In fact, there are already manufacturers trying,It can be regarded as finding a new way of survival for TVs。

The development of television sets has always been a part of technological advancement. Although I am facing challenges now, I don't think there is no chance of turning around. The key is to innovate and adapt to the needs of the audience. It's really hard to move people with a traditional, lifeless TV show like that.

If TV manufacturers can continue to work hard, make their products smarter and more in line with the rhythm of modern life, and improve the user experience, they may be able to regain the market with their own advantages.

In the past 10 years, the TV industry has been struck by a cliff-like decline: behind it is actually itself that "pits" itself

To sum up, although TV sets are experiencing the "coldest winter in history", they are not without a chance to warm up. If smartphones are now the "king of entertainment", then televisions are also expected to become "entertainment stars". As the old saying goes, "Feng Shui takes turns, and it will come to my house next year". As long as we continue to innovate and progress, I believe that TV sets still have a chance to counterattack.

In addition to mobile phones and TVs, what other entertainment devices do you think are likely to become mainstream in the future? Do you still watch TV? Everyone is welcome to share their views and feelings in the comment area, and talk about the "love-hate relationship" story between you and TV.

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