
Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

author:Quacking cats

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Recently, many new energy vehicle companies have announced their sales data for June, and the results are gratifying. Let's take a look at Geely Automobile, which sold 166085 units in June, up 24% year-on-year.

Looking at SAIC, the sales volume of new energy vehicles exceeded 93,000 units. Li Auto was not far behind, delivering 47,774 new vehicles in June, up 46.7% year-on-year.

Great Wall Motor's NEV sales in June were 26,107 units. NIO's performance was even more impressive, with 21,209 new vehicles delivered in June, up 98% year-on-year.

ZEEKR is also full of good news, with 20,106 units delivered in June, a year-on-year increase of 89%. Xpeng delivered 10,668 new vehicles in June, up 24% year-on-year.

Xiaomi cars also entered this "battle", with deliveries of the Xiaomi SU7 exceeding 10,000 units in June. Finally, Zhiji Auto sold 6,015 units in June, up 200% year-on-year, and VOYAH delivered 5,507 units in June, up 83% year-on-year.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

So, what's the story behind these numbers? Let's find out!

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

The rise of energy vehicles is not a matter of one or two days, and can be traced back to more than ten years ago. At that time, oil prices were soaring, environmental problems were becoming more and more serious, and governments began to have new headaches.

At this time, new energy vehicles appear like saviors. Since it doesn't burn oil and is environmentally friendly, it sounds like the perfect solution! As a result, governments around the world have introduced policies to support the development of new energy vehicles, subsidies, tax incentives, etc., wave after wave.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

However, new energy vehicles were not very popular at first. Back then, those electric vehicles had a short mileage, troublesome charging, and expensive prices. But technology is always advancing, especially battery technology.


With the continuous advancement of technology, electric vehicles have become more and more reliable, charging facilities have become more and more popular, and prices have slowly decreased. At this time, consumer attitudes began to change, and the new energy vehicle market gradually became hot.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

Speaking of which, I have to mention Tesla, the "leading big brother". The emergence of Tesla has not only driven the development of the entire electric vehicle market, but also allowed consumers to see the infinite possibilities of electric vehicles.

Tesla's success has also made Chinese car companies see huge business opportunities, so they have invested in the field of new energy vehicles, starting a "race" to catch up.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

The sales data for June is the result of the efforts of China's new energy vehicle companies. Geely, SAIC, Li, Great Wall, NIO, Zeekr, Xpeng, Xiaomi, Zhiji, and VOYAH represent the backbone of China's new energy vehicle market. They have not only gained a foothold in the domestic market, but also made their mark in the international market.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

However, it is not enough to just look at the sales data, we have to see what stories are behind these car companies. Some car companies rely on technological innovation and product quality to win, such as NIO and ZEEKR, and their products have a good reputation in the market.

There are also some car companies that rely on strong brand influence and marketing methods, such as Xiaomi and Ideal, and they have done a very good job of promoting on the Internet and social media. As for Xpeng and VOYANT, they are making a fuss about product diversity and cost performance, which has attracted many consumers.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

This wave of sales growth reflects the vigorous development of China's new energy vehicle market, and also indicates great potential in the future. With the intensification of market competition, major car companies are also constantly improving their technical level and service quality, and strive to stand out in this fierce competition.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

So, what does this increase in sales mean for us average consumers? First of all, there are more options. In the past, if you wanted to buy an electric car, there were few choices, but now there are a variety of electric cars of various brands and models, and there is always one for you. Secondly, the price is more affordable.

Competition is fierce, and prices will naturally drop, which is of course a boon for consumers. In the end, the service was better. In order to compete for the market, major car companies not only work products, but also make a fuss about after-sales service, and the construction and maintenance of charging piles have been greatly improved.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

However, the development of new energy vehicles also faces some challenges. For example, the recycling and disposal of batteries, although new energy vehicles are environmentally friendly, if battery waste is not disposed of well, it will also cause pollution to the environment.

Also, the popularization of charging facilities, although there are more and more charging piles now, there are still many places where charging is not very convenient. Not to mention technical barriers and market barriers, if you want to gain a firm foothold in the international market, you still need to make continuous efforts.

Ideal sales exceeded 47,000 in June, ZEEKR exceeded 20,000 for the first time, and Xiaomi delivered more than 10,000 in a month

Overall, China's new energy vehicle market is in a stage of rapid development, and major car companies are constantly innovating and improving in terms of technology, products, and services. In the future, we have reason to believe that new energy vehicles will become more and more popular and become an indispensable part of our lives.

For me personally, looking at the efforts and achievements of these car companies, my heart is also full of admiration and expectation. New energy vehicles not only represent the future of transportation, but also part of our pursuit of green and environmentally friendly life. I hope that major car companies can continue to work hard to bring us more and better new energy vehicles and make our lives better.

Finally, to end with one sentence: the future has come, electric forward! I hope that everyone can find their own car in this wave of new energy vehicles and start a beautiful green life.

So, what do you think about new energy vehicles? Have you ever bought or plan to buy a new energy vehicle? Welcome to share your views and experiences in the comment area, let's discuss and communicate together!

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