
Laughing numb! Who moved the running water seat to the marathon on the hot search, netizens hotly discussed, and the comment area died of laughter

author:Cousin looks at society

Can you imagine running a marathon while eating good food? Recently, a unique "food marathon" competition has become popular on the Internet, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens.


Event Overview: A man shares the supply of the Tieling Marathon on the Internet. Starting from the second kilometer, there will be a single 100-meter special supply station every kilometer, providing pig's trotters, small biscuits, French fries, chicken rice flowers, sponge bean paste, small crispy meat, chicken stewed mushrooms, roasted whole sheep, roast chicken, pickles and other foods, some of which are freshly made.

The man's normal level is that the half marathon can be completed in about one hour and fifty minutes, but this time, because of the attraction of supplies, he ran for two hours and forty-eight minutes, and his mouth was full of oil after the run.

Netizens hotly discussed: The comments made me laugh to death

Netizen: Who knows the gold content of that snow-coated bean paste", seeing this, "I couldn't finish running, but I can give it a try"

Laughing numb! Who moved the running water seat to the marathon on the hot search, netizens hotly discussed, and the comment area died of laughter

"I'm afraid you won't understand, let's put it another way and shake a few kilometers of food street." The key is not to get fat after eating, and you will directly eliminate the number when you run. And it's a buffet.

Laughing numb! Who moved the running water seat to the marathon on the hot search, netizens hotly discussed, and the comment area died of laughter

Friend: "Where have you been?" ”

Me: "It's time to wrap meat in the pot, what about you?" ”,

Friend: "I'm waiting for you at roasting whole sheep".

Got roasted whole lamb? Then I'll eat less chicken corn!

Laughing numb! Who moved the running water seat to the marathon on the hot search, netizens hotly discussed, and the comment area died of laughter

"Dude, no, I can't run."

"I'll go, and I'll roast the whole sheep in a few hundred meters."

"Hey, come on."

Laughing numb! Who moved the running water seat to the marathon on the hot search, netizens hotly discussed, and the comment area died of laughter

The funniest thing is that some netizens proposed that the undelicious should be put in the front, and the further back the better, to stimulate people's fighting spirit. It can be said that it is "well-intentioned", just to let people run a few more steps.

So finally, I would like to ask: Do you want to participate in such a marathon? What do you think about this?