
Subsequent! The party involved in the Fudan graduation ceremony was expelled from the hot search, and the official bulletin: netizens are hotly discussed

author:Cousin looks at society

At the graduation ceremony of Fudan University, a student actually attacked the teacher with his fist in front of all the teachers and students! Who would have thought that Fudan's top students would be so impulsive at this sacred moment. In front of everyone's eyes, his punch shocked the four and sparked heated discussions on the whole network.


On June 19, 2024, Xia Moumou, a 2019 undergraduate student at Fudan University Law School, attacked the teacher in front of the rostrum at the graduation ceremony of the college.

Fudan University Law School issued a statement, saying that this was a serious incident that deliberately undermined the order of education and teaching, and the impact was extremely bad. Due to personal reasons, the student did not hesitate to attack innocent teachers at the solemn graduation ceremony, which deviated from the tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, impacted the bottom line of social morality, damaged the reputation of the school, hurt the feelings of teachers, students and alumni, and caused a bad social impact.

After the incident, the school and college immediately expressed condolences to the teacher who was attacked, cooperated with the police to conduct an in-depth and careful investigation, and did a good job in accordance with the principles of law and regulations, respect for teachers and education, and education and guidance. At present, the public security organs have imposed a public security detention punishment on Xia. In accordance with the Regulations on Student Disciplinary Actions of Fudan University, the university has informed me and made a decision to expel him.

As soon as this happened, the comment area simply exploded:

Some netizens said: This student has ruined four years of hard work on impulse, and he will have to bear this "stain" in the future, why bother? There are also people who think that it is too late to do it in public, and it is not too late to resolve the conflict after graduation.

Subsequent! The party involved in the Fudan graduation ceremony was expelled from the hot search, and the official bulletin: netizens are hotly discussed

Some netizens analyzed the problem from the perspective of "reason", saying that teachers must also be responsible, is it a bit unfair to just punish students? On the other hand, the angry keyboard warriors mercilessly criticized the students for "impulsiveness is the devil", believing that the expulsion of the school was really shooting themselves in the foot.

Subsequent! The party involved in the Fudan graduation ceremony was expelled from the hot search, and the official bulletin: netizens are hotly discussed

However, some netizens expressed their understanding, saying that they are young and vigorous, and impulsiveness is inevitable, but the price is too great. In these comments, you can feel that everyone is both sad and helpless about this matter. You see, some people advise the student to be patient, some people say that he should reflect on himself, and some people think that the teacher should also review.

Subsequent! The party involved in the Fudan graduation ceremony was expelled from the hot search, and the official bulletin: netizens are hotly discussed

However, when you calm down and think about it, can you really blame the students for this? If there is no antecedent, who would throw a fist for no reason? The school's education model and the tension between teachers and students may have deeper problems behind it. Should we reflect on what is missing in the education system that makes a young person lose his mind?

Subsequent! The party involved in the Fudan graduation ceremony was expelled from the hot search, and the official bulletin: netizens are hotly discussed

So in the end, I want to ask: who is responsible for this farce? What do you think of this graduation ceremony incident that shocked the whole network?