
The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

author:Acid Citrus

No one expected that as soon as the front foot was sent away by the environmental protection inspection team, Poyang Lake on the back foot rushed to the hot search because of the video of the "garbage siege", and netizens were all fried: How can this "kidney of the Yangtze River" say that it overturned and overturned? Could it be that which "environmental giant baby" is doing something? Recently, there has been another violent storm in Jiangxi, and the river water has backflowed, turning Poyang Lake into a "garbage shelter". This can be a big deal for the local environmental protection department, brave the wind and rain to clean up, but this day is not beautiful, this clean-up work is also "up early in the morning, catch up with a late set".

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

So, how serious is the garbage siege of Poyang Lake? What are the challenges of the clean-up? Let's move on.

Recently, the editor's circle of friends was swiped by a video, and the picture was shocking: our "kidney of the Yangtze River" Poyang Lake was actually surrounded by a large wave of garbage! This beautiful lake view has turned into a "sea of garbage", and my fists are really hard to see!

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

In the video, all kinds of branches, foam, and plastic bottles float on the surface of the lake, and the scene is even more lively than the vegetable market.

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

What the hell is going on? Could it be that someone is sneaking around and doing something bad? After some understanding, the editor found that this time it was really a bit "wronged".

It turned out that some time ago, Jiangxi suffered a "mixed double" of strong winds and heavy rain, the strong wind blew all the floating objects in the lake together, and the heavy rain made the water level soar, this clean-up work is not even more difficult?

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

The comrades of the local ecological environment bureau were not idle, saying that as soon as the weather improved, they would immediately start cleaning up. However, what is even more troublesome is that the water level of the Yangtze River has also risen, and it has poured into Poyang Lake, which is more difficult to clean up than climbing to the sky!

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up
Seeing our beautiful Poyang Lake being "bullied" by garbage, the editor felt strange and uncomfortable. I hope that the relevant departments can find a solution as soon as possible, and I also hope that everyone can start from themselves, protect the environment, and don't let the tragedy of "garbage siege" happen again!

Hey, seeing the news of the "garbage siege" of Poyang Lake, the editor really has mixed feelings in my heart. On the one hand, we have to admit that this incident has indeed exposed some problems in environmental governance, such as the ability to deal with emergencies, as well as daily environmental protection publicity, etc., there is still room for improvement.

The "kidney of the Yangtze River" is facing challenges, and part of the water surface of Poyang Lake is filled with garbage, so it is urgent to clean it up

But on the other hand, we can't kill all at once, after all, natural disasters are prevented, and this strong wind and heavy rain have indeed caused a great impact. Moreover, the local environmental protection department has also promised to clean up as soon as possible, which shows that they still attach importance to this problem, and we cannot blindly blame, but need more understanding and support.

At the end of the day, protecting the environment is the responsibility of each of us, and we must not only look to others, but also take action ourselves. I hope this incident can sound the alarm for everyone, let us work together to protect our common home!

My eco-friendly tips:

1. Start from the small things around you: We can try to use less disposable plastic bags, bring our own water cups when we go out, and reduce the use of disposable tableware.

2. Do a good job of garbage classification: Don't underestimate garbage classification, which is a major matter to reduce pollution from the source. Making it a habit to separate garbage can also reduce the burden on the environment.

3. Green travel: If the distance is not too far, we can try to choose walking, cycling or taking public transportation to reduce vehicle emissions.

4. Save resources: Turn off the lights, turn off the faucet, and save paper, these are all clichés, but the most important thing is to insist!

Protecting the environment is not an empty word, it requires each of us to take action, starting from me, starting from now, and working together!

The above articles are for reference only, rational reading comprehension!