
Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

author:Acid Citrus

Family, have you ever heard of "where are the missiles going to be repaired"? Don't make trouble, this is not a cold joke, but a profession that has been hotly discussed on the Internet recently!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

Things have to start with our Internet celebrity "graduate school entrance examination celebrity" teacher Zhang Xuefeng. No, there was a candidate in the live broadcast room who wanted to apply for the "missile maintenance major", but the result was that Mr. Zhang couldn't be rectified: What? Missiles still need to be repaired? Repair missiles? Can this thing still be fixed?

Brother Feng's sentence of "God replied" instantly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens for eating melons, good guys, and directly amused netizens: I never expected that there are also majors that Mr. Zhang doesn't understand! Hahaha, the major is not right, and Mr. Zhang is also in vain!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

However, after all, what is this "missile maintenance profession"? It can't really be "the artillery battle is dumb, send you to see it", right? Will graduates of this major go to work as "missile repairmen" in the future?

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

Some people also ridiculed: "Missile maintenance, is it just waiting for the missile to fail to launch, rushing up to see which part is broken?" ”

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

There are also human brains that make up the picture: "Leader: Why didn't this missile sound, hurry up and fix it!" You: Good leader, promise to complete the task! (five seconds later) boom! ”

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

For a while, "missile maintenance" has become a hot topic after dinner, and netizens have turned into "folk jokers", and various jokes have emerged one after another.

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

However, after all, what is this "missile maintenance profession"? It can't really be "the artillery battle is dumb, send you to see it", right? Don't worry, let's find out!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

The official explanation is here!

Changsha Aviation Vocational and Technical College said that the major of "missile maintenance technology" is really there! They mainly study the production and inspection of missiles, as well as the principles of control, guidance, and signaling, and so on, and the goal of training is to have the theory and professional knowledge of missile maintenance and master the relevant technology.

To put it simply, people are not "missile repairmen", but proper "missile engineers"!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

Moreover, the editor also heard that this major is an "iron rice bowl"! Graduates are mainly oriented to military enterprises, with stable jobs and good salaries, which is simply "immeasurable money"!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

Teacher Zhang Xuefeng and the "missile maintenance major", in the final analysis, is really interesting! On the one hand, it shows that some of our majors are indeed relatively "low-key", and we don't know much about them; On the other hand, it also allows us to see the spirit of young people's thirst for knowledge and courage to explore, praise Brother Feng!

Candidates want to apply for the missile maintenance major! Zhang Xuefeng: Missiles still need to be repaired? The university response came

But then again, there is no distinction between high and low in the profession, three hundred and sixty lines, and the line is the champion! Whether it is "missile maintenance" or other majors, as long as we study seriously and work hard, we can shine in our own fields!

Finally, I would like to say that career choice is a big deal, or we should combine our own interests and development direction, consider it carefully, choose rationally, and what suits you is the best!

Finally, do you know the specialty "Missile Repair Technology"?

The above articles are for reference only, rational reading comprehension!

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