
Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

author:Xiao Ni is on the way

The reason behind the popularity of electric vehicles in the big countries of the East


In recent years, with the continuous improvement of environmental awareness and the continuous maturity of new energy vehicle technology, the electric vehicle market has gradually entered the track of rapid development. Among many countries, there is a large country in the East, and its electric vehicle market is extremely hot, becoming a dazzling pearl in the global electric vehicle industry. So, what is the reason for this phenomenon? Let's find out.

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

First, the price of electricity has risen sharply, which has promoted the development of electric vehicles

Compared with traditional fuel vehicles, the biggest advantage of electric vehicles is that they use electric energy, and in this large country in the East, the reserves of petroleum energy are relatively small, whenever the international oil price fluctuates, the oil price here will also rise significantly, which undoubtedly gives electric vehicles a great space for development. Relatively speaking, the fluctuation of electricity prices is much smaller than that of oil prices, and people are more willing to choose electric vehicles, which has become one of the important reasons why electric vehicles can be popular here.

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

Second, the problem of waste battery disposal needs to be solved urgently

Although the popularity of the electric vehicle market has given great support to the cause of environmental protection, it should also be clear that the development of electric vehicles will also be accompanied by a series of problems, such as the disposal of waste batteries. Unlike ordinary garbage, the harmful substances contained in batteries are very harmful to the environment and human beings, and it is difficult to dispose of them properly and reuse resources. To solve this difficult problem, we need not only the strong support of the authorities, but also the joint efforts of the whole society, and even close cooperation between countries.

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!
Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

Third, the demand of national conditions has promoted the development of the electric vehicle market

In addition, the national demand of this large eastern country has also become an important driving force for the booming electric vehicle market. Here, the express delivery, online car-hailing and other industries are developing rapidly, and these industries have a higher demand for the number of vehicles, and electric vehicles can meet their dual needs for vehicle endurance and environmental performance, these industries are particularly favored by the use of electric vehicles, and also provide strong support for the rapid development of the electric vehicle market.

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

Fourth, the improvement of charging facilities has increased people's enthusiasm for buying electric vehicles

In addition, in order to promote the development of the electric vehicle market, the improvement of charging facilities is also indispensable. In this large eastern country, the authorities have increased investment in the construction of charging facilities, and not only that, but also formulated a series of preferential policies to encourage enterprises and individuals to participate in them, which has allowed charging piles to be widely built and can cover more areas, greatly increasing people's enthusiasm to buy electric vehicles.

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!


It can be seen that the reason why the electric vehicle market can be so hot in this large eastern country is very complex, not only the strong support of national policies, but also the combined effect of many factors such as energy structure and consumer demand. In order to make the sustainable and healthy development of the electric vehicle market, it is necessary for all parties to work together, continue to carry out technological innovation, strengthen policy support, and pay attention to the development of the electric vehicle industry chain to promote it in a more sustainable direction

Why are trams only popular in China, and few people use them abroad? It turns out that there is a reason for this!

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