
What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

author:Xiao Ni is on the way


Recently, a news about the misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students has aroused heated discussions from all walks of life. According to the latest disclosure by the National Audit Office, there is a large-scale misappropriation of rural students' meal allowance fees in 66 counties, involving nearly 2 billion yuan. This staggering figure is shocking, and it also makes people deeply speculate about the use of special funds and the supervision mechanism.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

As a special fund aimed at improving the dietary conditions of rural students, the misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students is undoubtedly a serious injury to the cause of education and a serious waste of state finance. The methods and reasons behind the misappropriation also raise many questions about the current financial management and audit supervision work.

Why, then, is there such a large-scale misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students? What kind of entanglements of interests and corruption are hidden behind the misappropriation of funds? How can we effectively prevent and resolve similar incidents of misappropriation of special funds? Let's dive into this shocking event from multiple perspectives.

1. Misappropriation of nearly 2 billion yuan for rural students' meal subsidies has sparked heated discussions

Recently, the National Audit Office disclosed a special audit report on the misappropriation of rural students' meal allowances, which mentioned that there was a large-scale misappropriation of rural students' meal subsidies in 66 counties, involving nearly 2 billion yuan. As soon as this astonishing figure was revealed, it immediately aroused heated discussions and attention from all walks of life, and also raised many questions about the distribution and use of meal subsidies for rural students.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

It is understood that as an important livelihood project, the meal subsidy for rural students aims to improve the dietary conditions of rural students and ensure that they can grow up healthy and happy. The distribution and use of this special fund has always been a regulation that local authorities and schools must strictly abide by, and it is necessary to ensure that the funds can be truly used for students' meal subsidies, and there can be no misappropriation and waste.

However, the disclosure of the Audit Office this time is a big surprise: the huge amount of funds that should have been used for meal subsidies for rural students has been diverted by some localities and schools for other purposes, such as repaying debts, lowering the standard of meal subsidies, arbitraging unit benefits, cutting corners, and designating suppliers, while there is a serious shortage of funds that are actually used for student meal subsidies.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

In the face of such a serious problem of misappropriation, all sectors of society have expressed shock and indignation, and have also severely condemned the practices of the localities and units involved. The misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students is not only a serious waste of state finance, but also a serious infringement on the rights and interests of rural students, and also makes people very worried about the current financial management and special fund supervision mechanism.

Second, the misappropriation of tactics is habitual, and the task of auditing and supervision is heavy and long

In order to effectively embezzle huge sums of money and evade supervision for a long time, the localities and units involved will inevitably play all kinds of tricks to find all kinds of "gray areas" for misappropriation. The current incident of misappropriation of meal allowance funds for rural students has also exposed a series of habitual tricks and embezzlement methods, which have made people feel extremely indignant at the "smartness" of the corrupt elements.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

The main purposes of the misappropriation include debt repayment, lowering the standard of meal allowance, arbitraging unit benefits, cutting corners, and appointing suppliers. These methods seem to be different, but in essence, they are aimed at achieving the same goal, that is, to "embezzle" the funds that should be used for student meal subsidies and transfer them to other parties, so as to maximize individual or collective benefits.

These misappropriation methods are all common tricks, which are more "hidden" and "safe" than direct interception, and require careful investigation and in-depth investigation by the audit department to be able to expose them one by one. Moreover, in the actual operation process, the localities and units involved often take advantage of various "loopholes" and "luck psychology", so that some relevant responsible personnel may be ignorant of the misappropriation, or "turn a blind eye" and choose "acquiescence" and "connivance".

The misappropriation of meal allowance expenses for rural students has sounded the alarm for us and also made people put forward higher requirements for the current audit and supervision work. On the issue of misappropriation of huge sums of funds, the degree of "cleverness" of corrupt elements is far beyond our imagination, and the "wisdom" of auditing and supervision also requires more keen insight and in-depth conjecture in order to effectively discover the "clues" of various misappropriation behaviors and stop and punish them in a timely manner.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

3. Human nature is greedy, and how to balance the choice of the interests of all parties

In the face of the temptation of interests, people's hearts often become distorted and persistent, and contradictions and choices will also arise between party spirit, the people, and personal interests. In the case of the misappropriation of meal allowance funds for rural students, the reason behind the various misappropriation behaviors of the localities and units involved is nothing more than the "greed" and "persistence" of interests, as well as the "blind" choice of balancing the interests of all parties.

From a personal point of view, the reason why some of the responsible personnel involved have misappropriation is likely to be because they are "obsessed" and "greedy" for interests, and feel that they have paid a lot for their work and should be rewarded more, so they choose "illegal operations" and "misappropriation of funds" to satisfy their various "desires". Once the problem of misappropriation occurs, they often choose to "evade responsibility" or "huddle together for warmth", hoping to "get by" through various means.

From the perspective of units and collectives, the reason why some localities and schools have misappropriation is probably because they have made "blind" choices about the balance of interests of all parties, feel that their "development" and "interests" have been affected to a certain extent, and should be "compensated" and "transferred" through various means, so they have chosen to "embezzle funds" in order to achieve their "development goals" and "image projects".

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

From the perspective of society, we also need to make "rational" and "objective" conjectures on the choice of balancing the interests of all parties, and cannot blindly "condemn" and "blame" the localities and units involved, let alone "doubt" and "panic" about the use and distribution of special funds, but should strengthen the "supervision" and "help" of the use of grassroots finance through various channels, help them better solve various practical difficulties, and ensure that special funds can be truly used on the "blade". Bring a real "sense of gain" to the masses.

Fourth, how to effectively prevent and solve the misappropriation of special funds

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

With regard to the misappropriation of meal allowance fees for rural students, all sectors of society have expressed their views and suggestions, believing that only through joint efforts and reforms can we effectively prevent and solve similar incidents of misappropriation of special funds, and can we also bring better education security and people's livelihood and well-being to the masses.

The management and use of special funds need to be more strictly supervised and audited, and corrupt elements must not be given the slightest "opportunity." Local authorities and schools receiving special funds also need to accept "openness, transparency" and "strict supervision" from all walks of life, and always keep in mind their "original intention" and "mission", put the interests of education and students first, so that "there are people in their hearts, and the law in their eyes", and never allow any "illegal operation" and "misappropriation".

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!

The use of funds in the field of education should be more transparent and standardized, and some localities and units should not be allowed to have a "fluke mentality" and feel that their "misappropriation" will not be discovered, or that they can "evade responsibility" through various means. Only through measures such as "audio and video recording of the whole process" and "random spot checks" can we effectively "put an end" to all kinds of misappropriation behaviors, and can also make the masses "at ease" and "satisfied" with the use of funds.

The role of media supervision and exposure is crucial, and it is also a "powerful weapon" for us to prevent and resolve misappropriation incidents. When discovering all kinds of illegal operations and misappropriation, the media should "expose" and "report" in a timely manner, so that the public can become "supervisors", and can also help relevant departments to better "find problems" and "solve problems", so as to promote the "improvement" and "enhancement" of various work.

What an exaggeration! 66 counties embezzled nearly 2 billion rural students' meals to repay debts and rushed to the hot search, and the comment area fryed!


The incident of misappropriation of meal allowance funds for rural students has sounded the alarm bell for us, and has also given rise to profound conjectures about the current financial management and auditing and supervision work. In the face of the temptations and challenges of various interests, each of us needs to have a "sober" mind and a "firm" will, so as to "know the law and abide by the law, and use the law to do things", and also need to strengthen the "supervision" and "participation" of various tasks through various ways, so as to jointly contribute our own "strength" and "wisdom" to the construction of a beautiful eastern country.