
The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

author:Constant Entertainment

Another tragedy in the entertainment industry! The 38-year-old "bald singer" passed away, netizens: This year's voice is really too difficult! Wang Yunyi, the "bald singer" we are familiar with, left us forever in the 38-year-old Fantasia. As soon as this news came out, it simply blew up the entire entertainment industry!

To be honest, I was really stunned when I saw the news! Think about it, a few days ago, she was still gossiping about her new song, and in a blink of an eye, she was gone, this feeling is really magical! Believe me, this is definitely a legendary life that makes you feel distressed and admired!

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

From "Little Princess" to "Broom Star": Fate's joke is too big!

Wang Yunyi's childhood was simply falling directly from heaven to hell. was originally a happy little princess, but she lost her mother at the age of 7, and her father left at the age of 10. It is estimated that many adults can't bear this kind of blow, let alone a little girl?

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

What's even more outrageous is that grandma not only did not give her warmth, but instead scolded her as a "broom star". OMG! What kind of divine logic is this? Losing your parents makes you a broom star? I really want to ask this grandmother, doesn't your conscience hurt?

Music: A lifeline from fate

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

However, Wang Yunyi is like the protagonist of Kaihang, and in this case, he actually found his interest - music! I started to learn guitar at the age of 10, and at the age of 15, I dared to go to Shenzhen alone to work hard, this kind of courage, I can only say: Sister, you are too good!

Imagine that when we were 15 years old and still worried about exams, people were already struggling for their ideals. This wave of operations is simply open!

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

The Voice: The Beginning of a Star Journey, or the Beginning of a Nightmare?

In 2012, Wang Yunyi participated in "The Voice of China" and became popular all of a sudden. Bald head style and barefoot singing, who can withstand this! However, have you ever thought that this sudden popularity is really a good thing for a person who has lacked love since childhood?

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

Fame and fortune is a double-edged sword, guys. On one side is the brightness in the spotlight, and on the other side is the loneliness that no one knows. This contrast is really easy to drive people crazy!

Depression: an "occupational disease" in the entertainment industry?

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

In 2014, Wang Yunyi revealed that she suffered from depression and committed suicide many times. Seriously, my heart broke when I saw the news. Why do so many celebrities suffer from depression? Is it that we expect too much from them? Or is it that the big dye vat of the entertainment industry is not a place for people to stay in the first place?

The last stubbornness: still moving forward with scars

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

Even though life has given her so many blows, Wang Yunyi still chooses to face it calmly. I remember one time she wore a short skirt and walked the red carpet, revealing the surgical scar on her leg generously. This kind of courage is really awe-inspiring!

Wang Yunyi's departure is not only the loss of a talented singer, but also a wake-up call for the entire entertainment industry. Should we rethink how we can give artists a healthier environment to grow up?

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

Some netizens said: "This session of The Voice is really too difficult! "Indeed, from Yao Beina to Wang Yunyi, why did these once shining stars fall so easily? Life may be hard, but never give up hope. Because you never know what kind of surprise you'll encounter around the next corner.

Finally, let's send blessings to Wang Yunyi together! May heaven be free from pain, and may she be a little princess surrounded by love in the next life. I also wish everyone who reads this article can find their own happiness!

The 38-year-old bald singer passed away! became an orphan at the age of 10, how abusive is Wang Yunyi's 5 lives?

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