
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

author:Buchanan Balls


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Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Have you ever thought that in this noisy entertainment industry, some people leave so quietly? Just when we were busy chasing stars and eating melons, the bald girl and jazz queen passed away quietly.

Her name is Wang Yunyi, 38 years old, a student of the first season of "The Voice of China". When we were still talking about the scandal of a certain star, she had already completed the journey of her life alone. This makes me wonder: in this age of information explosion, are we ignoring those lives that really deserve attention?

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

A "happy girl" who shines brightly

Wang Yunyi, this name may be a little unfamiliar to many people. But in 2012, she was a dark horse in the first season of "The Voice of China". At that time, she won the favor of four mentors with her unique bald head style and jazz style.

"Her voice is like a cup of mellow coffee, rich with a hint of bitterness, which makes people have an endless aftertaste."

This is Haring's evaluation of Wang Yunyi at that time. In the end, Wang Yunyi chose to join the Harlem team and won the quarterfinals.

On that star-studded stage, Wang Yunyi won the love of countless audiences with her unique voice and expressiveness. She is affectionately known by fans as "Happy Girl" and "Jazz Queen". At that time, her eyes flashed with love for music, and she always had a bright smile on the corner of her mouth. Who would have thought that this seemingly sunny and cheerful girl would suffer unimaginable pain in her heart?

In Wang Yunyi's 38 years of life, 23 years have been spent in loneliness and pain. This number makes people feel heartache.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

An ill-fated childhood

Fate always seems to like to play tricks on those who are kind. Wang Yunyi, formerly known as Wang Hui, was born in 1986 in a happy family in Taiyuan, Shanxi. When she was a child, like all children, she had loving parents and a carefree childhood.

Her parents found that she had a strong interest and talent for music, and did not hesitate to pay a high price for her to learn piano, guitar and other musical instruments. With the support of her parents, Xiao Wang Hui's musical dream began to sprout.

However, happy days are always short-lived. In 1993, Wang Hui, who was only 7 years old, lost her mother. Three years later, her father also died. 10-year-old Wang Hui lost the two most important people in her life overnight.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public
"That year, my world suddenly lost its color."

Wang Hui once described that painful experience in an interview.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that Wang Hui's grandfather couldn't bear the pain of losing his son and passed away. was originally a family of five, but in the blink of an eye, only Wang Hui and her grandmother were left to rely on each other.

The pain of losing a loved one is undoubtedly a devastating blow for a 10-year-old. And what is even more heartbreaking is that Wang Hui's grandmother vented all her resentment on this innocent child.

"You broom star, not to mention your own mother, but also my son and husband!"
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

In this way, it has become Wang Hui's deepest childhood memory. A child who should be cared for, but bears the infamy of "broom star" and suffers unimaginable pain from ordinary people.

Since then, Wang Hui has become sensitive and inferior. She puts all her emotions into the music, looking for inner peace between the notes. Perhaps, it was this painful experience that created Wang Yunyi's unique musical style in the future - gentleness with vicissitudes, joy with sadness.

The Road to Music: From Wang Hui to Wang Yunyi

In 2001, 15-year-old Wang Hui left the sad place and came to the strange city of Shenzhen alone. Since then, there is no Wang Hui in the world, only the singer "Wang Yunyi".

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

In Shenzhen, Wang Yunyi soon formed her own band. With her unique voice and expressiveness, she stood out among many private bands and gradually became famous.

2012 was a turning point for Wang Yunyi. She participated in the first season of "The Voice of China" and won the turn of four mentors with a song "Forgotten Time". Eventually, she chose to join Team Harlem and finished in the top eight.

"Wang Yunyi's voice has a special magic, which can make people quiet down instantly and listen carefully to the stories in her singing."
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

This is the audience's evaluation of Wang Yunyi at that time.

Although there were many masters of "The Voice" that season, Wang Yunyi successfully entered the entertainment industry with her highly recognizable voice, unique bald head shape and cheerful personality.

In 2013, Wang Yunyi ushered in a new peak in her acting career. She not only starred in her first film work "Blockbuster", but also released her most influential single "If Life Is Only as First Seen" in July of the same year.

However, who would have thought that just as Wang Yunyi's career was booming, the haze in her heart was getting thicker and thicker.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

The painful struggle behind the glamour

With the increase of fame, Wang Yunyi's workload is getting bigger and bigger. However, the heavy work did not bring her joy, but only aggravated her long-standing depression.

"Sometimes I feel like a marionette, smiling every day, but my heart is horribly empty."

This is what Wang Yunyi said to a friend at a private party.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Depression is like an invisible devil that torments Wang Yunyi day after day. She began to have frequent suicidal thoughts, and although she was found and rescued in time every time, the scars on her body were shocking.

According to insiders, Wang Yunyi's wrists and neck have multiple traces of self-harm. These physical and mental scars gradually dragged down Wang Yunyi's body.

In 2016, after participating in the most popular variety show "Wonderful Story" at that time, Wang Yunyi gradually faded out of the public eye. She chose to settle in Shanghai in a low-key manner and concentrate on music creation. Perhaps, staying away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry can allow her to find inner peace.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

The final days: an unfinished comeback

On December 22, 2023, a piece of news quietly circulated in the entertainment industry: Wang Yunyi, who had been silent for many years, was preparing to make a comeback. This should have been exciting news, but the reality turned out to be particularly harsh.

According to media reports, Wang Yunyi was under a lot of psychological pressure during the preparation for her comeback. During a dinner party with a music producer, she accidentally drank too much alcohol, broke her head, and got more than 10 stitches in her ear.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Wang Yunyi's last public appearance before her death was more than a month before her death. At that time, she was already very haggard, but no one expected that this would be the last image she left to the world.

The fragility of life often manifests itself when we are unprepared.

On the evening of June 28, 2024, actress Chen Sisi, who played Cao Guiren in "The Legend of Zhen Huan", suddenly announced the bad news on social media: Wang Yunyi died of illness at the age of 38.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

This news was like a bombshell, which instantly detonated on the Internet. Many people can't believe that the once sunny and cheerful "happy girl" has quietly left.

According to insiders, Wang Yunyi is likely to have died suddenly at home due to diabetes complicated by pancreatic disease. What's even more heart-wrenching is that Wang Yunyi seems to be still thinking about others at the last moment of her life.

"I'll just rest for a while, or I'll faint when I go out, and I'll cause you trouble."
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

This was Wang Yunyi's last words to the friend who invited her out shortly before she died.

Netizens are hotly discussed: reminiscence and reflection

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens said:

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public
"Wang Yunyi's departure made me realize the fragility of life. We should cherish the present moment and be kind to everyone around us. "

Some netizens also think:

"The entertainment industry is too cruel, and many artists are under tremendous pressure. We should give them more understanding and support. "
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Some netizens put forward deeper thoughts:

"Wang Yunyi's experience tells us not to judge a person lightly. Everyone has their own story behind them, and we should learn to empathize. "

Some netizens expressed concern about the current entertainment environment:

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public
"The current entertainment industry is too impetuous, and truly talented artists are easy to be buried. We need a healthier and more inclusive entertainment ecosystem. "

Some netizens also called for attention to the mental health of artists:

"I hope that entertainment companies can pay attention to the mental health of artists and provide them with necessary psychological counseling and support."
Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

These comments reflect the public's concern about the living conditions of artists, and also reflect people's reflection on the ecology of the entertainment industry. Wang Yunyi's departure is not only the death of a talented woman, but also a wake-up call to the whole society.

Write at the end: cherish life and care for others

Looking back on Wang Yunyi's life, we can't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate. She experienced the changes of her childhood, tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, and finally found herself in music. However, just as she was about to start again, the flame of life was extinguished forever.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Wang Yunyi's story tells us that life is fragile, but at the same time strong.

She used her own experience to explain what "perseverance" is, and also let us see the resilience of life. But at the same time, her passing also reminds us to cherish everyone around us, because we never know which will come first, tomorrow or the accident.

In this era of information explosion, should we slow down and pay more attention to the people around us? Should we be more understanding and tolerant of others? When we comment on someone we don't know on the Internet, do we ever think that they also have their own struggles?

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

Finally, I would like to end with the lyrics of one of Wang Yunyi's songs "If Life Is Only as First Seen":

"If life is only as first seen, what is the autumn wind and sad fan. Waiting for idle changes but old people's hearts, but old people's hearts are changeable. "

May we cherish the present, be kind to others, and let the world have more warmth and understanding.

Wang Yunyi, a student of The Voice in the first season, died unexpectedly at the age of 38, and his last appearance before his death was made public

What do you think of Wang Yunyi's passing? What kind of revelation does it give you? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area, let's discuss the meaning of life together.

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