
Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

author:Teacher Chang'an Sun

The first half of Kangxi's life was a fighting and passionate first half of his life. He is like a "hanging" Shuangwen male protagonist, who experienced the smallpox virus and did not die, inherited the unification at the age of 8, captured Aobai, leveled the three feudatories, and stabilized the internal affairs at a young age.

After some rest and recuperation, Kangxi personally led his troops to the north to conquer Geldan, and the Mongols who fought were subservient. He also adopted Yao Qisheng's suggestion and adopted extreme maritime ban measures in Fujian. reused the subordinate Shi Lang and pacified Taiwan in one fell swoop.

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

The eloquent Kangxi

Under his command, Suo Etu led the Qing Dynasty to ride north to the Sino-Russian border, defeated the greedy and cruel old Maozi, and signed the famous "Treaty of Nebuchu". Due to the party and government of Suoetu and Nalan Mingzhu, Kangxi also wanted to invest manpower and material resources in the northwest, and the Qing Dynasty made major concessions, and the Qing lost 300,000 rich land east of Lake Baikal, as well as a total of 3 million land between the North Nos Mountains and the South Branch, from the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Bering Strait in the east, to be set as areas to be discussed, and most of the territory of the Heilongjiang River basin, including the city of Yaksa, was retained.

In his later years, he fell into the "nine sons seizing the heirs", and the government was corrupt

The Qing Dynasty fully learned the lessons of the failure of the Ming Dynasty's "pig breeding flow", and the intensity of education and training for the prince was unprecedented. Kangxi reused his children, not only to serve in various bureaucratic institutions, but even led soldiers to fight, and made meritorious contributions with one knife and one gun.

With the growth of talents, it is the ambition of the princes. The princes formed gangs, the ministers stood in their own lines, attacked each other, stumbled and made conspiracy, the party was reversed, and the rule of the Qing Dynasty was rapidly corrupted.

The party struggle between the DPRK and China is fierce, the selection and evaluation of officials is disorderly, and judicial injustice and unjust, false and wrongly decided cases are frequent. These consequences not only damaged the foundation of the Qing dynasty's rule.

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

Kangxi in his later years was powerless

Yongzheng rectified the rule of officials

Yongzheng took over Kangxi's "mess", and set up a dead hand to rectify the rule of officials, appointing a large number of cool officials, and the rectification of officials has achieved remarkable results.

Through the establishment of the examination office, the financial affairs are strictly inspected, the secret folding system is implemented to encourage supervision and reporting, the bad habits of officialdom are eliminated, and the talents of honest officials are reused. He severely punished corruption, set high fines and death sentences, and innovated anti-corruption measures, such as immediate compensation, waiver and compensation, home raids, and repayment of debts for deaths, to ensure that corruption has nowhere to hide.

These measures effectively purified the atmosphere of officialdom, set an example of honesty, and laid a solid foundation for the prosperity and stability of the Qing Dynasty.

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

Yongzheng who destroys flowers with spicy hands

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?


Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?


Yongzheng looked down on Kangxi

Yongzheng complained about Kangxi many times in his later years, leaving behind a mess of corrupt officials, weak country and strong people. Once at the Golden Luang Palace, he rebuked the officials: "When I was a child who ascended the throne at the age of 8? "Who is the 8-year-old kid who ascends to the throne? It's his dad Kangxi.

Maybe Yongzheng also realized his gaffe and found an opportunity to make up for it: "I'm not as good as my dad in everything." ”

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

The aggrieved lonely emperor

Yongzheng is indeed inferior to Kangxi

Kangxi is simply a natural emperor, with extremely high ability and excellent luck. He prioritized everything and treated the situation as if he had opened "monitoring". Kangxi not only has civil and martial arts, but also can do both grace and power, and his measures have met with little opposition.

Yongzheng took advantage of the privileges of the "emperor" and relied on coercion and coercion in everything, which made the court panic.

In the TV series "Yongzheng Dynasty", the fourth elder brother pursued the arrears of the treasury and forced the old minister Wei Dongting to death, and the Manchu Dynasty was in an uproar, but only 3% of the arrears were recovered.

Kangxi was both entrenched and powerful, first took out his own money to stabilize the old military attaché, and then took down three old men who "don't pay back the money", which can be described as an old and spicy method.

Yongzheng looks down on Kangxi, but he doesn't know how many layers higher Kangxi's rank is than Yongzheng?

Yongzheng, who was lonely in his later years

Do you think that passing on the throne is Kangxi's original intention? Who has a higher level, Kangxi or Yongzheng?