
Once public ownership returns and private ownership withdraws, China's economic system in the new era will usher in a magnificent turnaround

author:Chen Chuer

Since ancient times, the development of the mainland's economic system has undergone numerous changes. From the public ownership of land in feudal society, to private ownership in modern times, and then to the stage of common development of public ownership and multiple ownership systems after the founding of New China, each period has its own unique historical background and characteristics of the times.

Now, in the journey of the new era, China's economic system is quietly changing, as if a gorgeous turn is brewing.

Once public ownership returns and private ownership withdraws, China's economic system in the new era will usher in a magnificent turnaround

As an ordinary citizen, I have seen a lot of discussions on the Internet about the reform of the economic system. Among them, the view that public ownership has returned and private ownership has withdrawn has aroused my deep thought.

I can't help but recall the course of the mainland since its reform and opening up, when the mainland adhered to the principle of public ownership, but at the same time allowed the development of private ownership, and embarked on a unique development path. Now, with the continuous changes in the domestic and international environment, China's economic system is once again facing a choice.

In this process, I have profoundly realized that the return of public ownership and the withdrawal of private ownership does not mean a return to the planned economy, but is aimed at giving better play to the decisive role of the market in the allocation of resources and giving better play to the leading role of the state-owned economy. Such a change will make the mainland's economic system more perfect and more competitive.

Once public ownership returns and private ownership withdraws, China's economic system in the new era will usher in a magnificent turnaround

1. The return of public ownership is conducive to optimizing the allocation of resources.

In the past few decades, the mainland has given full play to the role of the market mechanism, attracting a large number of foreign-funded enterprises to enter the domestic market, and promoting rapid economic development. But at the same time, it also exposes some problems, such as unreasonable resource allocation. The return of public ownership means that the state will be more involved in the allocation of resources, guide and regulate the market, and achieve sustainable development.

2. The return of public ownership is conducive to strengthening national economic security.

In recent years, with the in-depth development of global economic integration, the mainland economy has gradually integrated into the global economic system. At the same time, however, core technologies in some key areas are still in the hands of Western countries, posing a threat to the mainland's economic security. The return of public ownership will help strengthen the mainland's control over key areas and ensure national economic security.

3. The return of public ownership is conducive to the realization of social equity.

In the past few decades, the mainland's rapid economic development has brought about a certain degree of disparity between the rich and the poor. The withdrawal of private ownership means that the state will increase investment in public services, social security and other fields, promote the equalization of public services, narrow the gap between the rich and the poor, and realize that all people can share the fruits of development.

Once public ownership returns and private ownership withdraws, China's economic system in the new era will usher in a magnificent turnaround

In short, the magnificent turn of China's economic system in the new era will be a change of great historical significance.

The return of public ownership and the withdrawal of private ownership is not to abandon the market economy, but to better develop the market economy and realize the sustainable development of the national economy. As an ordinary citizen, I firmly believe that under the leadership of the party, the mainland's economic system will usher in a better tomorrow.

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