
My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

author:Lost sunflowers

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Li Na stood on the balcony, watching the sunset sink into the horizon, reminiscing about her childhood. When her mother died early, she was only five years old, and her father, Li Jianguo, was too busy with work to take care of her. In order to find someone to take care of her, her father remarried and married her stepmother Wang Fang. Wang Fang moved into their home with her son, Zhang Qiang.

Wang Fang was very strict with Li Na at first, not allowing her to run around casually, and requiring her to complete her homework on time. But she also did her best to take care of Li Na, getting up early every day to make breakfast for her and send her to school. Li Na was a little conflicted about this stepmother, both grateful for her care and resentful of her strict discipline.

Li Na remembers one time when she was wronged at school and hid in her room crying when she came home. Wang Fang knocked on the door, walked in, and asked softly, "Cortana, what's wrong?" What happened? ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Li Na raised her red and swollen eyes, looked at Wang Fang, and sobbed and said, "My classmates all say that I am a motherless child, and they bully me." ”

Wang Fang sighed, hugged Li Na in her arms, and patted her on the back: "Xiao Na, don't listen to their nonsense. You have a dad, you have me, we are all your family. In the future, when you encounter something like this, you have to be brave, you know? ”

Such memories made Li Na's heart feel a little warm, but she couldn't help but feel that Wang Fang's strictness made her childhood a lot less fun. As an adult, Li Na became a bank clerk, lived a stable life, and gradually eased her relationship with Wang Fang, but there was still an insurmountable gap in her heart.

One night, Li Na had just returned home from work and was about to cook when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and saw Zhang Qiang standing outside the door, looking haggard and full of sadness.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

"Zhang Qiang? It's so late, what's the matter? Li Na asked with some surprise.

Zhang Qiang walked into the house, sat on the sofa, and sighed: "Sister, I failed to start a business, and now I am in debt, and I have borrowed all my friends and relatives, but no one is willing to help me." I really have no choice but to come to you. ”

Li Na was stunned, she never thought that Zhang Qiang would fall to such a point. Her first reaction was to refuse, but seeing Zhang Qiang's desperate eyes, her heart softened.

"How much do you need?" Li Na asked, trying to stay calm.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

"At least 200,000," Zhang Qiang whispered, "I know that's a lot of money for you, but I really don't have anything else to do." ”

Li Na frowned, her heart in turmoil. She also has a family and children herself, and the financial pressure is not small, and this money is not a small amount for her.

"Zhang Qiang, you know that I also have a family to take care of, and this money is not a small amount for me. I need time to think about it. Li Na said as calmly as she could.

Zhang Qiang nodded, his eyes full of helplessness: "I understand, sister." But please help me, I'm desperate. ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

At this moment, Wang Fang pushed the door in, and when she saw Zhang Qiang sitting on the sofa, her expression immediately became nervous: "Qiangzi, why are you here?" ”

"Mom, I'm ......" Zhang Qiang lowered his head, with a little guilt in his words.

Wang Fang looked at Li Na, then at Zhang Qiang, and sighed: "Li Na, Qiangzi is in trouble, can you help him?" We are a family and we can't watch him so sad. ”

Li Na looked at Wang Fang with mixed feelings in her heart. She knew what Wang Fang had done to their family over the years, but she also knew what the money meant to her own family. She needed time to think about it.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

"Mom, I need time to think about it," Li Na said calmly, "I'll get you back to you as soon as possible." ”

Wang Fang nodded, her eyes full of worry: "Okay, Li Na, you think about it slowly, we all understand." ”

At night, Li Na lay on the bed, tossing and turning, and the words of Zhang Qiang and Wang Fang kept echoing in her mind. She knew that the decision was not just about money, but also about the emotions and responsibilities of the family.

Li Na sat at the dining table with a solemn expression. She told her father, Li Jianguo, about Zhang Qiang's request, and his father was listening attentively.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

"Dad, Zhang Qiang needs 200,000 yuan to tide over the difficulties. What do you think? Li Na asked.

Li Jianguo sighed, picked up the teacup on the table, and took a sip slowly: "Xiao Na, Wang Fang has paid a lot to our family over the years. She also takes care of you like her own daughter. Now that Zhang Qiang is in trouble, we can help. ”

Li Na frowned: "But Dad, 200,000 is not a small amount." My husband and I also have families and children, and if we don't get this money back, it will have a big impact on our lives. ”

Li Jianguo nodded and looked at Li Na understandingly: "I understand your concern. But families support each other in times of need. Wang Fang has given us so much, we can't sit idly by. ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

In the evening, Li Na and her husband Wang Wei sat on the sofa and discussed the issue.

"Wang Wei, Zhang Qiang needs 200,000 yuan to repay the debt. Dad felt that we should help, but I also knew that it would be a big burden for us. Li Na said.

Wang Wei frowned, obviously not very happy: "Li Na, I understand what your father meant, but we really can't afford this money." Zhang Qiang's situation is so bad, can he guarantee that he can pay it back? What if we don't? ”

Li Na was silent for a moment, weighing the pros and cons in her heart: "However, Wang Fang has always been very dedicated to taking care of me and my father. Now that her son is in trouble, are we really not helping at all? ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Wang Wei shook his head: "I'm not saying that it won't help at all, but 200,000 is really too much for us." We also have to think about our own families. ”

The next day, Li Na told Wang Fang the results of her discussion with her father, and Wang Fang's eyes were full of guilt and helplessness after hearing this.

"Li Na, I don't want to embarrass you. Over the years, I have never thought of reciprocating your family's efforts. But now, there is such a big problem with the hadron, and there is nothing I can do about it. Wang Fang's voice was choked, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Li Na looked at Wang Fang and was a little moved: "Mom, I know that you have been good to us over the years. I'd love to help too, just ...... That's a lot of money for us. ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Wang Fang wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and smiled reluctantly: "It's okay, Li Na." You've grown up and have your own family to take care of, I get it. ”

When Li Na returned home, her heart was still full of contradictions and struggles. She knew that helping Zhang Qiang was a reward for Wang Fang's years of taking care of their family, but she also understood what the money meant to her family.

After a few days of thinking and weighing, Li Na finally made a decision. She made an appointment for Zhang Qiang and her father Li Jianguo to meet at home, wanting to tell them her decision in person.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

"Zhang Qiang, Dad, I thought about it for a long time and decided to lend you some money, but there are some conditions." Li Na said straight to the point.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Zhang Qiang's eyes, and he asked eagerly, "Sister, what conditions?" ”

Li Na took out a contract and handed it to Zhang Qiang: "This is a loan contract, I am willing to lend you 100,000 yuan, but you must repay the loan on time every month, and you must sign a salary guarantee agreement." If you can't repay the loan on time, the salary will be paid directly to my account. ”

Zhang Qiang took the contract, looked at it seriously, nodded and said, "Sister, I understand." I will sign, thank you. ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Li Jianguo nodded beside him: "Cortana, it's appropriate to do this." Zhang Qiang, you have to cherish this opportunity and don't let us down again. ”

Zhang Qiang had tears in his eyes: "Thank you, I will definitely work hard and repay the loan on time." ”

Li Na saw that her father and Zhang Qiang agreed, and the stone in her heart also fell to the ground. She knows that this decision is a burden for everyone, but it is also a reward for Wang Fang's efforts over the years.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Wang Fang knew that after Li Na lent money to Zhang Qiang, she was very grateful, but she was also a little guilty. One night, Wang Fang found Li Na, the two sat in the kitchen, Wang Fang held Li Na's hand, and her voice was choked: "Xiao Na, you have always misunderstood me all these years, but you still choose to help Qiangzi, I really don't know how to thank you." ”

Li Na shook her head gently: "Mom, I know your dedication to our family over the years. Although I don't understand your strictness at times, I know that you are for our good. Now that hadron is in trouble, I can't sit idly by. ”

Wang Fang shed tears and clenched Li Na's hand: "Cortana, thank you." You're a good boy, we're a family and we should help each other. ”

After this incident, the relationship between Li Na and Wang Fang became closer, and Wang Fang's understanding and gratitude to Li Na also deepened. Whenever there is a problem at home, Wang Fang is always the first to stand up and do her best to help Li Na's family.

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Zhang Qiang is conscientious and hard working in his new job to try to make a comeback. He paid a portion of his salary to Li Na's account on time every month, and strictly adhered to the repayment plan. Li Na saw Zhang Qiang's efforts, and the relationship between the brother and sister also improved.

One evening, when the family gathered for dinner, Li Na's husband, Wang Wei, proposed, "Let's celebrate today." Qiangzi has found a new job, and everything is improving at home, which is the result of our family working together. ”

Everyone raised their glasses, and Li Jianguo said with emotion: "Yes, we have experienced a lot of ups and downs over the years, but as long as the family works together, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome." ”

Wang Fang smiled and nodded: "That's right, family is like this, supporting each other when they need each other and facing difficulties together." ”

My stepmother has lived in my house for 30 years, her son came to me to borrow money, and my father: the family can help if they can

Li Na looked at the family, and her heart was full of warmth and strength. She understands that despite life's many difficulties, as long as the family is together, it can overcome everything.

The story ends with a picture of a family living in harmony and facing difficulties together. Li Na feels the warmth and strength of her family, and she knows that no matter what challenges lie ahead, they can face them together.

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