
The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

author:Lost sunflowers

Original article, first published on the whole network, it is strictly forbidden to carry it, and it is necessary to protect rights when moving. This article is a micro-novel, the plot is fictional, please read it rationally.

Zhang Wei and Wang Li are a pair of lovers who have been in love for many years, and the two are ready to enter the palace of marriage. Although Zhang Wei's family background is average and the economic pressure is greater, Wang Li has always hoped for a decent wedding, she has dreamed of wearing a white wedding dress since she was a child, and the moment she walked into the wedding hall, she became the focus of attention of the audience.

During the preparation of the wedding, the first official meeting between the parents of both parties was arranged at Wang Li's home. That day, Zhang Wei and his mother Li Yu came to Wang Li's house with gifts and apprehensively. Wang Li's mother, Wang Xiufen, greeted them with a serious face, without a trace of joy.

After a few pleasantries, everyone sat down in the living room. Zhang Wei and Wang Li sat side by side, holding their hands tightly, and they had a premonition of uneasiness in their hearts. Li Yu smiled and said to Wang Xiufen: "Sister Xiufen, our two families will be a family in the future, if you need anything, just say it." ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Wang Xiufen nodded, but there was still no smile on her face. She suddenly said: "I have a request, don't talk about the wedding if you don't meet it." ”

Hearing this, Zhang Wei and Wang Li were stunned, and the atmosphere in the room instantly became tense. Wang Li couldn't help but ask, "Mom, what are your requirements?" ”

Wang Xiufen looked directly into Zhang Wei's eyes and said coldly: "I want a change fee of 80,000 yuan, otherwise this wedding will not be held." ”

This sentence was like a bombshell, instantly bursting the atmosphere of the entire room. Zhang Wei's face turned pale all of a sudden, and Wang Li was also stunned, she didn't expect her mother to make such a request.

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Li Yu was also taken aback, but she quickly calmed down, thinking about her son's happiness, she said calmly: "Sister Xiufen, although our family is not rich, but for the sake of the child's happiness, I am willing to pay 80,000 yuan." But—"

Li Yu paused when he said this, looked at Wang Li, and said slowly: "However, you don't have to call me 'Mom', I'm not worthy." ”

This sentence stunned everyone present. Wang Li's eyes were full of doubt and shock, and she didn't understand why Li Yu would say that. Zhang Wei's heart was mixed, he knew that his mother was for his good, but this way made him feel extremely embarrassed.

Wang Xiufen's face also changed, she didn't expect Li Yu to agree so happily, let alone Li Yu to say such a thing. She couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, but quickly regained her composure.

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Wang Xiufen sneered: "Since you say so, then forget it." Don't be in a hurry to talk about the money now, and give it when you have the money. ”

Zhang Wei couldn't hold back any longer, he stood up, his voice trembling a little: "Auntie, are you embarrassing us?" I really love Lili, and we're willing to work hard together, but that's too much to ask. ”

Wang Li also stood up, took Zhang Wei's hand, and said firmly: "Mom, Zhang Wei is not a rich family, but he is really good to me." We can work together and don't need these formalities. ”

Wang Xiufen's face became even more ugly, she glared at Wang Li, and said angrily: "Are you so disobedient? This is the rule of our family, and we can't change it. ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

The scene was at an impasse for a while, and the atmosphere was suffocatingly tense. Li Yu looked at this scene with mixed feelings in her heart, but she knew that as a mother, she couldn't let her children be so wronged at the beginning of their marriage.

She stood up, walked up to Zhang Wei and Wang Li, patted their hands gently, and said, "Children, don't worry. We'll discuss this matter again, so let's get here today. ”

Zhang Wei and Wang Li glanced at each other and nodded. Although the matter has not been resolved, they know that with Li Yu's support, they will find a way. With a heavy heart, Zhang Wei and Li Yu left Wang Li's home.

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining, and Zhang Wei and Wang Li's relatives and friends were present. Zhang Wei was wearing a brand-new suit and stood at the wedding scene, but his mood was extremely heavy. Although the wedding was set up as usual, his heart was full of worries. Wang Li's mother, Wang Xiufen, still resolutely refused to give in and insisted on a change fee of 80,000 yuan, otherwise the wedding could not continue.

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Li Yu looked at his son, and he also had mixed feelings in his heart. She knew that today was the most important day for Zhang Wei and Wang Li, and she couldn't let her son suffer any grievances on this day. So, she said to Zhang Wei: "Child, don't worry, Mom supports you." We'll be able to solve this problem. ”

Zhang Wei nodded and decided to raise money alone. He quietly left the wedding scene and dialed a few friends.

"Lao Li, can you lend me some money, I urgently need 80,000 yuan." Zhang Wei's voice trembled a little on the phone.

On the other end of the phone, when Li Ming heard it, he immediately asked, "Brother, what's wrong with you?" What happened? ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Zhang Wei explained the situation briefly, and Li Ming said without hesitation: "Good brother, you wait, I will transfer you money immediately." ”

Then, Zhang Wei dialed a few more friends, and everyone expressed their willingness to help. In less than an hour, Zhang Wei's friends scraped together enough 80,000 yuan. Zhang Wei took the money and returned to the wedding scene with mixed feelings.

When he handed the money into Li Yu's hands, Li Yu shook his head and said, "Child, we can't take this money like this." It's up to Lili to decide whether to accept it or not. ”

At the wedding scene, relatives and friends were waiting, and Wang Li stood aside, her face a little pale. She watched Zhang Wei busy with the money, and her heart was full of distress.

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Li Yu walked up to Wang Li and said gently, "Lili, this money was made up by Zhang Wei and his friends. If you don't think it's appropriate, you can refuse. Mom doesn't want you to be wronged for this money. ”

Wang Li's eyes were moist, looking at Zhang Wei's face full of exhaustion and anxiety, and her heart was deeply touched. She took a deep breath, walked up to her mother, and said firmly, "Mom, I don't want this money." Zhang Wei has already paid a lot for us, and I can't let him suffer such grievances anymore. ”

When Wang Xiufen heard this, she was stunned for a moment, and a complicated look flashed on her face. She didn't expect her daughter to refuse the money under such circumstances, let alone that her daughter would be so determined.

Wang Li then turned to Li Yu, her eyes flashed with tears, and she said affectionately: "Mom, I'm sorry for making you wronged during this time." Today I officially changed my words, you are my mother. ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

When Li Yu heard this, her eyes were also moist, she held Wang Li's hand tightly, and said, "Good boy, Mom has always treated you as her own daughter." ”

This scene touched everyone present, and everyone applauded and congratulated. Wang Xiufen stood aside, looking at everything in front of her, and began to reflect on her behavior in her heart. She realizes that her daughter's happiness is far more important than money.

Wang Xiufen walked up to Wang Li and Li Yu, and said in a choked voice: "Lili, mom is wrong." Your happiness is the most important thing, and Mom shouldn't make those unreasonable demands. ”

Wang Li and Li Yu both looked at Wang Xiufen with emotion, and the three of them hugged each other tightly. At this moment, all the contradictions and misunderstandings disappeared, and everyone's hearts were tightly connected.

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

The wedding scene returned to a festive atmosphere, and the guests sent their blessings. Zhang Wei stood aside, watching this scene, his heart full of gratitude and relief. He knew that although today's wedding had gone through twists and turns, the end result made them cherish each other's emotions even more.

The wedding was held smoothly, and everyone was moved by the happiness of Zhang Wei and Wang Li. The guests at the scene came forward to congratulate, and the newlyweds were smiling, and the atmosphere was warm and full of love. Wang Li's mother, Wang Xiufen, stood in the crowd, looking at her daughter's happy appearance, she felt a warmth in her heart, she knew that she had finally made the right decision.

After the wedding, Zhang Wei and Wang Li officially started their new life. Wang Li moved into Zhang Wei's small apartment, although the place is not big, but it is full of warmth and sweetness of the two. Every morning, Zhang Wei would get up early to prepare breakfast for Wang Li, and Wang Li would prepare a boxed lunch for Zhang Wei when he was busy. Although the lives of the two are ordinary, they are full of love.

One night, Zhang Wei and Wang Li were cooking together in the kitchen. Wang Li suddenly stopped when she was chopping vegetables, turned to Zhang Wei and said, "I've worked hard for you this time." ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Zhang Wei smiled and patted Wang Li's shoulder gently: "Fool, we are husband and wife, these are all as they should be." As long as you are happy, I will be happy. ”

Wang Li listened, and her eyes were a little moist. She reached out to hold Zhang Wei's hand and said gently, "I'm really lucky to meet you." ”

At this time, Li Yu also came, and she felt extremely relieved to see her son and daughter-in-law so harmonious. She walked over and said with a smile, "You two really reassured me. ”

Wang Li looked at Li Yu and said gratefully, "Mom, thank you for your continued support and understanding. ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

Li Yu smiled and patted Wang Li's hand: "Lili, family harmony and understanding are more important than any money. As long as you two are good, it's better than anything else. ”

This sentence deeply touched everyone present, and everyone understood the true meaning of family affection and love. In such a family atmosphere, Wang Xiufen also gradually accepted Zhang Wei and his family. She began to visit her daughter and son-in-law frequently, sharing family chores with Li Yu, and the relationship gradually eased.

One weekend afternoon, Wang Xiufen came to Zhang Wei's house with some home-grown vegetables. Seeing my daughter and son-in-law busy decorating the new house, I felt very relieved. She smiled and said to Li Yu: "Our family's Lili has really found a good family, and I am also relieved." ”

Li Yu nodded and replied, "Yes, the happiness of children is our greatest wish as parents." ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

A few months later, Wang Li found out that she was pregnant, and the news plunged the whole family into great joy. Zhang Wei took care of Wang Li carefully every day, and Wang Xiufen and Li Yu also came to visit and brought nutritious food to Wang Li.

One night, when the whole family got together for dinner, Wang Li suddenly said with emotion: "Mom, viagra, thank you for your continued support and love." I know that family harmony and understanding are more important than any money. ”

Li Yu smiled and nodded, and Wang Xiufen also sighed: "Yes, this time has made me understand a lot. As long as the family is in harmony, it is more important than anything else. ”

Zhang Wei looked at all this and felt extremely satisfied in his heart. He held Wang Li's hand and said softly, "Lili, we will definitely be happy forever." ”

The mother-in-law asked for 80,000 yuan to change her mouth, and the mother immediately paid in cash: No need to call Mom, I don't deserve it

As time goes by, Wang Li's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and Zhang Wei and his family are getting busier, but their lives are still full of love and warmth. Every everyday detail brings the family closer together.

In this warm family, everyone understands the true meaning of affection and love. They face the ups and downs of life together, enjoy happy times together, and this family is full of laughter and laughter, and it has become a haven in everyone's heart.