
Huang Tao went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies in Yutan Street to participate in the activities of the representative group

author:This is Ningxiang
Huang Tao went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies in Yutan Street to participate in the activities of the representative group

Huang Tao went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies in Yutan Street

Participate in delegate group activities

Focus on "small incisions" to serve "big people's livelihood"

Focus on "small incisions" and serve "big people's livelihood". On July 1, Huang Tao, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies of Yutan Street to participate in the activities of the representative group, and sat at the "small round table" with the representatives of the Yutan Street People's Congress to discuss the supporting construction of electric vehicle charging facilities in the community. City leaders Chen Deqi and Fan Jinlin attended the event.

Huang Tao went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies in Yutan Street to participate in the activities of the representative group

With the increasing number of electric bicycles (motorcycles) in urban areas, problems such as flying wire charging and illegal charging in the community are becoming increasingly prominent, which not only affects the aesthetics of the community, but also has serious safety hazards and is easy to cause neighborhood conflicts. There are 210 residential areas in Yutan Street, 19,265 registered electric bicycles (motorcycles), 59 charging sheds and 968 charging jacks. Charging demand is in short supply.

Huang Tao went to the liaison station of the people's congress deputies in Yutan Street to participate in the activities of the representative group

How to effectively solve the problem of safe charging in the community and prevent safety accidents? At the seminar on the same day, the representatives of the National People's Congress spoke freely about how to do the work of the masses, build charging sheds, publicize safe charging, etc., and put forward opinions and suggestions on the next step to solve the charging problem in combination with the actual research.

Huang Tao pointed out that the "small round table" has built a "bridge between the hearts". The "small round table" discussion activities have been flexible in form, broad-minded, and effective, giving full play to the advantages of people's congress deputies in keeping close contact with the masses, changing from "passively asking for problems" to "actively seeking problems" and from "waiting for the masses to come" to "going to the masses", opening up the "last mile" of serving the masses, and effectively building a "heart-to-heart bridge" to serve the people.

Huang Tao emphasized that the "small electric pile" highlights the "great people's livelihood". The construction of electric vehicle charging facilities is not only an important way to help achieve the "dual carbon" goal, but also an important measure to serve and improve people's livelihood. All relevant departments at all levels should improve their political positions, earnestly do all the work in a practical and detailed manner, and use "small charging piles" to solve "big problems of people's livelihood". It is necessary to grasp the key points of work, scientifically distribute points, build as much as possible, ensure the coverage rate and service capacity of charging sheds and charging piles, effectively solve the problem of "unsafe charging and non-standard parking" of electric vehicles, and resolutely curb the occurrence of all kinds of safety accidents. To strengthen coordination and linkage, all relevant departments should not only perform their duties and responsibilities, but also work together and cooperate closely to accelerate the construction of electric vehicle charging facilities to ensure that all tasks are completed on time and with quality.

Huang Tao emphasized that the "small suggestions" condense the "strong synergy". For a long time, the deputies of the city's people's congress have actively made suggestions and suggestions, which has effectively promoted the high-quality economic and social development of the city. All departments at all levels should take the initiative to accept the supervision of deputies, solidly handle proposals and suggestions, focus on building a government under the rule of law, fully support the work of deputies, and make greater efforts to ensure that people's congress deputies perform their duties in accordance with the law, promote government administration according to law, improve efficiency, and gather a strong joint force for the modernization and high-quality development of Ningxiang.

(Duty leader: Yu Bo Review: Min Taotao Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Lu Yinglong, Yi Hehua Reporter: Fan Ting, Yu Enlai, Peng Feng, Editor: Liu Xin)

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