
Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

author:Zhang Dafan

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Hello everyone, today I will share 3 time-sensitive apple artifacts, of which the 3rd is the most likely to fail, see what you like, hurry up and install it!


Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

Fawn lookup words

A good English word query software, you can use phonics on your phone or Apple Watch to look up words very quickly, no need to open the software, directly call Siri to query.

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

Or put the widget of the software on the lock screen desktop for faster word lookups! However, this software requires iPhone 11 and above and iOS17 to support it!

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

How to get it

Search for the name of the software in the AppStore, if the price is displayed after the search, it means that the software limit has ended!

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts
Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

File hub专业版内购限免

A file management software that can be unlocked for free forever and professionally, it is also an all-in-one media player, which supports online browsing of photos and audio and video resources directly from various cloud storage, FTP/SMB remote hosts.

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts
Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

In addition to supporting the creation of compression and decompression functions, the software also has a built-in professional PDF/TXT reader, photo viewer, and music and video players, which can easily meet the needs of daily work and entertainment.

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

If you're tired of managing files on a tiny device, the in-app wireless transfer feature allows you to upload, download, and even manage files on your iOS device using a browser on your Mac/PC.

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

In-app purchases are free of charge

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

How to get it

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts
Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

A resource artifact on the Apple AppStore, and also our old friend! The way to eat is also very simple, open the software and get network permissions.

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

How to get it

Search for the name of the software in the AppStore, if you can't find it, it means that the software has been removed from the shelves!

Slow hands! The App Store has discovered 3 more Apple treasure artifacts

Editor: Zhang Dafan Image source: AppStore

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