
It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

author:Xie Xiaowen
It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

Zhang Zhijie, only 17 years old, is a promising Chinese badminton player. But unfortunately, on June 30, when he participated in the last match of the group stage of the Asian Youth Badminton Championships team stage in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, he suddenly fainted on the court, and then passed away after rescue efforts failed.

This was a deeply shocking and unexpected incident.

According to the analysis of relevant medical professionals in the news report, Zhang Zhijie had not found a major illness before, and it may have been a sudden malignant arrhythmia during the competition, which caused the loss of blood supply to the whole body, and eventually led to a tragedy.

After the incident, many voices among foreign fans who watched the game online accused the Indonesian side of being too slow and amateurish in the on-site medical response. On July 1, the host Han Qiaosheng posted a sad post: I am not a doctor, so I have no right to speak. I will say what I know, in the 2021 European Championship game, Danish player Eriksen fainted without confrontation, his teammates took emergency measures as soon as possible, the team doctor arrived at the scene in 8 seconds, the medical staff with first-aid equipment rushed into the field in 37 seconds, the AED equipment arrived in 52 seconds, and the rescue lasted until 8 minutes and 08 seconds, and the ambulance special stretcher entered to transfer Eriksen to the hospital.

In this incident, from Zhang Zhijie falling to the ground, 27 seconds later, medical staff entering the venue, to being carried out of the venue in 2 minutes and 26 seconds, the on-site medical team did take corresponding measures......

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

In this regard, the Chinese Badminton Association issued a document expressing deep condolences for Zhang Zhijie's unfortunate death on the court. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning expressed deep regret and condolences for the unfortunate death of the person concerned at a regular press conference on July 1, in response to a reporter's question, expressed condolences to his family, and said that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to guide the Consulate General in Surabaya to do a good job in follow-up work within the scope of its duties.

originally thought that this was an accident with a small probability, but a prediction previously released by a netizen named "Bingxu" on the Internet was turned over, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves. Looking at the screenshot of this prophecy, I feel that there is no trace of ps, it seems very real, and some netizens said that they had indeed seen this prophecy before.

The netizen "Bingxu" issued a prophecy on June 23, saying that a badminton player died on July 1. Although Zhang Zhijie died unexpectedly, there was a time difference of more than ten minutes from this prediction (official report at 23:20 on June 30), but it is basically consistent. This makes many people have to wonder and even panic.

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

Is there such a miraculous thing?

From a rational point of view, there are multiple possibilities for this scenario. It may indeed be a coincidence. In the midst of a large amount of information and predictions, there are occasional cases that correspond to the actual situation, which does not mean that there are supernatural powers or magical prophetic abilities.

It is also possible that there may be misleading or misleading. For example, whether the screenshots of the prophecy are true and valid, and whether the statements of netizens who claim to have seen the prophecy before are reliable, need to be further verified and verified.

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

Of course, there are other possibilities, we don't know!

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

In any case, Zhang Zhijie's unexpected death is deeply regrettable, this is the great grief of his relatives and friends, and it is also a great loss for the Chinese badminton world.

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?
It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?
It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

Xie Xiaowen: Strategic scholar. He mainly commented on current politics, business, railways, and culture. WeChat public account: zgmjply (commentator Xie Xiaowen)

It is suspected that the traverser predicted in advance that the death of badminton player Zhang Zhijie may not be so simple?

Commentator Xie Xiaowen

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