
It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

author:Muziyu chases dramas

Fang Xiewen insisted on selling the company, the main reason was that he wanted to cash in and make himself richer.

In his opinion, Huang Yimei rejects having another son, and is not even willing to sleep in the same bed with him, just because he is not rich enough. The so-called conditions for having a second child in Huang Yimei's mouth are not enough money.

He blackened his heart, regardless of the friendship of his subordinates and his hard work, laid off 30% of the staff, and sold the company at a good price.

When Rose asked him for divorce, he said arrogantly: "Do you know how much my company sold?!" ”

Yes, compared to the money he got by selling the company, the money Rose earned by translating manuscripts for the editorial office while taking the children was really a drop in the bucket.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

But even so, Huang Yimei still chose to divorce, and if the divorce by agreement failed, she appealed; After losing the first instance, she was ready to wait six months to appeal again.

Huang Yimei's biggest characteristic is that she will do what she believes in, no matter how difficult it is, and she must do it, and the same is true for divorce.

After the divorce, Huang Yimei left the house and only took her daughter away.

Regardless of whether the previous love between the two people was sweet or not, whether the marriage was happy or not, there is constant family affection between the two people, because they have a common daughter.

After Fang Xiewen's divorce, he became a sweet and sweet in the eyes of many women, young and promising, successful in his career, and handsome.

Like he said, the women who chase him can line up in long lines, and they are raw and pounced.

But he has been divorced for many years and is still single, thinking about it, he still wants to get back together with Rose, and he has made a lot of efforts to this end, but Rose gave his first love Zhuang Guodong a chance, and also gave a new man a chance to pursue himself, but the other party Xiewen strictly guarded against it.

Even if Fang Xiewen said everything in the end, and said to her face that she wanted to get back together with her, she just said: "I can't"

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

Did Rose hate Fang Xiewen so much?

Of course not, she doesn't hate Fang Xiewen, at most she doesn't love him anymore, and she doesn't want to live with him anymore.


Speaking of love, I believe that the relationship between Huang Yimei and her first love Zhuang Guodong is true love.

Hearing that Zhuang Guodong was going to France for development, Rose was heartbroken; Even if she confirmed her relationship with Fang Xiewen, when Zhuang Guodong appeared at the door of his work, she was startled at first, and even her voice trembled, the reason why she married Fang Xiewen so quickly was to remind herself to forget Zhuang Guodong.

Huang Yimei returned to Beijing with her daughter after the divorce, as a woman in her thirties who left the house and divorced with a baby, Huang Yimei was surprisingly popular, and Zhuang Guodong was the first to fly to her side.

Huang Yimei obviously knew his intentions, so she agreed to take her daughter out with him for a day.

She also wants to see if Zhuang Guodong has grown from a big boy to a mature man over the years.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

thought it was a solo date between two people, Zhuang Guodong chose a romantic French meal, but Huang Yimei thoughtfully brought a safety seat for her daughter.

The day the three of them spent together seemed like a catastrophe to Zhuang Guodong, and he also knew that he didn't perform well enough.

Sending Huang Yimei's mother and daughter home in the evening, he promised Rose that he would definitely learn how to get along with children, and as long as Rose said a word, he would stay in Beijing and not leave.

But Huang Yimei said that she just wants to look forward now.

She knew that Zhuang Guodong was sincere in saying these words at this moment, but she also knew that it would not be possible for him to change himself to accommodate Huang Yimei for a long time.

She gave Zhuang Guodong a chance, and also taught him how to get along with Xiao Chu, but the effect was not obvious, she saw Zhuang Guodong's discomfort, and she didn't want Zhuang Guodong to roar at her many years later: "Didn't I become like this for you!" ”

Therefore, Huang Yimei gave up, she is no longer alone, Zhuang Guodong is not suitable for her to take Xiaochu.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

But she at least gave Zhuang Guodong a chance, but in the face of Fang Xiewen's naked request for reunion, why did she turn a blind eye and finally bluntly refused?


Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen's marriage problems are not just between two people.

Fang Xiewen went from caring for Huang Yimei with an inferiority complex to becoming a domineering dictator, abducting and deceiving, and trying to control Huang Yimei in the palm of his hand, which is his own problem, but a large part of the reason also comes from his mother's instigation.

From the time the two first got married, Fang Xiewen was dissatisfied with this beautiful daughter-in-law, and kept saying that she was useless and couldn't do housework, so he pointed out that Fang Xiewen was tired alone.

Huang Yimei works to earn money, she said what can she do with that money, she spends more than 100 to buy flowers, and she knows that it is a waste;

Huang Yimei reads at home and uses the computer, and she has been peeking at what she is doing as if she is playing guerrilla next to her;

Huang Yimei went out to breathe, she said that she came all the way from her hometown to serve her daughter-in-law, and she was not welcomed;

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

Huang Yimei's screams of pain in the delivery room were shocking, but she said that the anesthetic was not good for the child, and it would cost more than 3,000 yuan, and she could give birth even if it hurt;

Huang Yimei gave birth to a daughter, she said that she drank so much soup and had no milk for the child, and she had to spend money to buy milk powder.

To be honest, although Huang Yimei has been with this mother-in-law for less than a year, this superb mother-in-law has brought her no less harm than Fang Xiewen.

Even after the divorce, Fang Xiewen wanted to bring her daughter by herself and asked her mother to help, but she didn't want to see her own granddaughter, thinking that she was a girl, so she should throw it to her mother, and persuaded her son to find another wife and have a son.

The reason why Huang Yimei is so determined to divorce is not only to get rid of Fang Xiewen's control, but also to get rid of this superb evil mother-in-law.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

Fang Xiewen has been single since the divorce, and often uses young and beautiful female assistants to stimulate Huang Yimei, saying that he didn't give him a chance.

He bought a big house in Beijing near Rose and her children, not only to prove his financial resources, but also to have more contact with their mother and daughter.

He asked his daughter to trick Rose into celebrating his birthday, and wanted to eat longevity noodles made of roses, because he wanted to use this bowl of longevity noodles to remind Rose of the good times when two people were in love, so as to impress Rose again.

In the end, Fang Xiewen confessed to Huang Yimei that the benefits of two people getting together are not only a win-win situation, but also a complete home for the child.

From the bowl of longevity noodles, Huang Yimei knew Fang Xiewen's thoughts, Fang Xiewen said that it was still the same taste as before, but she said that it was all made by her daughter, and she was just doing it.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

Faced with Fang Xiewen's confession and recombination, Huang Yimei refused very decently: "It's good for us to be like this now." ”

Of course, she could see Fang Xiewen's changes, but she also clearly knew that Fang Xiewen's short-term changes were purposeful, and she was still the prey that Fang Xiewen wanted to hunt.

If she agrees to remarry, she will become a caged canary instead of a free-flying bird, and she will have to face the domineering and vicious mother-in-law.

That kind of life is worse than death, one time is enough.


Huang Yimei is a woman who likes to try new things.

The first love found Zhuang Guodong, she started so high that she was willing to marry Fang Xiewen, crowded in the old and dilapidated attic, wearing dozens of jeans, washing her hands and making soup, she just wanted to live in a different way.

Later, when I found that I was tired of this kind of life, I would take the initiative to leave and resolutely leave.

It wasn't until Fang Xiewen's phone call was exposed that he understood why Rose refused to give him a chance

Later, Fu Jiaming, and then He Xi, all entered her world because they brought her another possibility and opened another door to life.

Therefore, for the lifestyle that Fang Xiewen gave her that made her the saddest, no matter how big the temptation was, she would never touch it again, she preferred to find new ones.

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