
In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book three chapters 5 new secretary section 3: recovery and development

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

065 Chapter 3 5 (3): Recovery of development  

(Executive summary: The new first secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee inspected the site and wanted to restore the two power stations on the Maojiang River, which were built in 1958 and then abandoned.) He asked Cai Xie for his opinions, and wanted to make up 1 point of self-reserved land for farmers in the province according to the policy! ) 

The first secretary and his daughter and secretary got on a Japanese Nissan, and the rest of the province got on a Japanese Toyota. Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao are still Master Gong's Beijing jeeps, and Xiao Zou is designated by Deputy Director Qin Shihai to accompany Cai Xie and the two leaders to Master Gong's car. The site of Yuzui Power Station is only a few kilometers away from the Chengguan of Xiangxian County, and the convoy will arrive in a while, and there are already weir management bureaus and power station site management personnel waiting here.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book three chapters 5 new secretary section 3: recovery and development

Dujiangyan City is becoming more and more beautiful

The first secretary and his entourage saw from a distance from the car window that the surging river between the mountains and valleys was rushing out of the mountains here. In the center of the river, there is a dike that divides the river into two, and the top of the dam resembles the mouth and head of a large fish. On the right bank of the Mao River is the ruins of the power station's factory building, which is as tall as a five- or six-story building. The upper part of the factory building is made of green bricks, which looks very spectacular. On the opposite side of the river, that is, on the left bank, there are also several concrete and steel casting, connected together bracket buildings. After getting off the bus, the person from the Provincial Water Resources Department who was traveling with him told the first secretary that this side is the power station machine room, and that side is the spillway. On the other side of the river, further to the left of the mountain, is the barrage dam of the reservoir, but the sluice in the center of the river has not been built. If the sluice gate is built in the river channel, the generator is installed in the factory, and the sluice gate is installed in the spillway to generate electricity.

  The managers of the power station site also told the first secretary and others that in July 1960, the former Soviet Union tore up the agreement between China and the Soviet Union, withdrew all experts in China, and stopped all aid projects. There is another reason for the suspension of the construction of the Yuzui power station, and the four 60,000 kilowatt hydroelectric generators here were given by the former Soviet Union. At the beginning of 1960, there were 30,000 people working overtime here, and soon stopped. Xiao Zou knew a little bit about the situation at that time, and together with his neighbors, he went to the power station to pick firewood. He had seen the large slogan written on the spillway and gate support: "Electricity will be generated by the end of this year!" "But then I heard that the motor was moved to the Sanmenxia Power Station of the Yellow River. The former Soviet Union did not give the motor over there, and the influence of Sanmenxia was greater, so it had to stop here.

  Standing at the site of the power station, the first secretary sighed deeply, how good it would be if this power station could be repaired! It has been 15 years since 1960. After so many years, Mao County, the provincial capital and even the whole of Sichuan will be a different situation, much better than now. Now he thought to himself that since it was so simple, he could generate electricity by installing a motor and building a sluice gate in the river, so why not start it immediately? A female cadre named Ling Li from the provincial water conservancy department told the first secretary that in 1960 China could not build generators. Now in 1975, in the press, China's 300,000 kilowatts of hydro turbines and generators have been built, what is 60,000 kilowatts?

  The first secretary asked Ling Li: "How much will it cost to install the motor, repair the sluice, and build the power station?" For how long? ”

  Ling Li thought for a while and said, "It can be completed in three years at most." Money? Four 60,000 kilowatt motors, a total of 240,000 kilowatt motors, a total of 100 million yuan. It takes 100 million yuan to repair the gate, 100 million yuan to support the project, and 300 million yuan can be done. ”

  "300 million yuan can be done?!" The first secretary said to himself.

  Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao saw that the first secretary had a sunny face, and they all guessed in their hearts that there should be hope for this power station.

Then the convoy went up the river again and advanced a few kilometers to another Zipingpu power station site on the same Maojiang River. Here, the Maojiang River turns under the mountain beam of Zhaogong Mountain, and goes straight to the mountain pass where the Maojiangyan is located in front. A concrete dam sits at the bottom of the riverbed, creating a drop of about 2 to 3 meters in height, where the river flows like a waterfall. There is a cement ridge in the middle of the river, which also divides the river into two. On the right bank, the first secretary and others are standing, there are three-quarters, and on the left bank, that is, on the ridge in the middle of the river, there are only one-quarters. The ridge is more than 1 kilometer long along the river, and the top faces the river, and there is a square column of cement casting in the form of a gate.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book three chapters 5 new secretary section 3: recovery and development

One of the night views of Dujiangyan City

Ling Li introduced to the first secretary that this is the site of the Zipingpu Power Station, and the ridge in the middle of the river is called the flat water tank. Originally, it was planned to separate the river water from the middle, and then build a dam while crossing the water, and build a power station separately. However, due to the insufficient cement thickness of the flat water tank, the density and thickness of the steel bar are improper; It was washed away by a sudden surge of floodwaters, which led to the discontinuation of the Zipingpu power station project.

What is the water? Is it a rainstorm? The first secretary looked suspicious.

Ling Li said that she went up the river and crossed Wenchuan to Mao County; More than 40 kilometers up, there is a place called Jiaochang Dam. There is a place where the 1933 Diexi earthquake formed the Haizi, which has a reservoir of more than 300 million cubic meters of water. It's a zone of seismic activity, and sometimes the water escapes out! In 1958, the Zipingpu power station was washed away by us, and the water of Diexi Haizi escaped out.

"Is it okay to remedy it now?" The first secretary asked.

Ling Li said, "We are supervising Haizi in Diexi, and we are also reinforcing the cofferdam in Haizi. It's not clear what an earthquake is, and sometimes it's an irresistible disaster....... "If we build the two power stations of Zipingpu and Yuzui. One stores 600 million cubic meters of water, two will be 1.2 billion, and if you can repair one, you will not be afraid of the water of Diexi Haizi.

  Then Ling Li said, "If the original design of four is still carried out, the construction of 60,000 kilowatt hydro generators will be easy." Ling Li said, "As long as the flat water tank dike is redesigned, and the cement and steel reels are used well and enough, they can still be repaired quickly." ”

  "How much does it cost?" The first secretary asked.

  "It will also cost about 300 million yuan." Ling Li said, "We have calculated in the hall that this power station will be built in 1958; There is also a difficulty in the Yuzui power station below, if the Soviet Union had not been mischievous, it would have been repaired long ago. At present, the two power stations have a total of 480,000 kilowatts, and one is 240,000 kilowatts, which can only be regarded as medium-sized power stations. The two power stations cost 600 million yuan, unforeseen expenses of 100 million yuan, a total of 700 million yuan, and can be built in five years at most. The water resources here are good, the flow is stable all year round, and the power generation can be at full capacity all year round. Excluding costs: there is no problem in recovering 60 to 70 million yuan a year for two power stations, and the entire investment can be recovered in 10 years. ”

  Ling Li also said: "If the above power station is repaired first and then the power generation is generated three years later, and the investment is effective, and then the following one is repaired, the funds can be recovered in advance." ”

Hearing that these first secretaries were excited in his heart, he secretly planned to be the secretary of the provincial party committee every five years. He is 55 years old this year, and if he starts to build these two power stations right away, he will be 60 years old. In a few years, not only will the investment be fully recovered, but it will also leave a valuable industry for the people of Sichuan. Constantly turning the surging river into rolling wealth. In addition, the reservoir formed by the power station can also hold back some of the floods and increase the water supply of the Jinjiang River, a river in the provincial capital. The second is the reservoir of the two power stations, which will have a water surface of several tens of square kilometers. How many people from the province, the whole country, and the world will come here to travel between the mountains and rivers? Third, with these two reservoirs, there is no fear of the water ...... of Diexi Haizi.

Life was born from water, and humans evolved from apes. Water is everything about people, and apes once lived in the mountains and forests. There is an atavistic phenomenon in the human subconscious, and the sight of water and mountains makes you feel refreshed. So tourism is always combined with mountains and rivers! Nowadays, foreign countries call tourism a smoke-free industry, and the wealth brought by it is even more incalculable. Right! If he wants to do it, he will do it quickly, and he decided to report to the Central Committee as soon as possible. The province raised some of its own funds, and the central government supported some more; 700 million in 5 years, in fact, a little more than 100 million a year. Three years later, if a power station is put into operation, the annual output value of 30 million yuan investment can be reduced!

  The people around saw the first secretary of the provincial party committee, and they were thinking happily there, and the people around them also seemed happy. The happiest in my heart are Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao, and the unhappiness in Project 039 just now has disappeared. Both of them want to increase the financial income of Mao County, and at this time it is only more than 10 million yuan a year! If the province proposes and the central government agrees to repair these two power stations, and 6 to 700 million yuan will be invested here, what a wonderful prospect it will be! The life of the cadres and the masses of the people in Mao County will be better. But these thoughts are hidden in the hearts of both people, and they only understand each other's thoughts when they look at each other.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book three chapters 5 new secretary section 3: recovery and development

A rare snow scene in Dujiangyan City

"How far is the Yingxiuwan Power Station and the Yuroxi Power Station in front?" The first secretary asked again.

Ling Li of the Provincial Department of Water Resources replied: "There are still more than 50 kilometers to go up the highway." ”

  "What about the two power stations? How much electricity is generated? ”

  "Yingxiu Bay was repaired a few years ago, and Yuroe Creek has just been repaired. There are more than 10,000 people in 10 bureaus of the Ministry of Water and Power, and 30,000 people at the peak; I have been in it since 1965 and have been doing it for 10 years now. The amount of electricity is similar to that of Yuzui and Ziping, both of which are more than 200,000 kilowatts, a total of more than 400,000 kilowatts. Ling Li asked, "Do you still want to see it?"

  "I'm not going today, I'll go later." The first secretary replied.

  Before getting into the car, he shook hands with Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao as if saying goodbye. "We won't go to the county party committee and go back to the provincial capital directly, and after some time, it will be about one month; I'm going to bring people to live there for a while, and I'm going to specialize in power stations. The first secretary said.

  "Thank you, First Secretary." Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "Thank you, Provincial Party Committee." Xie Wenyao said.

  "Get into my car, I still have something to discuss with you." The first secretary waved his hand and drove the secretary and his daughter to other cars, and the convoy set off in the direction of Chengguan County. Now there is only Xiao Zou alone, sitting in Master Gong's Beijing jeep.

  "Drive slower." The first secretary took care of the driver and said that the main car was slowing down, and the whole convoy was slowing down. A long line of more than 10 cars of various types whirled along the mountain road, with Master Gong's Beijing jeep following last.

  "What is the situation of the peasants' self-retained land in Mao County?" The first secretary asked.

  Xie Wenyao looked at Cai Zhenchuan, and Cai replied: "In 1962, the system was decentralized, and the average per capita was 1 point of self-reserved land, and about 250,000 peasants were allocated. In 1968, the establishment of the County Revolutionary Committee was celebrated, and the price was adjusted to 3 cents per person. Now there are 300,000 farmers in the county, most of whom have only 3 centimeters of land for themselves. Those born after 1968 have not yet had their own land. ”

  "Celebrate the establishment of the county revolutionary committee and reduce the amount of land reserved for 1 cent to 3 cents?" The first secretary asked puzzled.

  "At that time, I was in Linqiong County, and Linqiong and Mao County were similar, both of which were deployed by the Liujiang Regional Revolutionary Committee. It is said that it is necessary to reduce capitalism in the countryside and expand socialism. Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "I was in Wujin County at the time." Xie Wenyao said, "Wujin County did not move its own land in 1968, but when the Ninth National Congress of the Communist Party of China was held in 1969, it also reduced the farmers' self-reserved land from 1 cent to 3 percent. ”

  "What if the province now takes the peasants' self-reserved land, according to Chairman Mao's 1962 promulgated "60 Articles on Rural Work", and the average person makes up 1 point?" The first secretary said directly.

In the days of working beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book three chapters 5 new secretary section 3: recovery and development

On the city wall of Dujiangyan City

  Cai and Xie didn't expect that the first secretary would suddenly raise this question? Both of them were excited again.

  The first secretary continued: "I think of one cent of land in the hands of farmers, and they can harvest 150 to 160 catties of grain in one year. In addition, the grain in Tiankan is 20~30 catties, and each farmer has 200 catties of grain in his hands. If this is the case, even if you encounter it again, what happened in 1960? In other words, the collective production will not yield the grain, and the peasants will not starve. ”

  (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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