
In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters 5 of the new secretary were accompanied by bitter accompaniment

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

064 Chapter 3 5 (2): Bitter accompaniment

(Abstract: Xiao Zou acted as an usher to participate in the reception of the new first secretary of the provincial party committee, and he actually heard ...... that he should not know.) )

Inside the county party committee of Mao County, the host and guest parties all came to Lu Haiyuan. The spacious conference room is divided into guest and host seats, and the first secretary sits on the sofa in the center. Cai and Xie sat on the sofa in front of him, so that the guests and hosts could have a good conversation. Xiao Zou was arranged by Qin Shihai, deputy director of the office, to go to the conference room of Lu Haiyuan to assist in mixing tea and delivering water. He and Xiao Dong and Xiao Shi, two waitresses, came in, and used a cup made in Jingdezhen with a ballet red women's scout pattern to make tea for everyone. Because it is the reception of provincial leaders, Director Ye of the Foreign Affairs Office took it out, and the first-class flower tea produced by the Mao County Tea Factory.

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters 5 of the new secretary were accompanied by bitter accompaniment

The most prominent feature of the Dujiangyan landscape is the water

At this time, Xie Wenyao, Cai Zhenchuan, Xiao Zou and others all found the first secretary's windbreaker; There is also a scar on the left side of the knee on the black cloth pants. What others thought Xiao Zou didn't know, and a feeling of pain surged in his own heart. Not long after this incident, he also heard the director of the Foreign Affairs Office say: The first secretary of the provincial party committee is dressed like this! To what extent has the country reached?

  The first secretary said that there were two purposes for this visit, one was to finalize the matter of the 039 project. The second is to take a look at the Yuzui and Zipingpu left behind during the Great Leap Forward on the Maojiang River in 1958, and whether the ruins of the two power stations can be restored?

Xiao Zou and several of their young men mixed with tea were standing outside the door of the conference room, ready to listen to the call of the leaders inside at any time. Xiao Zou saw the daughter of the first secretary, a girl about the same age as them, accompanied by two or three women, led by Qin Shihai, admiring the flowers and trees in Lu Haiyuan. They stopped under the huge native citrus tree and admired the fact that the tree grew big and that it bore more fruit. Xiao Zou also heard Miss X ask, is the chess orange on this tree delicious?

Qin Shihai beckoned Xiao Zou to pick two down, and Xiao Zou moved a stool under the tree. Stand up and pluck down the big one from the low-hanging branches. Qin Shihai still wants him to pick it? The girl of the X family told not to pick it again, first to see if it was delicious? Xiao Zou helped to break the chess orange, and several of them were local and out-of-town, and they all frowned and ate some. Qin Shihai said that the mandarin orange is not ripe yet, and it will be good to have another month. Miss X said that the oranges in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province are delicious, sweet and long! Xiao Zou was inconvenient to speak, he wanted to tell her that in this garden, there was also a Fujian Zhangzhou orange in the past! It's a pity that it's not there now, it's been removed by the ignorant. Qin Shihai asked if you wanted to pick two and take them away? Girl X said in Henan dialect, "No." She also said that Sichuan is characterized by good trees and not very good fruits! It may be the reason for more rain and less sunshine. Guangdong and Fujian are different, the sun is full, the trees grow well, and the fruits are sweet!

  Xiao Zou returned to his post at the door of the conference room, and he heard the first secretary inside speaking: "...... Regarding how to deal with the address after the 039 project is dismounted, the province means that it will not be handed over to the locality. The province is going to set up a reception station for veteran cadres there, which will be under the leadership of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and managed by people from Mao County. It specially receives veteran comrades from this province, other provinces, and the central government who come to visit. The reception station covers an area of 120 acres, and the work is not exhausted ....... The first secretary paused at this point.

  Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao were both happy for a while, and hope was in their hearts, thinking that the provincial and first secretaries should consider local requests. Some will be allocated to local governments to set up youth palaces, workers' cultural palaces, or women's activity centers. But then both of them were disappointed, because the first secretary said: "Next to the 039 project, the Provincial Forestry School is a key secondary school. There are many students and some experiments cannot be carried out, so the province has decided to allocate a part to Lin School. How to draw? After a while, let's go and see if it's settled, and notify Lin Xiaoxiao? ”

  Someone replied: "Informed." ”

  "If you want to build a worker, youth, and women's activity center, you can also find another place. Funding? The local government mainly raises its own funds, and the province can support part of it. Speaking of this, the first secretary asked Cai and Xie the two, "What do you think of the county party committee and the prefectural party committee, and what are your opinions?" ”

  Xie Wenyao said: "I will report to the prefectural committee immediately, since the province has decided so; I made a statement in advance and believed that the prefectural committee had no opinion. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan also hurriedly said: "Our county party committee has no opinion. ”

  "Then we'll go and see it now, and settle this matter." The first secretary said.

  "Do you want to go back after lunch? It's 11 o'clock. Cai Zhenchuan said.

  "I'll eat it when I see it." The first secretary said, "In the afternoon, I will go to see the ruins of two power stations, '10,000 years is too long, seize the day.'" Chairman Mao said it a long time ago. ”

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters 5 of the new secretary were accompanied by bitter accompaniment

The ancient capital river, from the clouds and mist, came out of the mountains

  The first secretary got up and walked towards the outside of the conference room, and the secretary hurriedly walked up to him and said, "This gate is the main street, you can get on the car from here, I'll call the car over." ”

  "Okay!" The first secretary agreed. The secretary immediately trotted out of Lu Haiyuan and went to the dam in front of the county party committee compound to transfer the car. The first secretary and others walked to the gate of Lu Haiyuan, and only after opening the door, the provincial convoy left the county party committee compound and went around Jingfu Street. The group of them got into their respective cars in turn, and the girl of the X family and the escort she and a few women did not go, they just played around in Lu Haiyuan. Qin Shihai asked Xiao Zou to go with Secretary Cai and the team leader's car; He took Xiao Dong, Xiao Shi and others to guard the girls of the X family from afar.

  Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao also sat in Master Gong's Beijing jeep, and Xiao Zou saw the two people in the car smiling bitterly and looked at each other as if they were comforting each other.

  Xie Wenyao said: "If you take something to someone else, you won't come back." ”

"Big nose, hold your mouth down." Cai Zhenchuan said.


  The 039 project is more than 1 km away from the compound of the county party committee, and the convoy will arrive in just a while. When the pedestrian got off the bus, there were already people from the Provincial Forestry School and the left-behind personnel of the 039 Project waiting there. Seeing the lush forests, cicadas chirping and birds singing, the terrain is majestic, and the transportation is convenient, which is very close to the city. The first secretary couldn't help but sigh and said: "Qingcheng is a secluded world! ”

  But at this moment, Xiao Zou saw that Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao couldn't be happy in their hearts. This is a natural woodland, which has been the place for hundreds of years to bury the deceased in the county town, and this woodland is vacated after cremation. In 1969, a mobilization order was issued to prepare for war, and the province did not spend a penny, and all of it was occupied by the wall. Now that the provincial project has been launched, I thought that it could be returned to the locality, and there was no hope of doing some projects! They saw that the first secretary made a decision, and an area of more than 120 acres was allocated to 40 acres for the forestry school to run an experimental forest farm, and more than 80 acres were turned into a reception station for the Provincial Veteran Cadres Bureau.

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters 5 of the new secretary were accompanied by bitter accompaniment

Dujiangyan Feishayan, the most outstanding representative of water conservancy culture

  After dealing with this matter, the first secretary turned around and saw the factory gate in the woods on the hill on the other side of the road. He asked, "What kind of unit is that?" ”

  "Sichuan Xinhua Color Printing Factory." Someone replied.

  The first secretary suddenly said with some anger: "Where can't you build a factory?" It must be built in the mountains and forests, and a lot of trees must be destroyed? ”

  "It was done in a special era, saying that it was preparing for war, and it was built on a mountain and the plane couldn't be bombed." Someone else answered.

  "It's a joke!" The first secretary said, "Can't blow up such a big target plane?" Assume. Relocation within a time limit! Lucid waters and green mountains, lucid waters and green mountains, all over the country and the whole Sichuan, only Mao County is the real green water and green mountains. You don't care about it at all! All units on this hill must be relocated within a time limit, and no houses or factories will be allowed to be built here in the future. Millions of people in the provincial capital want to eat the water of Maojiangyan! You have to keep this in mind at all times, and you must not have a problem with the drinking water of millions of people. ”

The convoy returned to the compound of the county party committee and parked it, and the first secretary and other groups dined in the happy canteen. The receptionists here of the county party committee have a working meal. At this time, the standard is 3 yuan for 1 person for the reception meal, and the water and wine are outside; The working meal is 1 yuan for 1 person, and there is no water and wine. Generally speaking, it's good, but the Happy Canteen is also a commercial unit, and they definitely have their own profit retention. Xiao Zou's salary before 1975 was 30.50 yuan, and the grain allowance was 1.50 yuan. After 1975, more than 10 people of the same grade were on the spot, and the only mention was 40 yuan, and the other 35 yuan in the same grade. Whether it is 30 or 40 yuan, he only dares to use about 15 yuan per month.

Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao accompanied them to eat, they didn't have any taste at all, they just coping with eating something to fill their stomachs. The first secretary and his daughter got off the dining table and walked out of the dining room first, walked through the small door, and the father and daughter drank tea in the conference room of Lu Haiyuan. The empty conference room, only the father and daughter spoke. The first secretary had a fever, and his daughter helped to take off the trench coat and put it on her wrist. The cup of the first secretary has bottomed out, but no one in the province or county dares to enter it. At the behest of the provincial comrades, Cai Zhenchuan asked Xiao Zou to mix with water. Xiao Zou carried an eight-pound water bottle and entered the conference room to hear the father and daughter talking about common things.

  The daughter of the first secretary said: "...... My cousin from my hometown in Henan is here, please help solve some diesel; You give people a train of vegetable oil, and you can't eat it and don't dare to sell it. ”

  "They're so stupid! I didn't make it clear. Vegetable oil, diesel? Sichuan has vegetable oil. What is a wagon? They can give another wagon, as long as they have the money to buy it. The first secretary said.

After sitting for a while, the first secretary got up and went to see the ruins of the two power stations of Yuzui and Zipingpu. Naturally, the people from the provincial capital didn't say anything, and they immediately took their own actions. Some went to the county party committee compound to start the car, and some followed the first secretary with their bags. They didn't take the door of Lu Haiyuan towards Jingfu Street, but walked towards the door of the canteen through the small door connected to the happy canteen. A group of people came out in a crowd of the first secretary's father and daughter, and their car was already parked on the side of the street.

Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao had no choice but to go, anyway, they were sent to a chore today. The two of them were unhappy but they couldn't show it, and they had to pretend to be smiling and run along. When I was eating just now, the chef of the restaurant knew that the first secretary was from Henan, so he specially put some pepper in the soup. The first secretary ate very happily, and Cai Zhenchuan, a native of Shanxi, also liked to eat. But Xie Wenyao, a native of Sichuan Province, has always disliked pepper, so this meal was very hot. However, he and Cai Zhenchuan accompanied the first secretary, and both of them were still smiling.

When leaving, a waitress in the cafeteria filled the tea set with boiling water in the outer wrap of the unsolved one, and the plastic rope woven net. This kind of tea set was produced by the local Maoxian porcelain factory, and the factory gave one to him and Cai Zhenchuan. Cai rarely uses it, but he also carries it today, and Xie Wenyao grabs it in his hand almost every day. Xie also saw the first secretary and the provincial leaders, and the tea sets in the hands of several of them were similar to those of him and Cai Zhenchuan. It's just that the outer sleeve is different, Cai reconciled with a plastic rope, and the first secretary and others were nylon threads.

In the days when he worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first three chapters 5 of the new secretary were accompanied by bitter accompaniment

The irrigation area is more than 10 million mu, ranking first in the world

The waitress carried the iron kettle on the stove in the restaurant all year round, and it was full of oil smoke from the stove and the fire. She also added water to Cai Zhenchuan, and even brought her own tea set mixed with boiling water for the first secretary and the provincial entourage. Looking at the unsightly iron kettle, some people from the provincial capital frowned. All this was seen by Xie Wenyao, and in the future, he called his lover Zhang Guifang to give some eight-pound hot water bottles to the Happy Canteen. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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