
Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

author:Railway soldier culture
Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

Written by Zhu Haiyan

The Past and Present of the Kwan Kok Tunnel

Guanjiao, which means ladder to the sky

A tunnel was dug here

Never pull out a weed from the cliff of silence

Legend has it that Yang Jian was the first person to cross the corner

Fei Jiuniu and two tigers did not understand the shape of the mountain

There is no way to retreat, how can the dignified gods drink this cup of bitter wine

In order to vent the anger in his heart, he checked a mountain next to the corner

Kick out a hole. So, the myth of "Erlang Cave".

It becomes the scenery to see

In 1959, the railroad was in its frivolous adolescence

Let the green train sound the whistle on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

A group of people who vowed to open a page in history

Carrying the savings and spirit of ten years of family foundation

and the dreams and persistence of the vast west

Come to Guanjiao, the desolate land, and roll the thunder of the oath

Before the season arrives in spring, iron picks, wind drills, and steel drills

as well as the separated upper pit, lower pit, and tunnel face

I always want to plant thousands of purples and reds in the ice and snow

Who knows the unfamiliar distance, the other side of the climate

Suddenly the order to "dismount" was given

The burden of getting on the horse, the bearing of the dismount

Useful, useless, toss-up things

Grinding the footprints into unfit for residence

It was an unprepared exit

Halfway through the tunnel, progress was sealed in the mountains

The desire to go west turned into a poem with a severed head and tail overnight

The man who ascends to the sky, the language of pain

He didn't say a word to distant Lhasa

To cover the difficulties of a country

This half of the tunnel at Guanjiao is not dead

The only remaining breath became the root of westward expansion

Become a periscope in the belly of the mountain, and a wriggling acacia

As a sacrifice that was not dead, it still had its eyes open

Tears hung under the eyelids, and the pupils turned eastward, calling for the returning spring breeze

Without the arrival of words, no one knows the results of this half-pull

Waiting for a swim or a tombstone

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Qinghai-Tibet Railway Guanjiao Tunnel (picture source: Internet)/

In 1974, a group of road builders came to the abandoned tunnel

Let this half-dead poem spit out rhyme

Connect a soul that travels westward

When you move forward, hopefully you won't encounter anything

Guan Jiao was silent, the man at the mercy of life

Lay a heavy killing plan in the dark

Enough death, with explosive wind and thunder

Whoever touches its body, it throws its deadly gravity at whomever it wants

It hides in a tunnel in the dark

Everywhere they are staring at people, looking for opportunities

One day, it suddenly came in the middle of too much game with humans

Open your mouth to one hundred and twenty-seven

Collapse! Collapse! A very familiar death tune

Repeat again in the tunnel

Death is beside you, there is no panic, no grief

Calm and rational, let the ways of dealing with it come one after another

The commander shouted: "Don't shout anything or anything long live"

Don't shout: "Make up your mind, don't be afraid of sacrifice"

Saving physical strength and consuming less oxygen is the foundation of survival

Yes, at an altitude of more than three thousand seven hundred meters

In a four-kilometer blocked tunnel

Oxygen is less than half that of sea level

So, they reduced the calendar of their lives to silence, waiting for rescue

Hold your life tightly in your own hands

Although, the devil clenched his hard hat and pulled at the placket of his clothes

They are still in the bloody rain and bloody wind, nirvana out of the world

From the death zone, put your life on the narrow track

Slowly, slowly, hugging their youth

It's not a gift from God, but a generous stroke of wisdom

This song of life has become an unprecedented epic on the road to heaven

The Guanjiao Tunnel is always a bad one

Since it could not stop the railway from advancing, it gushed water day and night

Trying to bury the train's footprints in the swamp

Let the railroad suffer and live forever for the winter

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Xinguanjiao Tunnel (Image source network)/

Tianlu, the aorta of the Tibetan Plateau

The pursuit of its smoothness, but also the independence of details

The long journey is not allowed to be tossed at will in the Guanjiao Tunnel

So, in the era of the rising sun, next to the tunnel

A new Guanjiao Tunnel was opened, with a length of 32 kilometers

Saving the railroad from the bottom of the water, the Buddha went to the mud and water

So far, on the vast plateau of Qinghai-Tibet

The Guanjiao Tunnel, which filters through countless life, death and waves

Dancing like a rainbow

Chic out of 4,000 miles of great freedom

Jirojin was thrilled by the victory

To watch the sight

With all my might, climb to the top of the snow-covered mountain in Guanjiao

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Green channel on the "Heavenly Road" (picture source: Internet)/

"Please pass, dear Tibetan antelope"

From the sky to the earth, humans

Sieve with great love, sift out all noise

Let the super silence go to rule Hoh Xili

We invite the pristine wilderness

Covers the Qinghai-Tibet Highway. Only Kunlun month

Filled with brilliance, it adds another dream to the poetry

Hoh Xil has become the sky and earth of Tibetan antelopes

Dear Tibetan antelope, please pass by

Where you pass, the fog and wind of the plateau

Shake off the curtain of security. What you breathe

It's all broad, thorough, and fresh

As for me, I have taken refuge in the poems, hidden in the moonlight

You can't see me, I can see you

I'm going to write your passage into notes

Report to humanity the majestic migration of your breeding race

Two months ago, you pregnant mothers

Trek 600 kilometers and go north to Zhuo Nai Lake to give birth

Primitive behavior gives birth to the power to plan for the future

There is a lot of material lake water

It will give the baby a healthy body

There are purple-black stones

A safe bunker is provided for the baby

When they can move around quickly

The vegetation is shaken by the amorous wind to the same color as the baby

Blindfold all hostile malicious eyes

As a result, this huge group of mothers and children

With advanced wisdom, block the gaze of wild wolves

Dodge the ferocious wings of the sky

After years of deep adventure, my mother can always predict what happens from 10,000

At an altitude of 5,000 meters above sea level, where oxygen falls

The sun is frozen in the wind and snow of the ice

The Tibetan antelope knows the meaning of life and death

You spirits and gods are not afraid, but hold fast to righteousness

Giving birth is a pleasure, and migrating is a ceremony

The air is exhausted in the sky, and the quality is exhausted in the earth

At one end, a thousand words that lead to humanity are carried in hand

At one end, think about the thriving that leads to nature

When the mother completes a great birth

Migrate to the grassland of your hometown, so that the baby can meet the great father

As a mother, please accept the salute of humanity

As children, please accept the salute of humanity

In the common home of the earth

We love you! We love you

Heaven and man are one, and we live in the same community with a shared future

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Ecological Heavenly Road, Magnificent Plateau (Image Source Network)/

Dear Tibetan antelope, please pass by

For your crossing, roads and railways sleep in dreams

Here, or larger and larger areas

There is no noise that disturbs your mother and child

All arrangements and arrangements have been checked

It's all in line with your natural habits

It is worthy of the kun of the earth where you gave birth to children

In the past, it could not be believed

But for the future, you can rest assured a hundred

Everyone will do to protect your Sonam Dajie

Every day is a day of happiness and safety for you

All the sources of evil are imprisoned in prisons

Dear Tibetan antelope, please pass by

The frost on the cocoa is the spring when you take a leisurely stroll

Each grass puts love for you into its own leaves

If you feel thirsty, go to the Chumar River to drink water

When your pupils meet the blue stream

It may shake your figure

Yes! Don't be afraid, it's Chumar River taking pictures of your mother and son

In the background is a blanket of unmelted snow

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Plateau Elf Tibetan Antelope (Image Source Network)/

In this mighty marching procession

I saw Liang Liang again, and you were injured in Wudaoliang back then

It is the rescue of the road builders who will bring you back to the embrace of nature

Congratulations! When the days of panic and anxiety stop

You have been a great mother and have shouldered the burden of propagation

Your baby, after a trek of hundreds of kilometers

Tired and tired, he walked crookedly in the night wind

Liang Liang, help the child quickly, the mother's licking and kissing

It's the power that feeds her

The baby walks well and steadily, so that the mother does not worry

Liang Liang, you can also tell your kind

For survival, for the prosperity of the Tibetan antelope family

Occasionally, if there is something difficult, you can come to the human hall for help

What humans forget, nature makes up for you

What nature is short of, it's up to us humans to do those things

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Kunlun Mountain scenery (picture source network)/

"Farewell to Kunlun"

A small person, who does not dare to put on the cloak of a grand era

Say goodbye to Kunlun today, so reluctant

Even though there is silence, there is still something brewing in my heart

I want to say it, but I don't dare to say it, words are dead

I can only use tears to express my reluctance and comfort

Kunlun, without you, I would not have a home

Away from you, kindness, warmth, and sweetness are taken away again

Don't go, want to go. If you want to leave, your soul will be lost

Here, I poured out 8 years of youth, plus bits and pieces later

Coming and going, 15 years of flying snow, piled up on my chest

time, marking the span of 30 years

If you lose you, you lose the meaning of half your life

In your arms, I climb the rickety scaffolding

Swing the eight-pound hammer in your hand heavily

Smash youth and sweat into your heart

Infiltrate your heart with hope, too

In the dimming afterglow of the setting sun

I have wandered around without knowing what is wrong with things

Life, future, love, job

Many times poured out the exhaustion of the mind, the decadence of the spirit

The years of isolation from my hometown, homesickness are all in my dreams

Healthy heresy, disease, overcame the body

On my forehead, I hold two starry stars

I want to say goodbye to you as if I had taken off the pain

Go to the mainland and let life give birth to wings

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Bird's eye view of Kunlun Mountain (picture source: Internet)/

Today, farewell to Kunlun, the wings of pain, flying around the snow peak

The mountains seemed to see through my shame

On the way east, my heart was full of thorns

It's not easy to say goodbye

It's not just a stretch of hand that touches the roses outside the plateau

Here, the young soul of the division commander is buried

Here, the youth of 108 comrades-in-arms is buried

Qingming burns paper, which is my relatives on behalf of their hometown

Here, my roaring air guns turn the railroad into a westbound traveler

Here, I use the water of the Golmud River to feed poplar trees

Now, it has greened the sky with its life

Blindfolded, I can still see

A group of unyielding men marched westward in the snow

Plug your ears and still hear the call of the earth

My soul

You embraced me with a big heart

I embrace you with a fiery heart

Your snow is my soul

My sweat is your blood

Say goodbye to Kunlun today, look at the grassland with tears in your eyes, yaks

Looking at the majestic mountains, fertile white clouds

It's hard to give up, you want to do it and stop, and you want to stop it

In the inseparable attachment, can it be said that there is the Qinghai-Tibet spirit of wearing red and hanging colors

No! No! I'm not that noble, I'm not worthy

Potentially, I once wanted to be a deserter

It's just that he didn't become a deserter in the end

Let the spirit be dressed in the garb of language

The value of youth is at the mercy of Kunlun's care and extension

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

/Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Railway (Image Source Network)/

Kunlun, farewell

I'm still in the prime of life, and my blood has lit up my steps

My prayers

It is to find the countless peaks that are not called Kunlun

In the bag, take out the sound of 10,000 miles of sunshine

I shout to you, I have a sea in my heart

Place your vast Kunlun forever

Zhu Haiyan ||Three Poems of the Qinghai-Tibet Group (68)

Introduction of Zhu Haiyan

Zhu Haiyan, a native of Lixin, Anhui Province, enlisted in the army in 1976 and served as a soldier, platoon commander, deputy instructor, and cultural officer of the division's Political Department in the Seventh Division of the Railway Corps.

In 1983, he was transferred to the "Railway Soldier" newspaper, and in February 1984, he was transferred to the "People's Railway" newspaper as a reporter, chief reporter, and chief reporter. In 1998, he served as editor-in-chief, president and editor-in-chief of China Railway Construction News, and a senior reporter. In March 2010, he was transferred to the Engineering Management Center of the Ministry of Railways as the deputy director at the bureau level, specializing in the writing of railway construction reports.

The winners of the 6th Fan Changjiang Journalism Award are the "four batches" of talents in the national propaganda system, leading figures in China's press and publishing circles, and senior experts directly controlled and contacted by the central government. He has won the China Journalism Award eight times, won the first and second prizes of provincial and ministerial news awards more than 90 times, and won the "Five One Project" award of the Central Propaganda Department for his long-form reportage "There is War in the North". He has published 40 collections of various works, with a total word count of 20 million words. He enjoys the allowance of the State Council and is a member of the Chinese Writers Association.

Edit: Have fun

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