
In 1937, movie star Chen Yanyan went to her best friend's house for a banquet, who knew that while she was unprepared, her best friend secretly put the drug into her cup, Chen Yanyan was unconscious after drinking it, and her best friend called her man to take the opportunity to defile

author:Everything Meow knows

In 1937, movie star Chen Yanyan went to her best friend's house for a banquet, who knew that while she was unprepared, her best friend secretly put the drug into her cup, Chen Yanyan was unconscious after drinking, and her best friend called her man to take the opportunity to defile her. Unexpectedly, Chen Yanyan fell in love with this man later.

Chen Yanyan, born in a famous family, studied Peking Opera and dance since childhood, entered the film industry at the age of 14, and quickly became a hot star with her outstanding appearance and acting skills. She has a simple personality, treats people sincerely, and teaches her junior Tong Yuejuan even more, and the two are like sisters.

However, Tong Yuejuan's husband Zhang Shankun coveted Chen Yanyan. Once, Chen Yanyan was invited to Tong Yuejuan's house as a guest, but Zhang Shankun set a trap, conspired with Tong Yuejuan, and took advantage of Chen Yanyan's unpreparedness to drug and violate her. Her innocence was tarnished, and Chen Yanyan fell into the abyss of pain.

After being raped, Chen Yanyan wanted to denounce Zhang Shankun's crime, but was threatened and lured by Zhang Shankun. He threatened Chen Yanyan with the ugly things of that night, forced her to comply, and promised her all the support in her career.

Chen Yanyan rejected Zhang Shankun's unreasonable request, who knew that Zhang Shankun became even worse, and after learning that Chen Yanyan was pregnant, he abused her in every way and abused her wantonly. Chen Yanyan was tortured and physically and mentally exhausted.

suffered from the double betrayal of her best friend and husband, Chen Yanyan fell into a low point in her life. But she did not sink here, with the careful guidance and support of her parents, she regained her strength, cut off all contact with Zhang Shankun, and devoted herself to her career.

The hard work pays off, her acting skills are getting better and better, and her fame is getting bigger and bigger. At the low ebb of her career, Chen Yanyan was fortunate to be appreciated by the famous writer Zhang Ailing, and played the heroine in the movie "No Love" written by Zhang Ailing, and her acting skills and popularity reached the peak again.

After that, she fell in love with actor Wang Hao, and the two joined hands to found Haiyan Pictures. Although this relationship ended in nothing, Chen Yanyan has devoted all her energy to her career. His love and dedication to the performing arts is admirable.

Chen Yanyan's life is an inspirational epic full of legends. She came from a prominent background and was talented, and at the age of 14, she stepped into the film industry with her outstanding appearance and acting skills, and became the much-anticipated "Southern Milk Swallow". However, fate did not favor this beautiful and kind woman, and her life was full of ups and downs and tribulations.

Chen Yanyan once had a beautiful love and marriage, but her first marriage ended in tragedy. Her husband Huang Shaofen was her beloved, but she chose to leave because she couldn't accept her misfortune. Chen Yanyan also had hope for love again, but the man who had promised her happiness eventually lived up to her expectations.

In her career, Chen Yanyan has also experienced ups and downs. With her extraordinary talent and hard work, she has become a household name in the film industry, creating countless classic roles. However, in that male-dominated era, women's status and rights were often not respected as they should be. Chen Yanyan has also suffered groundless rumors and workplace bullying, and once fell into a low point in her career.

However, Chen Yanyan was not crushed by the predicament. In that turbulent era, she deduced a tenacious female image with a weak body. Whether it is Zhou Xiufang in "Angel on the Road" or Pan Yue'e in "Spring Silkworm", the characters created by Chen Yanyan have one thing in common, that is, they still maintain their noble character and unyielding will in the face of adversity.

Chen Yanyan's life also witnessed the great changes in society during the Republic of China. In that turbulent era, people's fate could be changed by the torrent of the times at any time. Chen Yanyan has experienced the years of war and panic, and has also witnessed the development and transformation of the film industry. She used her own personal experience to interpret the epitome of an era and leave a valuable historical memory for future generations.

As a woman, Chen Yanyan's misfortune also reflects the plight faced by women in that era. In a society where men are superior to women, women often find it difficult to control their own destiny and easily fall prey to desire and power. Although Chen Yanyan is in adversity, she has never given up her yearning for a better life, and has fought for the dignity and rights of women in her own way.

Chen Yanyan's life has not only flowers and applause, but also betrayal and injury, as well as joys and sorrows, which can be called a legend of ups and downs. Her story is a microcosm of an era and a reflection of the injustices suffered by women in that era.

She performed the joys and sorrows of an actress of the Republic of China, and also left valuable spiritual wealth for future generations. Her tenacity, courage and pursuit have inspired generation after generation to strive for their ideals and dignity, and she has become an eternal star in the history of Chinese film.

Chen Yanyan's life experience has also provided valuable life inspiration for future generations. She proved with her actions that as long as a person has firm faith and unyielding will, he can create an extraordinary life. Her story has inspired generations to pursue their ideals, defend their dignity, and become masters of their own lives.

Her influence and spirit live on forever. She used her life to write a strong stroke in the history of Chinese film, and also left valuable spiritual wealth for countless people. Her name has become a symbol of the times and an eternal legend. Her story will continue to inspire and move more people and become an eternal star in the history of Chinese cinema.

(Information source: Jimu News 2019-10-29 - Sister Cherry|From Nanguo Milk Yan to "Tragic Queen", she has a bumpy love road, and what she leaves fans with is eternal beauty)

In 1937, movie star Chen Yanyan went to her best friend's house for a banquet, who knew that while she was unprepared, her best friend secretly put the drug into her cup, Chen Yanyan was unconscious after drinking it, and her best friend called her man to take the opportunity to defile
In 1937, movie star Chen Yanyan went to her best friend's house for a banquet, who knew that while she was unprepared, her best friend secretly put the drug into her cup, Chen Yanyan was unconscious after drinking it, and her best friend called her man to take the opportunity to defile
In 1937, movie star Chen Yanyan went to her best friend's house for a banquet, who knew that while she was unprepared, her best friend secretly put the drug into her cup, Chen Yanyan was unconscious after drinking it, and her best friend called her man to take the opportunity to defile

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