
Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

author:Hulunbuir News
Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way
Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

The west school of the No. 7 Middle School in Hailar District was renovated and expanded

Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

Renovation of old neighborhoods

Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

Shuangliang heating overhaul

Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

Sea milk is a time-honored brand in China

Hailar District: Enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area in an all-round way

Hailar District Dongshan Red Star never sleeps city

Xu Junfeng/Text, Zhu Tieying/Photo

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and under the strong leadership of the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, Hailar District has made all-round efforts to enhance the multi-dimensional primacy of the central urban area, continuously enhance the city's comprehensive competitiveness and regional influence, and strive to be a good leader and benchmark in promoting the construction of modern Hulunbuir.

Pay more attention to expanding the total economic output, and make a quick step forward in improving the priority of development

In the first quarter of this year, the economic operation of Hailar District continued to stabilize and improve, and the regional GDP reached 5.864 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.2%. By industry, the added value of the primary industry reached 100 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.2%; the added value of the secondary industry reached 2.075 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.0%; The added value of the tertiary industry reached 3.689 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.6%. From January to April, the general public budget revenue was 311.25 million yuan, an increase of 65.52 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.7%.

In terms of production. The development pattern of modern agriculture and animal husbandry industry relying on Hulunbuir Modern Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Industrial Park and the construction of street logistics belts, joint operation of farmers and herdsmen cooperatives and leading enterprises, and intensive development of planting, breeding and warehousing has been basically formed; In terms of secondary production, the new energy industry is in the ascendant. Huaneng Xiaoliang Wind Farm and Datang Zaromude Wind Farm generated 108.95 million kWh of electricity in the first half of the year. The Hailar domestic waste incineration power generation project will complete an investment of 105 million yuan in 2023. The traditional industries continued to be optimized, and Hulunbuir Haiyu Dairy Co., Ltd. became the first enterprise in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region to be rated as "China Time-honored Brand"; In terms of tertiary industries, as a "grassland business capital", Hailar District continued to make efforts in the fields of regional characteristics, advantageous industries, time-honored products, automobiles, home appliances, and cultural and tourism consumption, and the total retail sales of consumer goods from January to April reached 2,919.6 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.7%.

Pay more attention to improving the quality of the city, and deepen and expand in the priority of enhancing functions

Three points are built, seven points are in charge, and the city is managed for the people. The Hailar District Party Committee and the District Government regard strengthening the fine management of the city as an important measure to protect and improve people's livelihood, taking the people first as the "warp" and the responsibility as the "weft", and weaving the harmonious beauty of the people's happy life through solid embroidery skills, so that the 365,000 people living here have a significant sense of gain, happiness and security.

Under the strong leadership of the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, Hailar District has always adhered to the "six focuses" and "six more emphasis" for a long time, and will improve the level of urban fine management as an important starting point for accelerating the integrated development of Hulunbuir central urban area. From the upgrading of urban greening to the construction of complete communities, from the renovation of old communities to the environmental improvement of back streets and alleys, the completion of each project not only gives people's livelihood and well-being "temperature" and "texture", but also makes the "panoramic living room" of Hulunbuir City more colorful, and the multi-dimensional first degree of the central urban area is higher.

Hailar District regards the "Warm Project" as the No. 1 project, and plans a total of 9 warm engineering projects, with a total investment of 220 million yuan, benefiting 9,747 heat users. The renovation of 58 old communities has been launched, and 3 old community renovation projects are planned for 2025, benefiting a total of 43,000 residents. Organized and implemented the construction of Wudao Street Shangshan Road, Junshang Jiuhao Community surrounding road project, the total length of the road is 2048 meters, the total investment is 52.44 million yuan.

Pay more attention to the construction of ecological civilization, and make long-term contributions to improving the priority of green

In May this year, the "Three Norths" shelterbelt project in Hailar District was successfully completed, and the restoration of 2,000 acres of artificial forests and 1,000 acres of degraded forests was completed. Since the implementation of the "Three Norths" shelterbelt construction project, Hailar District has completed a total of 157,000 mu of "Three North" shelterbelt construction tasks. The "Three Norths" shelterbelt project has not only effectively managed the areas with serious desertification and potentially desertified land, significantly improved the ecological environment, but also provided a solid guarantee for the grassland ecosystem and food production security.

Walking into Hailar is to walk into a landscape painting with rich ink and color. The Yimin River is ink, and countless beautiful legends are recited between the waves and the waves; The pine sylvestris is the pen, and the copper stem and iron branches are used to fight the snow and frost, outlining the straightforward character of the Hailar people; The Xishan Ecological Landscape Area and the Hailar River Wetland collect the essence of mountains, rivers, plants and trees, endow them with the soul of history and culture, and achieve another beautiful scenery where humanity and nature complement each other. Green is not only the background color of the development of Hailar District, but also the confidence and heritage of writing the chapter of Hailar in the new era of Chinese style.

Pay more attention to improving people's livelihood and well-being, and work hard to improve the quality of the first degree

The people are the state, and the country is solid. Hailar District adheres to the heart of the people, takes the party's mass line in the new era, and continuously improves people's livelihood and well-being.

The employment situation remained stable. From January to May, 1,814 new jobs were created in Hailar District, 295 urban unemployed people were re-employed, 425 people with employment difficulties were employed, and 376 farmers and herdsmen were transferred from rural and pastoral areas. 5.31 million yuan of personal entrepreneurship guarantee was handled, and 13 people were employed through guaranteed loans. A social insurance subsidy of 10,767,800 yuan was issued to 3,659 people with employment difficulties. There were 522 person-times of urban employment skills training, and the supply capacity of vocational skills training was steadily improved.

The quality of social security has been improved. From January to May, a total of 4,713,700 yuan of urban and rural subsistence allowances and 1,237,700 yuan of living expenses and nursing subsidies for people living in extreme poverty were distributed. In terms of education, it invested 662 million yuan to improve the conditions for running schools, successively established 3 standardized kindergartens, 1 nine-year school, renovated and expanded 11 schools (parks), completed a construction area of 107,200 square meters, and completed maintenance and renovation of 77,600 square meters.

Pay more attention to expanding opening up to the outside world, and innovate and lead in improving the priority of opening up

As the only central urban area at the junction of China, Russia and Mongolia, Hailar District is a pilot area for China-Russia-Mongolia cooperation determined by the state, and an important node city of the national "Belt and Road" leading to the Eurasian land bridge, and has successively concluded international sister city relations with more than 10 cities such as Chita City in Russia and Choibalsan City in Mongolia.

The 300-kilometer radius area with Hailar as the center has been identified by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as the core area of tourism development in eastern Inner Mongolia, and the Ulanhot-Arshan-Hailar-Manzhouli tourism corridor is implemented in it. Hailar Air Port is a national first-class port, and from 2020 to 2022, the airport's passenger throughput index continued to rank first among regional airports in the autonomous region. Since 2023, Hulunbuir Airport has further enriched its route network, added or encrypted a number of routes to important passenger source areas, and increased the number of operating routes to 76, including 74 domestic routes and 2 international routes, with an annual tourist throughput of 2.9125 million, and a total of 8,012 transport flights from January to May this year, an increase of 23.8% compared with 2023. The passenger throughput was 825,600, an increase of 16.9% year-on-year in 2023. The intensive implementation of a number of businesses such as border tourism visa application, air port visa on arrival, and Taiwan resident landing endorsement has expanded a broader space for export-oriented economic development in Hailar District, and also built an air bridge for economic and trade cooperation, cultural exchanges, and tourism between China, Russia and Mongolia.

Pay more attention to the implementation of quality and efficiency, and play a role in improving the image of the first degree

With a high degree of ideological consciousness and action consciousness, the Hailar District Party Committee has promoted the implementation of the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee, the Autonomous Region Party Committee, and the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee. On the one hand, it stimulates the endogenous motivation of cadres to dare to work hard, and truly makes cadres who are able to work hard, work hard, and make achievements have hope, energy, and sweetness. On the other hand, we should be clearly incentive-oriented, implement various incentive and guarantee policies, improve and improve the fault-tolerant and error-correcting mechanism, and continue to loosen the pressure on grassroots cadres, so that the majority of cadres can "travel lightly" and focus on development. At the same time, strictly play the role of the "baton" and "wind vane" of supervision and assessment, insist on embedding supervision and supervision into the whole process of economic construction, establish a weekly, monthly and quarterly supervision and supervision list, pay close attention to the problem of supervision, track the effectiveness of supervision, and strictly supervise the implementation of responsibilities and policies.

Driven by the demonstration of the Hailar District Party Committee, leading cadres at all levels bowed down to the bureau and commanded from the front, taking more to the enterprise, more to the project construction site, and more to the front line of investment promotion as the "road map" of the work, and promoted the "big victory" of development with their own work "small success".

Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now it is stepping forward from the beginning. In the future work, Hailar District will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions on Inner Mongolia's important speech, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and unswervingly follow a new path of high-quality development guided by ecological priority and green development. The name of "Charming Prairie City" has a more three-dimensional effect.