
Chen Balhuqi: Strive to write an "outstanding" answer sheet for high-quality development

author:Hulunbuir News
Chen Balhuqi: Strive to write an "outstanding" answer sheet for high-quality development

Successfully established the Hulunbuir Prairie and Morgrad River National 5A-level Tourist Attraction

Chen Balhuqi: Strive to write an "outstanding" answer sheet for high-quality development

Continue to improve the level of urban fine management

Chen Balhuqi: Strive to write an "outstanding" answer sheet for high-quality development

The creation of beautiful homes has led to a new look in the rural living environment

Chen Balhuqi: Strive to write an "outstanding" answer sheet for high-quality development

The breakthrough development of the photovoltaic industry has led to the intensive agglomeration of emerging industries

Shi Chun Bai Siqin

Chen Balhuqi conscientiously implements the overall arrangements of the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee, focusing on the comprehensive implementation of a main line, focusing on two major events, carefully implementing the "six projects", and deepening and solidifying the "five action plans" for industrial development...... The steady answers have witnessed the fruitful results of the high-quality economic and social development of Chen Balhuqi. In the first quarter, the GDP of the whole banner region reached 2.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.2%; The per capita disposable income of all residents increased by 8.3 percent year-on-year. From January to May, the general public budget revenue reached 466 million yuan, and the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 4.2% year-on-year. investment in fixed assets above designated size increased by 5.4 percent year-on-year; The total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 4.4% year-on-year, and the economic development remained steady and progressive.

Excellent ecology, build barriers, and plant green water and green mountains with a bright background

Chen Balhuqi focused on key links and concentrated efforts. The overall land and space plan of the whole banner has been approved by the autonomous region, and the preparation of the township and village plans and the overall wetland plan is being accelerated, and the plan will help strengthen the control of land and space use.

Formulate a three-year action plan for environmental protection, measures for the supervision and management of grass and livestock balance, and promote the improvement of the ecological protection system.

Promote the implementation of sand prevention and control and wind power and photovoltaic integration projects, and implement the comprehensive management project of grassland sandy land in eastern Mongolia (phase I), with a treatment area of more than 300,000 mu, and the grassland vegetation coverage is stable at more than 75%. There have been more than 1,300 inspections by forest and grass chiefs at all levels, rivers and lakes at all levels of the whole banner, and the supervision is normal and long-lasting. The continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment has made the sky bluer, the grass greener, the water clearer, and the environment better.

Strong support and increased momentum have driven the steady improvement of the quality and efficiency of development

Chen Balhuqi focuses on seizing opportunities and increasing momentum, focusing on projects, attracting investment, promoting industries, adjusting structure, expanding quantity, and improving quality, so as to empower the high-quality development of the whole banner's economy.

Grasp the project to expand investment. On the basis of the 1.4-fold increase in the number of key projects at the municipal level and the two-fold increase in completed investment last year, the number of projects, total investment, and annual planned investment in 2024 will increase by 33%, 26%, and 25.4% respectively, and the economic support will be stronger; 21 high-quality investment projects were launched, 29 projects were signed with 11 enterprises, and 121 million yuan of domestic funds were in place from January to May, injecting new vitality into development;

Grasp the industry to promote growth. The sowing area of crops reached 1.31 million mu, and the output of dairy meat maintained an increasing trend, with the output of meat reaching 2,592 tons and the output of milk reaching 24,600 tons from January to May.

Promote the implementation of science and technology "breakthrough" project, crushed coal slag gasifier furnace furnace high temperature resistance and other 3 projects implemented in an orderly manner, 22 transformation and upgrading projects to drive key enterprises to release high-quality production capacity, 1-5 months of power generation reached 2.07 billion kilowatt hours, raw coal output reached 16.745 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%, key energy enterprises technological transformation to drive traditional industry innovation and excellence. On the basis of the grid-connected power generation of 6 projects such as 74.5 MW centralized photovoltaic of Hubao New Energy, the growth trend of the new energy industry will continue to be maintained this year, and the construction of the new energy charging facility low-temperature R&D center project will be started. Three projects, including Mengdong Energy and Hubei Power Plant's flexible transformation and configuration of 320,000 kilowatt photovoltaic bases, are being planned and promoted, and the total installed capacity of new energy is expected to reach 195,000 kilowatts, an increase of 3 percentage points.

The successful creation of Hulunbuir Prairie Morgrad River National 5A-level Tourist Attraction, "Dream Back to Morgrad" live performance, "Hulunbuir Taste" food tasting and other boutique projects started construction, the whole flag scenic spot expanded to 37, the number of tourists and income from January to May ranked in the forefront of the city, and the continuous attraction of high-quality cultural tourism projects in key scenic spots will drive the quality of scenic spots and the popularity of grassland tourism to rise again, and drive the cultural tourism industry to improve its standards and efficiency. In the early stage of the first phase of the Taohai National Wetland Park, the planting area of sheep grass exceeded 210,000 mu, and the pilot project for realizing the value of carbon sequestration and the carbon sequestration afforestation project were steadily promoted, driving the development of the ecological industry by taking advantage of the momentum.

Promote unity, keep peace, and maintain harmony and stability in the overall social situation

Chen Balhuqi unswervingly implements the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation and grasps national unity. The mass education and practice activities of "feeling the party's kindness, listening to the party, and following the party" guide the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups to deeply understand the "facts and truths of the six sentences". Build and improve 10 propaganda positions such as the model corridor and the model character exhibition hall, give full play to the role of 4 teams such as the "pomegranate seed" volunteer service team and the Ulan herdsman, and do a good job of "ten" activities, so as to drive the deepening and expansion of national unity and progress education, and the "three inseparable", "four together" and "five identities" are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Grasp the construction of peace. We have built a grid management system for forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing, and the number of fires and fires during the spring prevention period has decreased by 57.9% year-on-year, and we have continued to carry out safety rectification actions in key areas to help improve the quality of safety production supervision. The construction of "Grassland 110" in the new era, the creation of a three-dimensional border prevention and control digital platform, and the improvement of the quality and efficiency of border stability maintenance, were awarded the first batch of "National Safe Border Model Flags".

Solve people's worries, benefit people's livelihood, and promote the continuous improvement of people's livelihood and well-being

Chen Balhuqi focused on the people's urgency, hardship and hope, and earnestly made the work of benefiting the people's livelihood, warming the hearts of the people, and conforming to the will of the people, and did a good job in people's livelihood with heart and affection.

Grasp the people's livelihood and ensure the bottom line. Persist in using more than 70% of the general public budget expenditure to ensure people's livelihood, implement policies to help people out of poverty, and put in place basic living guarantees such as urban and rural subsistence allowances and support for the extremely poor, so as to achieve full coverage of medical insurance for low-income populations.

Grasp the development of social undertakings. Strengthen the traction of practical projects for people's livelihood, and five projects, including the construction of the gymnasium of Baori Hiller Middle School, have led to the improvement of school running conditions; The hemodialysis unit of the People's Hospital and the rehabilitation base of the Mongolian Medical Hospital were completed and put into use, driving the improvement of public health service capacity; Literary and artistic groups such as Ulan herding and riding have created more excellent works, and various cultural theme activities to benefit the people have enriched the lives of the masses, and Chen Balhu Banner has been awarded the "Hometown of Horse Culture in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region".

Improve the quality of life. Promote the implementation of the warmth project, continue to build heat sources and primary pipe network renovation projects, drive the transformation of 18,000 meters of pipe network in 39 communities, benefit 6,630 residents, and make people's lives more comfortable. Three highways through the township were reconstructed, and more than 3,000 meters of drainage and flood prevention and sewage disposal upgrading projects in key towns were started, making people's lives more convenient. The total area of open public activity venues such as National Unity Park, Shubian Square, Sports Park, National Fitness Center, Staff Activity Center, and Outdoor Football Field has reached 570,000 square meters, making the people's lives more comfortable.

Deepening the promotion of the "responsive" brand mechanism, government service centers and archives have been completed and put into use, the online handling rate of government service matters has exceeded 98%, and 115 matters have been handled "one thing at a time", making the masses more efficient. The creation of beautiful homes has led to a new look in the rural living environment, changed customs and guided the people to be good and good, and the construction of beautiful villages has shown a new style.

Grasp and drive the masses to increase their income. 10 "Rejuvenating the Border and Enriching the People" projects have driven the continuous improvement of the infrastructure of Sumu in the border area, 11 rural revitalization bridging fund projects have driven the development of characteristic industries such as large-scale breeding and handicraft production in Gacha, and the collective economic income of 29 Gacha in the whole banner has increased three times in a row, and the industrial development pattern of "one Sumu and one characteristic" has driven the masses to steadily increase their income, and their lives are getting better day by day.

Change the style of work, improve efficiency, and take responsibility for practical work in implementing the decisions and deployments of superiors

Chen Balhuqi insisted on strengthening the party's overall leadership. Carry out party discipline learning and education, guide party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, and abide by discipline, and promote high-quality development with strict discipline guarantees. Promote the creation of "model" branches of strong fortresses, and drive the continuous improvement of the "two functions" of grassroots party organizations. Consolidate and expand, study and implement the educational achievements of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and party members and cadres continue to focus on the "four learnings", with a stronger atmosphere of clean air and entrepreneurship, and stronger confidence and motivation to dare to work, work hard, and grasp fast work to promote high-quality development.

Although the road is far, the line is coming; It's hard, but it's done. On the new journey of modernization, Chen Bal Tiger Banner will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, the work requirements of the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, and the overall arrangements of the Hulunbuir Municipal Party Committee, focus on ecological priority and green development, focus on raising the benchmark, jumping up and picking peaches, and continue to promote high-quality development to make more new progress, new changes and new breakthroughs in the work state of strengthening, speeding up and improving efficiency, and make more contributions to the struggle to write a new chapter in Hulunbuir's modernization.

This version of the image is courtesy of Chen Balhu Qirong Media Center