
The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

author:Charm Hutu Wall

For days

115,000 acres of wheat in Hutubi County were harvested

Hutubi County grain purchasing enterprise

Actively open warehouses to collect grain

Strictly control the "warehousing" of summer grain

Take multiple measures to help grain farmers sell grain comfortably and satisfactorily

Ensure that all the grain should be harvested and the grains returned to the warehouse

On June 28, in Changliang Group Hutubi Grain and Oil Co., Ltd., more than a dozen grain vehicles were arranged in an orderly manner, and under the guidance of the staff, they were registered, sampled, inspected, inspected, warehoused, weighed, and settled, and the conveyor roared endlessly.

The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →
The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

Ma Jian, a grain farmer from Yanqi County, came to Hutubi to sell grain, and got the grain payment on the spot, smiling happily. Ma Jian said: "I planted 120 acres of winter wheat, the growth is very good, one mu can produce 495 kilograms, 2.57 yuan/kg, the yield is good, the price is good, and I plan to expand the planting area next year." ”

The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

This year, Changliang Group Hutubi Grain and Oil Co., Ltd. set up 5 acquisition points, with a warehouse capacity of 32,000 tons, and completed the verification and maintenance of the warehouse and equipment in mid-June, and implemented the acquisition fund of 230 million yuan. The purchase method of open purchase, fair pricing, accurate measurement, online banking settlement, and no blank slip gives grain farmers a foundation, so that grain growers can grow grain and sell grain comfortably.

The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →
The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

Peng Gang, Secretary of the Party Branch and General Manager of Hutubi Grain and Oil Co., Ltd. of Changliang Group, said: "At present, it is the wheat purchase season, the company is expected to purchase 1,000 tons per day, and the total purchase of this year is expected to be 60,000 tons. ”

The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →
The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

It is understood that this year, the wheat planting area of Hutubi County is 115,000 mu, and there are 4 storage enterprises in the county, a total of 8 purchase points have been set up, and the existing warehouse capacity can meet the storage needs of 200,000 mu of wheat to the greatest extent. At the same time, financial units and grain purchasing enterprises in Hutubi County raised 482 million yuan for summer grain purchases, an increase of 104.5 million yuan over last year. In 2024, grain enterprises in our county are expected to purchase 130,000 tons of wheat. During the summer grain procurement period, the Hutubi County Development and Reform Commission, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other departments continued to do a good job in the supervision of summer grain purchases, strengthened the monitoring of the purchase quantity and price, and required clear pricing and price according to quality, so as to ensure that grain and agriculture "get the grain and the money", and effectively maintain the order of the summer grain purchase market.

The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →
The pellets are all in the warehouse! Hutubi County summer grain opened the scale to purchase →

Zhang Hua, chief of the grain and material reserve section of Hutubi County, said: "This year we have set up a joint law enforcement team, during the summer grain purchase we will join the Municipal Supervision Bureau, the fire brigade, the Agricultural Development Board and other units to inspect uninterruptedly, at present, our county has recorded the acquisition of 16 enterprises, including 4 in the county, to ensure that 'someone collects grain, money collects grain, there is a warehouse to collect grain, there is a vehicle to transport grain'." ”