
Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

author:Li Zhi
Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

Wei Dongyi has been famous for many years, and although he has achieved a lot of results, he has always been low-key.

Previously, he was most exposed in class, using a very fast speed to teach the proud sons of the sky;

It's not just holding a bag of steamed buns and a thermos cup of water, and walking hurriedly on the campus of Peking University.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

However, just recently, Wei Dongyi was exposed by his relatives to many little-known secrets.

And with his cousin and cousin opening accounts and posting news in the name of Wei Shen's family, many netizens believe that this will interfere with Wei Dongyi, who was originally innocent and unwilling to engage in learning.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

If in the future, these seven aunts and eight aunts will all come to rub Wei Shen's heat, but if there is any mistake and the house collapses, it will affect Wei Shen and bring him a negative impact.

Cousin Wei Shen, who has been staying in Beijing for nearly a week, doesn't know if she is having fun and not thinking about it, or if she has tasted the sweetness of Wei Dongyi's popularity, she is still reluctant to go home.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

On July 1, accompanied by Wei Dongyi, he took the two babies to the "North Movement" to see the "Three Princes of Xizhimen" - the giant panda Menglan.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

Wei Dongyi didn't wear the cool hat he wore on the day he climbed the Great Wall that day, but he still wore a mask, judging from the photos exposed by his cousin, he quietly looked at the flowing water outside the boat, thoughtful, and didn't see any excitement and enjoyment.

Perhaps, only the laboratory and the classroom can make him calm and happy.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

On the first day of July, the people who rubbed Wei Shen's popularity were not only his cousin's family, but Wei Shen's cousin in Zhejiang, after sharing the dynamics of Wei Shen taking him to visit the campus of Peking University, also rubbed Wei Dongyi's popularity in disguise on the same day as his cousin.

The cousin posted a photo of his son, and deliberately asked netizens, isn't this a hot spot?

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

After many netizens looked at the photos, they all agreed that Wei Shen's nephew looked too similar to his uncle, and some even saw Wei Dongyi's childhood photos at a glance.

Some netizens also blessed the child, hoping that he could be like his uncle in the future and succeed in his studies.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen
Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

Previously, a video about Wei Dongyi going home to visit relatives was exposed on the Internet, and the blogger made it clear that Wei Shen went back to Jinan to visit his mother, and he also met a neighbor on the way, and the other party said that he could take Wei Dongyi home by the way, but Wei Shen refused.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

Through this video, netizens also thought that the hometown of the math genius was Shandong, and the cousin corrected it in the comment area.

He said that Wei Dongyi's ancestral home is in Dongyang, Zhejiang, and their entire family and most of their relatives also live here.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

The cousin also said that for the birth of Wei Dongyi, a genius, not only the family felt that the lintel was bright, but the local people in Dongyang were also honored.

However, the cousin's behavior of attracting fans under the banner of Wei Dongyi was complained by netizens, and some netizens said in the comment area that Wei Dongyi is such a low-key person, he doesn't like publicity very much, and he doesn't want to appear on the Internet often, but you, with Wei Dongyi's cousin's screen name, are you mixed in the short video circle, is it appropriate to do this?

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

Regarding this comment, the cousin did not pretend not to see it, but directly hardened, saying that netizens didn't know the specific situation at all, so don't take it for granted.

However, netizens insisted that by watching Wei Dongyi's video, they could know that he was not only unwilling to expose himself, but also knew how to refuse.

The implication is that no matter if his cousin is still a cousin, even if he has any offense to Wei Shen's bottom line, he is ashamed to express his feelings.

Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen

With the appearance of cousins, cousins, nephews and nephews one after another, I don't know if Wei Shen's other relatives will join the hot army one after another because of their red eyes, but Wei Dongyi, who doesn't like to wander around, show his head, and is not good at saying no.

It is said that one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven, and I only hope that Wei Shen, who is soaring and at the peak stage of scientific research and teaching, will not be dragged by the chicken and dog and mess up the direction!


Following his cousin and cousin, Wei Dongyi's nephew also came to rub the heat, and his temperament and appearance were the same as Wei Shen