
Station B and Xiaohongshu "collapsed", and Alibaba Cloud's response is coming!

author:Internet gossip

On the morning of July 2, the two major platforms of Bilibili (Bilibili) and Xiaohongshu suffered a service interruption, and the issue of Alibaba Cloud servers quickly became a hot topic on Weibo.

Station B and Xiaohongshu "collapsed", and Alibaba Cloud's response is coming!

This morning, a number of users posted that there was an abnormal function in the Bilibili app, including browsing history, watchlist, message push, version update and customer service support and other modules could not be used normally, and users tried to comment, send barrages, and access the video comment area and personal homepage (UP main page) when they encountered loading failures. At the same time, Xiaohongshu users also reported that the content of the platform could not be refreshed normally.

Station B and Xiaohongshu "collapsed", and Alibaba Cloud's response is coming!

In response to this situation, Bilibili released information through its customer service channel to confirm that some service functions were faulty, and informed the user that the team had urgently intervened in the repair work, and suggested that the user try again later.

Xiaohongshu also said that relevant feedback has been recorded, and users can try it again later.

Station B and Xiaohongshu "collapsed", and Alibaba Cloud's response is coming!

Later, Alibaba Cloud Customer Service Center issued a notice stating that at 10:04 a.m. (Beijing time) on July 2, 2024, Alibaba Cloud's monitoring system detected an abnormality in the network access service of N in an availability zone in Shanghai, and the Alibaba Cloud technical team activated the emergency response mechanism.

According to Alibaba Cloud's health monitoring system and subsequent announcements, the incident affected a wide range of services, including but not limited to Object Storage Service (OSS), Elastic Compute Service (ECS), Relational Database Service (RDS), Kubernetes cluster (K8S), Table Storage Service (OTS), Data Transmission Service (DTS), Key Management Service (KMS), PolarDB, Redis, MongoDB and Elasticsearch. It took 31 minutes from the discovery of the fault to the initial resolution, and the entire impact process from identification to full service recovery took a total of 38 minutes.


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