
In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

author:Literature and history

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On December 22, 1978, 57-year-old Wang Guangmei finally walked out of Qincheng Prison and regained her freedom.

By this time, she had been in prison for 12 years.

The 12-year prison sentence has caused great physical and mental damage to Wang Guangmei.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Wang Guangmei

However, after being released from prison, Wang Guangmei did not get depressed, and after recuperating her body, Wang Guangmei did three important things.

So, what exactly is Wang Guangmei going to do?


The first thing was to everyone's surprise, Wang Guangmei went to meet Chairman Mao's youngest daughter Li Ne.

Although the relationship between the two families was good before Wang Guangmei was imprisoned, everyone knows that Wang Guangmei and her deceased husband Liu Shaoqi suffered injustice back then because of Li Ne's mother Jiang Qing.

So people think that Wang Guangmei must have a grudge against Jiang Qing's daughter, why did she visit Li Ne after she was released from prison?

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone


People who think like this completely underestimate Wang Guangmei's mind.

Although imprisoned for 12 years, Wang Guangmei has never taken the grievances of the previous generation into account for the next generation.

On the contrary, in her heart, Li Ne has always been her junior.

More importantly, Li Ne is Chairman Mao's daughter, and it is natural for him to visit Chairman Mao's daughter by himself.

In the past, Wang Guangmei has always liked several children of Chairman Mao's family, especially the youngest Li Ne, and often invited her to the house as a guest and let her play with her children.

When the news of Chairman Mao's death reached the prison, Wang Guangmei was still worried about Li Ne.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Because she knew that the child had not been in good health since he was a child, his marriage was not very happy, and without his father's care, he was afraid that his future life would be very difficult.

Therefore, after being released from prison, Wang Guangmei specially asked someone to inquire about Li Ne's recent situation, and learned that Li Ne's current living situation is indeed not good.

After the divorce, Li Ne returned to Beijing with her children alone, but she was sick again and couldn't go out to work, and the lives of the mother and son were stretched.

When Wang Guangmei heard this, she was even more anxious, regardless of her physical weakness, she found Li Ne's residence at that time, and was bumping into Li Ne's young son Wang Xiaozhi playing in the alley.

And Li Ne hasn't seen him for many years, and the whole person has lost a lot of weight and is very haggard.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Seeing that she watched the little girl grow up like this, Wang Guangmei couldn't help but redden.

And Li Ne doesn't know how to face Wang Guangmei, for Wang Guangmei, an elder, Li Ne has always been very close, but she is worried that because of her mother's affairs, there will be a gap between the two.

But she never expected that Wang Guangmei, regardless of her previous suspicions, not only bought clothes and supplements for Li Ne's mother and son out of her own pocket, but also offered to help Li Ne take care of the children when she was free.

Wang Guangmei did what she said, and from then on, every two or three days, she took Wang Xiaozhi to her house to live for a day and a half, so that Li Ne could have time to treat and work.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

But looking at Li Ne's orphans and widows, Wang Guangmei still couldn't rest assured.

So she often discussed with some old comrades-in-arms to reintroduce Li Ne to a new object.

Later, with the help of Li Yinqiao and others, I really found a suitable object in all aspects.

That person's name is Wang Jingqing, who also worked as a guard for Chairman Mao in the past, he is honest and honest, and he treats Li Ne's children as his own.

After Li Ne and Wang Jingqing had contact several times, both parties were very satisfied, so they held a simple ceremony and came together under the witness of several friends.

Seeing that Li Ne had a home in the second half of his life, Wang Guangmei was relieved.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Since then, the two families have maintained close contact.

Many years later, Li Ne's son Wang Xiaozhi found a partner, and the big matchmaker was Wang Guangmei's son Liu Yuan, which was also passed down as a good story.

In 2004, the elderly Wang Guangmei held a special banquet for Chairman Mao's two daughters, Li Min and Li Ne.

At the banquet, Wang Guangmei said to the two families with tears in her eyes: "Now that I am the only elder in these two families, they are not there, and I can only feel at ease when I see that everything is okay with you juniors." ”

In 2006, when the news of Wang Guangmei's death came, Li Ne couldn't cry.

She said to her son: "Do your best to help Uncle Liu Yuan and take care of Grandma Guangmei's afterlife." ”

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Subsequently, Li Ne even ignored her physical weakness and rushed to guard Wang Guangmei's spirit and send her on her last journey.

Wang Guangmei used her generous heart to extend the friendship between the two families.

Circumstances change with the passage of time

The second thing Wang Guangmei did was also related to Chairman Mao, she went to visit Chairman Mao's former residence.

Chairman Mao's departure has made every Chinese feel painful, and Wang Guangmei is no exception.

Wang Guangmei often recalls the bits and pieces of her past relationship with Chairman Mao, who greatly influenced Wang Guangmei's revolutionary ideas and was the guide of her life.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

After Chairman Mao passed away, Wang Guangmei could no longer find such a good mentor.

Therefore, she could only go to Chairman Mao's former residence to pay respects and mourn.

In the past, when she and Liu Shaoqi held their wedding, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou, and Zhu De were all present to congratulate her.

The wedding was very simple, because the revolution had not yet been won, so the conditions were limited, and only a few new tables, chairs and benches were placed in the house, which was considered a new house.

The dishes are also very simple, and the only slightly more expensive dish is a cake.

Although it is simple, everyone is in a good mood because it is a rare moment for everyone to relax.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Everyone chatted happily, and when they went back, Wang Guangmei also specially wrapped a piece of cake and handed it to Chairman Mao for him to take back to the children to eat.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Wang Guangmei and Chairman Mao had more intersections than before.

Chairman Mao often encouraged Wang Guangmei and other female comrades to study more and have the courage to explore in their work.

With the encouragement and support of Chairman Mao and others, Wang Guangmei also had a very bright performance in her career.

In 1963, Wang Guangmei accompanied Liu Shaoqi to Indonesia for a state visit.

With her elegant demeanor and generous conversation, she won the respect of everyone present.

At the same time, she also made new history - the first first lady in the history of the republic to go abroad.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

The stakes were high because the mainland urgently needed to open more diplomatic channels.

It was precisely because of this consideration that the precedent was broken and Wang Guangmei and Liu Shaoqi were allowed to travel together.

Wang Guangmei had to show the proper demeanor of a Chinese woman in a diplomatic setting, so before leaving, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou took the trouble to give thousands of instructions.

Even the few clothes that I used to meet with reporters were repeatedly selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and after confirming that there were no mistakes, Wang Guangmei was allowed to bring them.

Fortunately, Wang Guangmei did not fail in her mission.

Although it was the first time to visit abroad, Wang Guangmei gestured and did not show any nervous posture, and her light almost compared everyone present.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Reporters from all over the world have focused their cameras on this elegant and dignified first lady, which caused a sensation at home and abroad for a while.

Because of this success, Chairman Mao praised Wang Guangmei's performance.

Later, Wang Guangmei accompanied Liu Shaoqi on six more visits, which became a dazzling business card of China on diplomatic occasions at that time.

Without Chairman Mao's support and encouragement for Wang Guangmei's career, Wang Guangmei's fate may have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Therefore, Wang Guangmei's heart is always full of gratitude to Chairman Mao.

Coming to Chairman Mao's former residence again, Wang Guangmei was full of emotion.

The last time she came here was in 1961, and that time she came with her husband Liu Shaoqi.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Wang Guangmei can even clearly recall that it was April 9th, and the scenery of Shaoshan in the early morning was very good, so she and Liu Shaoqi simply walked from the guest house to the door of Chairman Mao's former residence.

Chairman Mao used to tell them many interesting stories about his childhood, and now he is immersed in the scene, as if the stories told by Chairman Mao are being staged in front of him.

After this short tour, Wang Guangmei and Liu Shaoqi also agreed to visit again if they had the opportunity.

But they didn't expect that there would never be such an opportunity again.

More than 20 years later, Wang Guangmei revisited her hometown, without her husband who had been with her.

Chairman Mao's former residence has been well preserved, the plaques have been renewed, and the number of tourists visiting is several times more than in the past.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Wang Guangmei stood in the hall for a long time, and told the staff to protect every grass and tree here, so she reluctantly left.

The thing reminds one of its owner

The third major thing that Wang Guangmei wants to do is related to her husband Liu Shaoqi, she wants to go to her husband's hometown - Huaming Building in Changsha, Hunan Province to have a look.

The last time she returned to Huaming Mansion was in 1961.

In fact, due to the frequent occurrence of natural disasters across the country at that time, Liu Shaoqi led the working group to the rural areas of Changsha for field investigations.

It was also by taking this opportunity that Liu Shaoqi and his wife had the opportunity to go to Shaoshan and Huaming Tower.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

When he first arrived in Hunan, Liu Shaoqi had no time to go home to see.

Because, this field trip only lasted more than 40 days in total.

It is necessary to investigate the causes of the disaster and the living conditions of the people, the time is tight, the task is heavy, and the husband and wife are busy going around, and they go to Shaoshan in a hurry, and they also go in a hurry and return in a hurry.

It was busy until May 3rd, and the research work in various places was successfully completed, and Liu Shaoqi finally took a little time and decided to return to his hometown after 40 years of absence.

However, Liu Shaoqi was worried that if he returned to his hometown publicly, he would disturb the people, so he did not make a noise.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

After arriving at Huaming Building, Liu Shaoqi lived in the villager's house, but he didn't have time to go around the village, and most of the time, he was still sorting out materials in the house.

During his visit to the village, Liu Shaoqi also learned that some villagers had no place to live because of their poor families.

After Liu Shaoqi inquired, he learned that his past house was not inhabited, so he immediately made the decision to let these homeless villagers move into his old home.

The local staff hurriedly stopped them, and it turned out that they planned to build Liu Shaoqi's former residence into a memorial hall.

Liu Shaoqi got angry and said: "The memorial hall will not be opened, and it will be held in 20 or 30 years." Do you think I like to run a memorial? I don't like it, it's not too late to do it in twenty or thirty years, and give these houses to the members of the club to live in! ”

In this way, at Liu Shaoqi's insistence, six poor families moved into Liu Shaoqi's former residence.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Later, they also inquired about the recent situation of some of their relatives.

Liu Shaoqi has not returned for 40 years, and many relatives have either moved away or passed away.

After Liu Shaoqi heard the news, he felt very sad, but he didn't show it in front of outsiders, only in front of his wife could he tell the sourness in his heart.

Of course, Liu Shaoqi also wants to stay in his hometown and be with his relatives.

However, he has a heavier burden on him, and he has to run around for the sake of the country.

After returning to Beijing, Liu Shaoqi has always been thinking about Huaminglou, no matter how long a person leaves, he will always miss his hometown, but Liu Shaoqi always can't find time to go back.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Years later, only his wife could fulfill his desire to return home.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years have passed, and once again returning to this familiar and unfamiliar land, thinking of her husband who has long since passed away, Wang Guangmei can't help but cry like rain.

She followed her memory and walked step by step from the entrance of the village to Liu Shaoqi's former residence.

After so many years, the original poor households have already been lifted out of poverty and moved to a new house.

The memorial hall that was shelved back then has now been built, and there are seven big characters inscribed by Deng Gong himself at the door, "Comrade Liu Shaoqi's former residence", Wang Guangmei stared at these seven words, pondering for a long time.

She walked into the courtyard and found that it was no different from the scene many years ago.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

Back then, after those families moved in, they kept every brick and tile here very well, and when they moved out, they also cleaned it carefully and returned some scattered objects to their original places.

There are many old photos of Liu Shaoqi in the hall, and Wang Guangmei holds these photos and looks at them carefully.

In almost every photo, she can carefully say when and where it was taken, and she clearly remembers the story behind these photos.

It's just that the person in the photo has left her.

For the rest of her life, Wang Guangmei came to Huaming Tower four times, and donated many relics and written materials from her husband's lifetime to the memorial hall for historical research.

In 1978, Liu Shaoqi's wife Wang Guangmei was released from prison and did 3 major things, which convinced everyone

In addition, Wang Guangmei herself worked hard to sort out the literary works left by Liu Shaoqi during his lifetime, hoping that through these things, people would recognize a more real Liu Shaoqi.

In 2006, when Wang Guangmei was dying, her children asked her what else she wanted?

Wang Guangmei said the words "Hua Minglou" in a weak voice.

She misses the warm village, and even more about her husband who has accompanied her for half her life.

On October 13, 2006, 85-year-old Wang Guangmei died of illness, perhaps in another world, she and Liu Shaoqi can be reunited.

Resources: "Wang Guangmei: The Glorious Life of a Legendary Woman"

People's Daily Online "Liu Shaoqi and Wang Guangmei's Married Life: No Regrets in the Wind and Rain"

This article was originally written by "Literature and History", and has been opened for rights protection on the whole network, and may not be reprinted without authorization, and infringement must be investigated!
