
Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

author:Health Hangzhou

On the list of must-eat delicacies in summer

Many people put watermelon, lobster

It's a summer standard

Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

Homemade figures

One bite down, it's just refreshing

But be careful

Acute gastroenteritis

It may have been quietly "targeted" at you

Crayfish served with iced watermelon

Eat out of acute gastroenteritis

61-year-old Uncle Lian (pseudonym) is a loyal "iron fan" of crayfish. One night recently, Uncle Lian and his friends made an appointment to have supper at a barbecue restaurant, and they ate 4 catties of crayfish and a few pieces of iced watermelon.

Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

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Soon after returning home, Uncle Lian began to vomit and diarrhea, and had a fever of 38.6 °C, so he hurried to the Department of Gastroenterology of the First People's Hospital of Jiande City for treatment.

After examination, Uncle Lian was diagnosed with acute gastroenteritis. The doctor immediately carried out symptomatic treatment such as anti-infection and rehydration, and Uncle Lian has recovered and been discharged from the hospital.

Coincidentally, a few days ago, Ms. Jin (not her real name) ate half of the overnight watermelon that was taken out of the refrigerator after eating spicy crayfish.

Unexpectedly, after more than an hour, my stomach began to "make trouble", vomiting and diarrhea followed, and I bowed more than 10 times in just a few hours.

Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

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"When I arrived at the hospital, I felt that my back was sore and my legs were weak, and I was about to collapse."

Fang Weiping, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First Hospital of Jiande City, told her that it was caused by eating watermelon that had not been properly stored overnight and eating a large amount of greasy and spicy crayfish before her illness.

More than 40 cases were admitted in the past month

Why is acute gastroenteritis more common in summer?

Acute gastroenteritis is an acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by a variety of factors, which can be divided into infectious and non-infectious.

Infectious is generally caused by microbial infections such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites.

Non-infectious can be caused by cold and spicy irritation, drugs, alcohol and other irritation of the gastrointestinal tract, mainly manifested as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and in severe cases, dehydration, fever, electrolyte imbalance, etc., and even life-threatening.

Director Fang Weiping introduced that in the past month, there have been more than 40 cases of acute gastroenteritis patients hospitalized in the Department of Gastroenterology.

Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

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The humid and hot summer provides suitable conditions for the growth and reproduction of intestinal pathogenic bacteria. After eating crayfish, the germs parasitic on the crayfish tend to grow in large numbers in the intestines.

In summer, the digestive function of the human body is relatively weak, once you eat unhygienic food, coupled with cold drinks, the gastrointestinal tract shrinks when cold, and is in a state of ischemia, resulting in weakened resistance to bacteria, which is easy to cause acute gastroenteritis, bacterial dysentery, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms.

Eat crayfish in the summer

Be sure to avoid these pits

Crayfish are easy to carry and breed bacteria and parasites, so crayfish should be cooked thoroughly during cooking. Cook at ≥ 100°C for no less than 10 minutes.

When eating crayfish, it is healthier to remove the shrimp heads and shrimp threads! It is best not to eat lobsters overnight, as unclean and undercooked lobsters are easy to cause intestinal infections after eating.

Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

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Crayfish is a cold food, eating more is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, and consuming too much protein is also easy to cause indigestion. People with a bad stomach should try to avoid it, and others should also consume it in moderation.

For people with high uric acid, crayfish with beer is also more likely to trigger gout.

It is recommended that each consumption should not exceed 1 catty, which is equivalent to 15-20 pieces according to the general size.

  • Guidance in this issue: Fang Weiping, director of the Department of Gastroenterology of the First People's Hospital of Jiande City
  • Contributed by: Jiande Municipal Health Bureau
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another

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Just because of this group of "summer standards", people entered the hospital one after another