
My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

author:Health Hangzhou

Some time ago, my girlfriend secretly complained to me:

"When the male ticket is with me, he won't take the initiative to hold one of his hands?"

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child


“emm... Is there something wrong with him??? ”

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child


Sure enough, she found that her boyfriend had some unusual behavior......

When he writes


My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

Homemade figures

When he taps the keyboard


My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

Homemade figures

After being discovered, the boyfriend had to confess:

"I ...... I've had this problem since I was a child......"

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

One to summer

Hands sweat like running water

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

Homemade figures

What is hand hyperhidrosis?

Hand hyperhidrosis is a condition in which sweat glands are over-excipiated by sympathetic nervous systems.

The most common are sweaty hands, armpits, feet, and head and face.

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child


In the calm state, the symptoms are mild, and because sweating is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, once in a state of excitement or tension, sweat will increase involuntarily, and even sweat like rain.

Hand sweat generally does not have a great impact on life and health, but it can cause great distress in personal life:

  • It is easy to affect the flexibility of manual operation and interfere with manual operation;
  • Fear of shaking hands with others that will affect interpersonal interactions, and develop an avoidant and anxious mentality.

Hand sweat fraction

⬇⬇⬇ Mild

The palms of the hands are wet, but the handkerchief should not be wet.

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

⬇⬇⬇ Moderate

The sweating of the palms is significantly increased, and a handkerchief can be wet.

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

⬇⬇⬇ Severe

The palms of the hands sweat profusely and are dripping.

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

What department does hand hyperhidrosis look at?

Because of the sweat on the hands, many patients run to the following departments as soon as possible.




Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine


But it doesn't necessarily give you the effect you want, because the "behind the scenes" that makes you sweat like rain is not the sweat glands on your hands, but the sympathetic nerves in your chest.

Hand hyperhidrosis should be seen

My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

What levels of hand sweat require surgery?

Patients with mild symptoms can be treated with traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine;

Moderate and severe hyperhidrosis can be cured by thoracoscopic bilateral thoracic sympathectomy.

This surgery is the most convenient and effective minimally invasive surgery in general thoracic surgery, which cuts off the sympathetic nerve trunk in the chest, thereby blocking the postganglionic nerve that is distributed with the nerve to innervate the skin sweat glands of the upper limbs, so as to achieve the purpose of treating hand hyperhidrosis, and the vast majority of patients can disappear immediately after surgery.

  • Guidance in this issue: Wu Yilei, surgeon of Linping District Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
  • Contributed by: Linping District Health Bureau
  • Please indicate "Healthy Hangzhou"

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My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child

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My boyfriend never holds my hand? He confessed: I have had this problem since I was a child