
Why can't chasing girls contact every day? There are three specific reasons, don't say I didn't remind you

author:Muxue sunset

In love, many men always like to contact women every day when chasing women, and they feel that by doing so, they will definitely win the hearts of women, because in this way, girls can feel their intentions for her.

But in fact, when men do this, they often receive the opposite effect, so not only will they not get the love of girls, but they are also very likely to get the disgust of girls, and even get the girl's proposal to break up.

So, why can't chasing girls be contacted every day? There are three specific reasons, don't say I didn't remind you


Contacting girls every day will make girls bored and lose their freshness

As the saying goes, "It's too much." "Contacting each other every day is like a delicious dish, and you will get tired of eating too much.

Maybe at first, the girl will be delighted with your enthusiasm, but as time goes on, if you still talk to her as often as you did when you first met, she will start to get bored.

After all, everyone has their own life and space, and being too connected can make her feel like she has no respite.

Why can't chasing girls contact every day? There are three specific reasons, don't say I didn't remind you

Remember the little bag and Andy in the TV series "Ode to Joy"? Xiaobao always fell in love with Andy at first sight, and at first he contacted every day, but Andy was not moved by this, but felt a little pressure.

Later, Xiao Bao always learned to keep a proper distance and give Andy enough space and time, and the relationship between the two gradually warmed up.


Girls don't like boyfriends who are too clingy and will think you're too naïve, like a child who hasn't grown up

Girls don't like boyfriends who are too clingy because such guys tend to give the impression that they haven't grown up.

A mature man should have his own life and circle, not revolve around girls all day long. Contacting every day is easy for girls to feel that you are too dependent on her, so that they have a sense of rejection towards you.

As the famous saying goes: "Love is like sand in your hand, the tighter you hold it, the faster it will drain away." ”

Too close a connection can easily suffocate love. So, guys, learn to let go properly and give girls some freedom so that she can feel your independence and self-confidence.

Why can't chasing girls contact every day? There are three specific reasons, don't say I didn't remind you


Boys have to have their own personality at all times

Everyone has their own unique charm, and that charm comes from your personality and lifestyle. Contacting every day makes it easy for you to lose yourself and become individualized in the process of pursuing girls.

What a girl likes is a boy who is interesting, connotative, and assertive, not a "follower" who only knows how to revolve around her.

Imagine if you talk to a girl every day and talk about some inconsequential topics, then it will be difficult for her to get to know and be interested in you.

On the contrary, if you are able to keep a certain distance and occasionally share some of your own insights and experiences, then she will become more curious and likable towards you.


When dating a girl, how do you connect with each other appropriately?

Since it's not advisable to contact every day, how should we contact girls appropriately? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Find the right time: Contact the girl when she has free time, such as weekends or evenings. This makes it easier for her to talk to you and feel that you care.

Why can't chasing girls contact every day? There are three specific reasons, don't say I didn't remind you

2. Share interesting content: Don't always ask, "What are you doing?" "Have you eaten it?" and so on. You can share interesting articles, videos, or experiences of yourself to make chatting more interesting.

3. Respect her wishes: If the girl shows signs of reluctance to chat, such as being slow or cold, then you should end the chat at the right time and not forcibly disturb her.

4. Maintain self-confidence: In the process of pursuing girls, it is very important to maintain self-confidence. You have to believe in your own worth and don't give up easily because of the girl's attitude.


In short, chasing girls can't be in contact every day, this is a principle that boys need to keep in mind.

In the process of pursuing love, we must learn to respect girls, maintain self-confidence, and find the right way to connect. Only in this way can we win the hearts of girls and harvest our own happiness!

You have to remember:

Learn to put it away, control yourself, and don't harass girls, so as to create a sense of mystery.

Only the mystery of the unknown can lock her curiosity, make the girl continue to pay attention to you, want to keep exploring you, and then, let her slowly fall into it and slowly like you.

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