
CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

author:Pen entertainment in the entertainment industry
CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not
CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

Copywriting|Luo Sheng

Editor|Meow Sansan

In the past two years, there has been a "hard bone" in domestic dramas, which is becoming more and more difficult to gnaw.

In fact, I only need to name a few keywords, and most of the audience will resonate.

And that's—

Urban, workplace, business war.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

On the one hand, it is because this kind of theme is difficult to be grounded, and the story that is too suspended cannot reach the audience's heart.

On the other hand, it can't be made professionally and rigorously, and even in the end, it will become an idol drama.

Even Yu Hewei, a drama bone with a very high national degree, can't support this kind of theme, and the starring "City in the City" is helpless.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

So who else can save an urban workplace drama?

Jiang Xin, it's a shot!

The new drama "Dream City" is scheduled to land on CCTV on July 9 and premiere on a set of golden strong files, and this row is quite sufficient, it depends on whether the play itself can grasp it.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

Isn't an urban drama a besieged city? The people in the city want to come out, and the people outside the city want to go in.

Let's take a look at what secrets are in this "Dream City"?

01 A strong team creates an entrepreneurial drama

"Dream City" tells the story of super code farmer Luo Chengyu (played by Yang Shuo) whose dreams are shattered by a capital game of a foreign company.

Unwilling to be subjected to the technology monopoly and interest exploitation of foreign-funded enterprises, he left his team with his team and started his own business, during which he fought wits and courage with Chu Ange (Jiang Xin), an airborne executive of the original company, and also knew and loved each other, and finally joined forces to build an international big data enterprise and successfully realized his dream.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

In my opinion, there are two major highlights of the show in terms of plot that cannot be ignored.

First, the pattern is grand.

It can be seen from the synopsis of the story that the play is not limited to a personal entrepreneurial story.

The male and female protagonists represent the new generation of entrepreneurs in the field of big data in China, and the real opponents are not each other, but foreign-funded enterprises and major multinational companies.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

Establish self-confidence in science and technology and participate in international competition.

is worthy of being a CCTV drama, this pattern is not comparable to ordinary urban dramas.

Second, the ups and downs of the plot.

For many viewers, the fundamental reason for the reluctance to watch this kind of drama is because they are worried that the plot will be too boring.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

But the play takes care of the audience's perception in terms of plot design, and the male protagonist is not smooth sailing on the road to entrepreneurship, and has experienced resignation, entrepreneurship, and setbacks, and has also encountered many problems such as betrayal by his girlfriend and rebellion against his brothers.

No one's success is achieved overnight, and the path of an entrepreneur is even more difficult.

I think after the feature film is broadcast, many viewers who have had the same experience will have a strong resonance, and it is not a problem to enter the play.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

However, the really reassuring thing is that the main creative team of the show is extraordinary, and they are all well-known bigwigs in the industry alone.

For example, director Bai Lin, directed the period entrepreneurship drama "Chicken Feathers Fly to the Sky", which not only has explosive ratings, but also has a Douban score of 8.1 points, which has long become a ceiling-level existence.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

Another director, Dong Fulai, should not be underestimated, has served as a photographer and lighting engineer, and has also participated in the creation of many classics such as "Beginning of Spring", "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind".

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

In this way, these two creative powers have joined forces, and there is no hard bone that cannot be gnawed.

The reputation of "Dream City" is stable.

02 Da Tsing Yi is in charge, and the lineup is amazing

If an urban drama wants to be recognized by the audience, a strong cast is also indispensable, and the director of "Dream City" has two brushes in casting, and the actors can play one by one.

The first one, Jiang Xin.

Although he has already become a big Tsing Yi and holds the trophy behind the sight, Jiang Xin has not slackened over the years, but has continued to broaden his acting path.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

In "Little Shede", she is Tian Yulan, the mother of extreme personality and "chicken baby", and in "Stalker", she is incarnated as Tao Yuling, a grinning rural woman.

And the role of a strong woman is not a problem for Jiang Xin, as early as in "Our Marriage", she established the role of the resolute Dong Sijia.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

So when I learned that Jiang Xin was going to play the female executive Chu Ange in the new drama this time, instead of worrying, I was curious about what acting highlights she would contribute, and I was looking forward to it.

second place, Yang Shuo.

When it comes to Yang Shuo, some viewers may always think of the image of the "Oil King" in "Ode to Joy".

But in fact, Yang Shuo's identity as a powerful actor is beyond doubt.

In the past two years, he has also refreshed the audience's cognition with his performance in major dramas.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

The most representative role is Lei Dongbao in "Big River".

Especially in the scene of Song Yunping's death, the audience intuitively felt the explosiveness of Yang Shuo's acting skills, and they still can't help but cry when they watch it again.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

It can be seen that the comfort zone of Yang Shuo's performance is still in the main drama, abandoning the appearance of the boss and landing the role on the ground will be a "lore" for the audience.

I believe in Him.

third place, Cheng Taishen.

Cheng Taishen is an old acquaintance of the audience, this actor has a very wide acting path, both decent and villainous can handle it, and his acting skills are also reflected in works such as "The World" and "Ten Thousand Miles Home".

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

According to Cheng Taishen's image characteristics and performance style, the role he wants to create in this new drama should also be a business tycoon, and I can't help but look forward to how he will play.

I'm not worried that Cheng Tae-sun won't act well, but I'm worried that he will act too well and steal the limelight from the protagonists.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

Fourth, Zhou Fang.

This is also a recognized powerful actress.

Zhou Fang's last work out of the circle was "The Glory of the Fathers", in which she played Liang Fengxia, a rural girl with a straightforward personality and daring to love and hate, her acting skills were seen by the audience.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

And this time, she will abandon the rustic makeup and return to the theme of urban dramas, I believe that she can surprise the audience just from the change in style.

In addition, the play also has many familiar actors such as Li Yixiao, Wu Qijiang, Xu Xiaohan, Ling Zhuo, Song Meier and so on to join in to help, and in terms of character group portrait portrayal, the audience can put their hearts in their stomachs.

CCTV is on the air! 40 episodes of urban dramas are coming, starring Jiang Xin, with the drama bones as a match, it is difficult to think about it or not

03 Conclusion

Today's audiences can't help but sweat when they see the words "city" and "workplace", and they are always worried about problems such as suspended dog blood.

It's no wonder that everyone is suspicious, after all, domestic urban dramas are not as good as a year after year, and the creators never seem to know what the audience wants.

It wasn't until I saw this "Dream City" that I knew that this theme could also be filmed in the hearts of the audience.

First, because the show is not like a traditional urban drama that gives too much aura to the protagonist, the male protagonist is not an elite, not a boss, just an ordinary person chasing his dreams on the ordinary road, and thousands of us in front of the screen.

Second, because the show has invited a good team and cast, and if you can do this, in fact, the advantages of the show are obvious.

Chasing dreams, chasing dreams, building dreams, and realizing dreams.

These are the four themes of TV dramas, so why not the themes of domestic urban dramas?

I only hope that everyone can find the city of dreams in their hearts and make their dreams come true.

So what do you think about this?


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