
Zhonggong Li Yongxin faced the camera and responded to everything: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance ......
Zhonggong Li Yongxin faced the camera and responded to everything: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance ......
Li Yongxin: "I will use my personality as a guarantee, give us some time, and Zhonggong will keep his promise and repay the refund." ”

Source: Know

Author|Xu Jingjing

Wearing thin-framed glasses and a light gray T-shirt, on the evening of July 1, Li Yongxin, chairman of Zhonggong Education, who has been low-key for more than 20 years, finally walked from behind the scenes to the spotlight of the live broadcast room in front of the stage: it was not only for his own live broadcast business "Zhonggong Yanxuan" platform, but at the same time, he also responded publicly for the first time to all the questions that students and shareholders were concerned about.

In this hour-long live broadcast, the number of real-time online users of Zhonggong Yanxuan exceeded 9,000 at the highest, and at the end of the live broadcast, the audience reached 48,000, and the number of fans of Zhonggong Yanxuan was 11,000. A few minutes before Li Yongxin's official appearance, this live broadcast room, which had been silently on the air for more than four months (in mid-January 2023, Zhonggong Education Group established the Zhonggong Yanxuan Division and began to build a Zhonggong Yanxuan live broadcast platform; In late February this year, Zhonggong Yanxuan premiered and started a normalized live broadcast), and the number of fans is only more than 7,800 people.

In this live broadcast, in addition to introducing the self-developed books as welfare products of the lucky bag, Li Yongxin did not bring specific products, but more used the public domain platform of Zhonggong's Yanxuan live broadcast room to respond to and explain the various negative news that has been entangled in Zhonggong in recent years: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance......

Regarding the refund issue, Li Yongxin spent nearly one-sixth of this live broadcast apologizing and constantly saying that "I will definitely pay back":

"I'm really sorry, because some problems in our own decision-making, coupled with industry policies, the epidemic and other factors, do have the problem of refunds. Every Zhonggong person felt very sorry for this, and his heart was also full of guilt and self-blame. Whatever the reason, the refund problem arises after all, and it is our responsibility. Therefore, I would like to take this platform today, on behalf of myself, on behalf of the management team, and on behalf of Zhonggong Education Group, to express my apologies to the students who are still in the process of refunding, and solemnly apologize and apologize. ”

After that, Li Yongxin bowed to the camera. Immediately afterwards, he vouched for his personality and made a statement:

"However, I would like to say that we are working hard now to do a good job in class and to bring in good students in the present, which is a very important part of our work.

Another of the main ideas of our work is to get a refund of the tuition fees owed to the students. I'm a very determined person. We owe every penny we owe to our students now, and we will definitely pay it back. We are now actively solving problems by trying to collect payments, quickly resuming business, financing, and other means. Give us some time, I believe that Zhonggong will be able to keep its promise and complete the goal of repaying the refund.

For this, I vouch for my personality. I believe that the partners of Zhonggong will work hard for this. Live up to everyone's expectations and expectations. Here, I actually make a statement on behalf of the group, give us some time, and we will solve these problems. Zhonggong needs your support. In the past, we have always supported our dear students, and we still need your support in the future. ”

"Zhonggong has relied on our students all the way, and students are our food and clothing." He also recalls the details of feeling the inclusion of students in class for the first time many years ago:

"The first time I took a civil service exam preparation class, I had to talk about practical tests and arguments. The test mainly includes mathematical logic, etc., which I am very familiar with, and the students are very satisfied.

However, when it came time to talk about deuteronomy in the afternoon, because it was my first time to talk about deuteronomy, I had prepared a course on deuteronomy in a superficial way, and I actually did very poorly. There were many students who commented: "It's over, this teacher has done a good job in the test, but I can't listen to the argument, what can I do about the argument?" ”

However, even in this state, none of the students in that class gave up on us, but still chose to tolerate and support us. Fortunately, the exam was about safety production accidents, and although I didn't speak very well, we won the hot spot, and the students did well.

On the road of our entrepreneurial growth, without the tolerance, care and help of students, it would be impossible to have today's Zhonggong education. It's the students who make us who we are. Today we have caused trouble to the students, and we must return the money in order to be worthy of the tolerance and support of the students, so we will definitely do this to the end. Please believe that Zhonggong, we will definitely be able to do this. ”

At the end of this live broadcast, on the issue of refund, he said frankly:

"When I was in college, my parents (who were workers) were only paid 200 yuan a month. At that time, I had to pay 1,200 yuan for a semester in college. It's this 1,200 yuan, and our family is going to borrow money. My dad wasn't at home, and my three older sisters and I were all raised by my mom. So I know very well how important this money is to the family, so please believe that we can deeply empathize. Don't worry, we will definitely return every penny to you, give me some time.

If I have the chance, I'll double up on you if I have the chance. This is my promise, not just to you, but to myself, but to the gods. These are my words.

I particularly like Russell's quote: 'Three simple but extremely strong passions dominate my life.' That is the desire for love, the pursuit of knowledge, and the heartfelt compassion for human suffering. Today I bring this sentence to the Zhonggong people. We have this gratitude in our hearts. Starting from me, starting from the management team, starting from everyone in the public office, we got all your questions and ideas. We will continue to work hard and live up to everyone's support.
Zhonggong Li Yongxin faced the camera and responded to everything: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance ......

(In the live broadcast room of Zhonggong's strict selection, the comments encouraging Zhonggong, the comments calling for Zhonggong's refund, and the sighs of departing employees alternated, forming a "spectacle")

Regarding the question of whether he has "lay flat", Li Yongxin revealed his current work status:

"My job is much harder now than before. I used to have a lot of fun...... But over the years, in fact, we still have a lot of pressure. Therefore, in the face of new cycles and new difficulties, we can only solve problems by working harder. Now I rarely come home from work before 12 p.m.

As far as the focus of my current work is concerned, the first is to focus on the core R&D, education, and training, which is the strategic issue that I am most concerned about. The second is to work around the problem of how to solve our financing and refunds. It's hard work, but give us some time, and we'll definitely solve all the problems that everyone is concerned about. ”

Regarding shareholders and stock prices, Li Yongxin reassured: "Everyone who chooses Zhonggong Education must feel that we are doing very well in R&D, teaching, and service in this industry. Over the years, there have been many development models in the public examination industry, some of which rely on online efforts, and some rely on the market to work hard. Zhonggong Education has always adhered to R&D, teaching, and service, and truly takes the pass rate as the most important core evaluation index. We have been like this in the past, and we will uphold this principle now and in the future. This is the most important factor in our growth and development. We have been able to do well in the past, and we will do well in the future. ”

Regarding whether the major shareholders and the main management team will buy back shares, Li Yongxin said: "The repurchase of major shareholders or the repurchase of the management team is a very positive tool, and we will definitely study it carefully, and we are very confident in the development of the company, and we will carefully study and consider these tools." Please pay attention to our announcement...... There are some things in the live broadcast room that can't be said too openly...... In short, we will definitely live up to our mission and make Zhonggong education what everyone expects. ”

Regarding the rumors of layoffs and arrears of employee wages, Li Yongxin said that on January 1 this year, Zhonggong Education carried out amoeba reform, and it was divided into many business entities and business units, and the core logic is that each subject is self-supporting, self-operating, and self-profit and loss. "We will solve everyone's concerns well, please rest assured."

Regarding the performance of the summer Zhonggong, considering the supervision of listed companies, Li Yongxin did not disclose too much in the live broadcast room. He said that every summer is the peak period for classes, "Whether it is me or the front-line teachers at the branch, we are very busy at this stage." "At this stage, students choose more closed classes. Closed training is very important in the preparation process. There is a key point in Zhonggong's closed class: from the beginning of the morning class, students will take away their mobile phones, and they can only get their mobile phones back at the end of class, so that students are in a closed and strict learning environment.

Regarding the question given by netizens whether the book business sector of Zhonggong Education Group will be included in the system of listed companies (at present, Beijing Qianqiu Zhiye Book Distribution Co., Ltd., the main body of the book business, is not a subsidiary of Zhonggong listed companies), Li Yongxin said that this is a good suggestion and will be studied internally.

It is worth noting that Zhonggong Yanxuan is a wholly-owned grandson company of the listed company, and is not currently in the listed company system of Zhonggong Education.

When asked if he would come to the live broadcast room in the future, Li Yongxin said: "Although I personally am not very willing to be on camera and don't want to be in the limelight as an Internet celebrity, as long as the development of Zhonggong education is good, even if I have not done anything, I am willing to do it; What I didn't dare to do before, I dare to do now. ”

In this live broadcast, there are some shortcomings, such as the frequent occurrence of prohibited words, and the different opinions of Li Yongxin and another anchor on welfare and frugality. In this regard, Li Yongxin said: "If I have the opportunity to come next time, I will learn a lesson and summarize the past. Zhonggong education has actually been too smooth over the years. During this time, we are in a cycle, in the process of growth, in fact, we have made a lot of conclusions: we still have to walk on thin ice, return to the essence of business, and really stick to the end that 'the student's business is the most important thing'. This is what we have summed up from many failures, setbacks and difficulties in the past. ”


The author of this article is Xu Jingjing

Zhonggong Li Yongxin faced the camera and responded to everything: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance ......
Zhonggong Li Yongxin faced the camera and responded to everything: refunds, stock prices, layoffs, and performance ......

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