
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died

author:Uncle Luo Ying

Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died?

Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions" is an unforgettable character, she is as beautiful as a fairy, talented, and deeply loved by the people of Jiafu, but she also had a bad fate and finally died of depression.

Although Qin Keqing is the daughter-in-law of Jiafu, her origin is a mystery, some people say that she is a descendant of the royal family, and some people say that she is the reincarnation of an immortal soul.

No matter what her background is, Qin Keqing does have a face that captivates the country and the city, she can be good at poetry and painting, knows music and rhythm, and can be described as a strange woman in Jiafu.

Even the most picky Mother Jia was full of praise for this daughter-in-law, however, Qin Keqing's beauty and talent did not bring her a happy marriage.

Between her and her husband Jia Rong, like two strangers, there is no husband and wife, Jia Rong is extremely cold to her and never cares about her feelings.

Although Qin Keqing was calm about this on the surface, he was tormented in his heart, and at this time, Qin Keqing's father-in-law Jia Zhen appeared.

This womanizer coveted Qin Keqing and began to pursue her frantically.

Qin Keqing refused at first, but under Jia Rong's snub and Jia Zhen's sweet words, she finally fell, and the two began an indecent relationship.

This unruly love became a turning point in Qin Keqing's life, she was originally a highly respected figure in Jiafu, but this relationship made her the object of everyone's spurning overnight.

Rumors spread in Jiafu, Qin Keqing's reputation plummeted, and those who used to flatter her now pointed fingers at her, saying that she was a shameless woman.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Keqing felt extremely desperate, she knew that she had made a big mistake, but she was powerless to undo it.

She began to wash her face with tears all day long, depressed, and her body began to have problems, he sweated inexplicably all day long, and had to change his clothes four or five times a day.

The government invited doctors to come and see, and they all said that it was caused by stagnation, and prescribed some medicine, but it never improved.

As time went by, Qin Keqing's condition became more and more serious, she was skinny, her face was pale, and her eyes lost their former brilliance.

The experienced doctor saw it and suspected that she had cancer, in that era of backward medical conditions, cancer was tantamount to a death sentence, Qin Keqing knew that his time was short, so he was even more depressed.

In the end, the first beauty of the Red Chamber still died, and her death caused a lot of shock in Jiafu.

Jiafu held an extremely grand funeral for her, and the pomp was so big that everyone's jaws dropped.

After all, although Qin Keqing is the daughter-in-law of Jiafu, in terms of seniority, she is not ranked among many female dependents.

What's more, there was such a scandal before her death, and it is really incomprehensible that Jiafu gave her such a grand funeral.

This also makes Qin Keqing's life experience even more mysterious, and people can't help but speculate that she may really be a descendant of the royal family, or the reincarnation of some kind of master, otherwise how could Jiafu give her such a high-level funeral?

However, the truth has been buried in the loess along with Qin Keqing, and Qin Keqing's life can be described as a typical portrayal of a beauty's thin life.

She has enviable beauty and talent, but she has not been able to have a happy marriage and life.

Qin Keqing's tragedy is embarrassing, she is like a beautiful flower, before she can fully bloom, she was destroyed by the ruthless storm of reality.

Perhaps this is Cao Xueqin's indictment of inequality, and through the story of Qin Keqing, he reveals the tragic fate of women in that era, and reveals the darkness and injustice of feudal society.

He hopes that through this story, people will arouse people's sympathy and concern for women, and promote the progress of society and the improvement of women's status.

From this point of view, Qin Keqing's death may not be meaningless, her tragedy has become a mirror, reflecting the pathologies and deformities of that era.

Her story has also become a warning, reminding future generations to cherish life and strive for equality and dignity, and her death may be the strongest indictment and the most profound reflection of that era.

Qin Keqing is a beauty in the Dream of Red Mansions and the most tragic woman, her life is destined to become a legend.

Her story will forever remain in the immortal classic "Dream of Red Mansions" for future generations to taste and think, she is Qin Keqing, a woman who makes people love, pity, and sigh.

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Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died
Speaking of Qin Keqing in "Dream of Red Mansions", I can't help but think of the word "lewdness", while lying in bed, I was sweating all day and needed to change my clothes four or five times, what happened to Qin Keqing before he died

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