
Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

author:Electric vehicle observer
Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

In the booming global two-wheeled electric vehicle market, every innovation in battery technology touches the pulse of the entire industry. On July 2, Luyuan Group, a leading domestic electric vehicle manufacturer, received good news that its self-developed digital battery technology has made a major technological breakthrough and created a three-year lead-acid battery warranty precedent, which may bring unprecedented changes to the electric vehicle industry.

Yan Fengmin, Chairman of China Consumer Product Quality and Safety Promotion Association, Li Benjun, Vice President and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of China Quality Newspaper, Hua Lianxing, Deputy Director of Jinhua Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Ni Jie, Founder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Luyuan Group, Hu Jihong, Executive Director and CEO of Luyuan Group, and many domestic authoritative media witnessed the release of this important technology.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

In the face of the growing public concern about battery safety, as well as the frequent occurrence of accidents such as fires and explosions of electric vehicles, which pose a serious threat to the safety of people's lives and property, Luyuan Group has invested heavily in the research and development of safer and more durable digital battery technology many years ago, and is committed to solving these problems from the source.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

Ni Jie, founder and chairman of the board of directors of Luyuan Group, said, "We always insist on bringing the best technology to users, even if it means that we may face some losses in the short term. But we still believe that only by truly thinking about users can we win the trust and support of users. It's a technical ethic and a responsibility to our users. ”

Major breakthroughs have been made in key technologies

Luyuan released a safer and more durable digital battery

It is reported that compared with traditional batteries, digital batteries have achieved a qualitative leap in key technologies. Its core technical principle is based on an advanced digital management system, through high-precision sensors and intelligent algorithms, real-time monitoring and intelligent analysis of the internal state of the battery. The system can accurately sense the battery's key parameters such as battery power and temperature, and intelligently adjust and optimize according to these parameters to maximize battery performance.

Secondly, Luyuan digital batteries perform particularly well in battery thermal management. In the test simulating the direct sunlight charging environment in summer, the maximum temperature of the digital battery during charging is only 47°C, which is about 18°C lower than the 63.9°C of ordinary batteries, fully demonstrating its excellent strength in thermal management. This advantage not only ensures the safety of the battery, but also greatly improves the stability of the battery.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

In addition, the performance of Luyuan digital battery in low temperature environment is also excellent. In the use of electric vehicles, the low temperature environment has always been an important factor affecting the performance of the battery. However, Luyuan digital battery has successfully overcome this problem through advanced thermal management technology and intelligent control strategies. After testing, it was found that after charging for 12 hours at the ambient temperature of 5 °C, -5 °C, -10 °C and -17 °C, the discharge capacity of the digital battery was not reduced, and the discharge capacity was increased by 16%, 54%, 75% and 109% respectively at different temperatures compared with ordinary batteries. This data fully proves the excellent performance of digital batteries in low-temperature environments, providing a strong guarantee for the use of electric vehicles in cold regions. In the winter of 2023, the Luyuan S90 equipped with a digital battery achieved a range of 121.3km in the winter test of Changbai Mountain at -20°C, proving the superior performance of the digital battery in a low-temperature environment.

In addition to excellent battery performance, Luyuan digital battery is also equipped with an intelligent maintenance system. Users can check the battery temperature, charging time, capacity and other information in real time through the mobile APP, and grasp the health status of the battery at any time. In addition, the system has an intelligent warning function, which will immediately send an alarm and provide treatment suggestions if there is an abnormality in the battery. At the same time, regional service providers and Luyuan headquarters can also remotely monitor and analyze data on the digital batteries sold to achieve active early warning and timely maintenance. This intelligent maintenance system not only improves the maintenance efficiency and service life of the battery, but also allows more than 15,000 stores of Luyuan to radiate three kilometers around, incarnating as a "community 4S store" to provide users with more convenient and intimate services. It is reported that the digital battery technology launched by Luyuan this time will cover more than 80% of its product line, aiming to provide consumers with a safer and more durable electric vehicle experience.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

Yan Fengmin, vice chairman of the China Consumer Goods Quality and Safety Promotion Association, said, "Luyuan has been committed to the research and development and innovation of key technologies of electric two-wheeled vehicles, and digital battery technology has not only improved the performance and service life of the battery, but more importantly, it has taken a breakthrough step in ensuring safety, which may be one of the effective battery safety solutions in the current electric two-wheeler industry."

Authoritative certification of the first three-year warranty of digital batteries

100 million yuan of technology inclusiveness to promote the trade-in

It is worth mentioning that Luyuan digital battery has also been recognized by Frost & Sullivan, a world-renowned growth consulting company, as the pioneer of the industry's three-year warranty for lead-acid batteries, which further proves the excellent performance and reliability of Luyuan digital battery technology.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

In order to accelerate the elimination of inferior and unsafe electric vehicles, Luyuan took the lead in responding to the national "trade-in" policy, and planned to invest more than 100 million yuan in technology from July to September, and joined hands with China Quality Newspaper and Periodicals to jointly hold a national trade-in activity. Ni Boyuan, Vice President of Luyuan Group, said, "Through inclusive technology, we hope to accelerate the popularization of electric vehicle products equipped with digital batteries, so that safer and more durable riding options will become everyone's daily life." It is reported that the event will cover more than 1,000 commercial plazas, communities and 15,000 offline stores across the country.

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

Li Benjun, vice president and deputy editor-in-chief of China Quality Newspaper, said, "Luyuan has always opened up new ideas and paths for the high-quality development of the industry, so that more scientific and technological achievements can become fruits of high-quality development." ”

Luyuan digital battery has achieved a major breakthrough and created a precedent for a 3-year warranty for lead-acid batteries

Under the east wind of the national "trade-in" policy, Luyuan electric vehicles may usher in unprecedented development opportunities. Luyuan's innovation in key technologies not only successfully solves the pain points of electric vehicle range and safety, provides consumers with more secure and convenient travel options, but also injects new impetus into the high-quality development of the entire industry. Looking ahead, Luyuan is expected to continue to maintain the momentum of innovation and lead the continuous development of key technologies in the electric vehicle industry. At the same time, through the technological catfish effect, more enterprises will be driven to join the ranks of technological innovation and industrial upgrading, and jointly promote the high-quality development of the electric vehicle industry.

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