
The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

author:Pingliang release
The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech
The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held

Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech, Bai Zhenhai, Ma Qi, Song Quanke, Wang Linxi and others attended

Pingliang Rong Media Center reporter Zhao Yuxian/text Yao Zhiqiang/photo

In accordance with the overall arrangement of party discipline study and education, on July 2, the Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Conference was held, and Wang Xu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Municipal Party Committee's Party Construction Leading Group, presided over and delivered a speech. She stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Party Central Committee and the provincial party committee, deepen the use of cases to explain morality, discipline, law, and responsibility, strictly abide by discipline and rules, build a strong ideological line of defense, and make every effort to create a good political ecology of clean air and entrepreneurship, so as to provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for speeding up the construction of "three districts and one city".

The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

On July 2, the Municipal Party Committee's warning education meeting was held, and Wang Xu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Municipal Party Committee's Leading Group for Party Construction, presided over and delivered a speech. Bai Zhenhai, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Ma Qi, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Song Quanke, Chairman of the CPPCC, Wang Linxi, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Kongtong District Party Committee, and leading cadres at or above the level of deputy prefectures and some retired veteran comrades at or above the deputy prefecture level attended the meeting.

The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

At the meeting, the typical cases of discipline violations and the disciplinary review work in the city since 2022 were reported, and the participants watched the warning education film. Wang Xu pointed out in his speech that General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction has set up political standards, provided ideological weapons, and clarified practical requirements for us to carry out party discipline study and education, especially warning education. Party organizations at all levels and the vast number of party members and cadres in the city must be strict in self-cultivation and uprightness, continue to deepen theoretical study, learn absolute loyalty, learn party rules and party discipline, learn advanced models, and truly clean up the source ideologically, consolidate the foundation and cultivate the yuan, and earnestly build a strong ideological dam to resist corruption and prevent degeneration. Wang Xu emphasized that it is necessary to highlight the case as a lesson, always be vigilant and vigilant, profoundly learn the lessons of ignoring discipline, dereliction of duty and responsibility, infringing on the interests of the masses, and being greedy for gambling and having fun, and always be fearful, warned, and stopped. It is necessary to adhere to systematic governance, refer to the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", consciously put oneself, one's responsibilities into it, and put one's work into it, conscientiously examine and analyze, strengthen discipline education, highlight strict management, pay attention to the establishment of rules and regulations, and earnestly achieve knowledge and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line, and constantly deepen the party's discipline building. It is necessary to strictly perform their duties and responsibilities, resolutely shoulder the political responsibility of managing the party and governing the party, combine the study and education of party discipline with the in-depth promotion of the "three grasps and three promotions" action, take a clear stand and take responsibility, seriously investigate and deal with the unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, deepen the rectification of formalism to reduce the burden on the grassroots, always maintain the entrepreneurial spirit of the officer, and effectively transform the results of party discipline learning and education into practical results in promoting high-quality development. The meeting was held via video link to the county level.

The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

丨Source丨Pingliang Rong Media Center丨Production丨Pingliang Rong Media Center

丨Review丨Li Zhe Liu Yingna

丨Editor丨Wu Peng

The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech
The Municipal Party Committee Warning Education Meeting was held, and Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

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