
The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

author:Pingliang release
The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech
The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held, Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech, Bai Zhenhai delivered a speech, and Zhao Yuxian, a reporter from the Pingliang Rong Media Center

On July 2, the second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held, and Wang Xu, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and leader of the Leading Group, presided over and delivered a speech. She stressed that it is necessary to maintain a sober understanding, keep a clear grasp of the development situation, earnestly enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency in work, pay close attention to key tasks, and comprehensively accelerate the process of agricultural and rural modernization. Bai Zhenhai, mayor and leader of the leading group, attended and delivered a speech. City leaders Ma Qi, Song Quanke, Wang Linxi, Li Ming, Hu Xiongtao, Wang Jin, Wang Zhichen, Xin Shaobo, Liu Guojun, Guo Cunjie and others attended. The meeting conveyed the spirit of the relevant national and provincial conference documents, notified the assessment results of the city's implementation of the rural revitalization strategy in 2023, reviewed the relevant documents, and arranged and deployed the key work in the next stage. The meeting emphasized that all departments at all levels should continue to consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, in accordance with the requirements of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee, further improve their positions, rely on their responsibilities, draw inferences from one case and rectify the other, grasp the two keys of industry and employment, fully implement the key tasks of east-west cooperation, and resolutely adhere to the bottom-line task of not returning to poverty on a large scale. It is necessary to make every effort to stabilize grain production, conscientiously implement the same responsibilities of the party and government for food security and cultivated land protection, thoroughly implement the strategy of "storing grain on the ground and storing grain in technology", pay close attention to the production of "three summers", strengthen prevention and response to disastrous weather, and lay a solid foundation for a bumper grain harvest throughout the year. It is necessary to promote the improvement of industrial quality and efficiency, adhere to the whole chain, multi-format and modernization, continue to work hard in the creation of parks, the introduction and training of leading enterprises, the processing of agricultural products, and brand marketing, accelerate the construction of key projects, strengthen publicity and promotion, and strive to cultivate modern high-quality agriculture with variety optimization, quality improvement, brand driven, standard guidance, and full-chain upgrading. It is necessary to speed up the construction of harmonious villages, highlight the demonstration and rectification on the surface, vigorously promote the creation of rural demonstrations, solidly carry out concentrated actions for the improvement of the rural living environment, and make up for the shortcomings of agricultural and rural development. It is necessary to comprehensively deepen rural reform, promote the moderate scale operation of agriculture, improve and improve the supervision system of rural collective assets, cultivate and strengthen the main body of agricultural operation, encourage the construction of regional comprehensive service platforms, promote the cost saving and efficiency of agricultural production, and constantly create a new situation in agricultural and rural development. The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to learn and make good use of the experience of the "Ten Million Project", focus on building a modern high-quality agricultural model area in the west, keep an eye on the "two guarantees", stick to the bottom line, strive for the upstream, make overall plans and comprehensive policies, and do a good job in the rectification of national and provincial assessment feedback problems, and continue to make efforts in the fields of industrial cultivation, mass income increase, and rural construction. Expand enough, gather and form a strong joint force to grasp the implementation, and promote high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and workable villages, and prosperous farmers.

The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

丨Source丨Pingliang Rong Media Center丨Production丨Pingliang Rong Media Center

丨Review丨Li Zhe Liu Yingna

丨Editor丨Wu Peng

The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech
The second plenary meeting of the Municipal Party Committee's Rural Work Leading Group (Municipal Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy) in 2024 was held Wang Xu presided over and delivered a speech

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