
"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!

author:Guangzhou Yuexiu released
"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!
"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!

Yesterday, Yuexiu District Library

Xinhepu Garden and Department Front Road Primary School

Launched "Listen to the Party, Feel the Party's Kindness, and Follow the Party"

Yuexiu District Library's "July 1st" theme reading series activities

Yuexiu District Library

Not only are red-themed books prepared for readers to read

VR panorama technology is also used

Take students to experience "climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands"

Take a journey through the Red Spirit

"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!

Read red-themed books together

During the event, Yuexiu District Library held a special exhibition of red books in 18 street branches, and prepared a series of red comic book books for readers to read, including "The Great Cause of the Founding of the Party", "Chicken Feather Letter", "Little Hero Rain", "Mine Warfare" and so on.

The book tells the history of the party in a vivid and vivid way, presents the red story with exquisite painting art, guides readers to draw spiritual strength from red reading, cultivates the feelings of loving the party, the country and socialism, and lets the red seeds take root and sprout in people's hearts, and let the red gene guide people to take the Long March road in the new era.

"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!

"Children like comic books very much, today in the street library library to see this batch of red theme comic books very happy, I hope that children can read more books that tell red stories, cultivate family and country feelings, cultivate excellent quality, and strive to become the party and the people need talents." One parent shared.

In this activity, Yuexiu District Library, Yuexiu District Children's Library, Yuexiu District Library Street Branches, and Yuexiu District Library Bookworm Reading Library carefully selected books on related themes such as Party history, New China History, Reform and Opening-up History, and Socialist Development History for the general public, school teachers and students to read, benefiting more than 100,000 people.

VR experience "climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands"

Yuexiu District Library has carefully planned VR experience activities for red scenic spots in the Little Bookworm Reading Library, allowing young readers to experience VR panoramic technology.

  • Immerse yourself in red attractions such as the former site of the Guangdong District Executive Committee of the Communist Party of China, the Guangzhou Liberation Memorial Statue, and the Memorial Hall of the Provincial-Hong Kong Strike;
  • Visit the virtual party history museum to learn about the glorious history of the Communist Party of China;
  • The whole process is immersed in the experience of "climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", feeling the long road and feeling the spirit of the Long March.

With the help of modern scientific and technological means, we will innovate the communication mode of red culture, so that the communication of red culture will be more vivid, more experiential and participatory, more brain-friendly and more heart-to-heart. The event was warmly welcomed by young readers, who lined up to experience it.

"Today I experienced for the first time 'climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands', and I can even imagine the incomparably difficult times of the Red Army, many Red Army soldiers died during the Long March, and I really want them to see today's happy life. Thinking of the source, today we must listen to the party, feel the party's kindness, follow the party, strengthen the will, strengthen the body, grow knowledge, and grow into pillars. One student shared.

"Climbing snowy mountains and crossing grasslands", Yuexiu young readers unlock a new experience of red reading!

Xie Jiehua, director of Yuexiu District Library, introduced that Yuexiu District Library has carefully created a series of brand activities such as "Yue Reading Research Camp", "Reading on Campus" and "One Street, One Brand", through reading, research, walking, recitation, script killing, stage plays, lectures, exhibitions, movies and other multiple ways, so that the spread of red culture can go to the "heart", to the "new", and to the "real", so that readers can become not only the inheritors of red genes, but also the disseminators of red culture, so that red culture can sow seeds and take root in the hearts of readers. At the same time, it will nourish a new generation of people to grow up healthily and strongly, and inspire a generation of new people to take responsibility for "please rest assured that the party will strengthen the country".

Source: Yuexiu District Library Editor: He Yunhong Proofreader: Jiang Jintong Editor: Liu Siming Editor: Zhan Pingping

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