
47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

author:Spoiler Hong Kong drama

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According to the latest reports from Hong Kong media, Chen Yanxing, a 47-year-old Hong Kong actress and former female artist of TVB, has secretly given birth to a daughter. And my daughter is now 3 years old and is attending a well-known international kindergarten in Hong Kong.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

After the news of Chen Yanxing's secret birth of a daughter was exposed, the outside world was shocked. Because before, she has always claimed to be single. even asked his friend and senior Hong Kong artist Yuan Qiongdan to introduce the object on the show.

But now her daughters are 3 years old, but who the daughter's father is is now an unsolved mystery. Some netizens are speculating that the possibility of Chen Yanxing having a daughter out of wedlock cannot be ruled out.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

It can be seen from the photos exposed by Hong Kong media that Chen Yanxing appeared in kindergarten and participated in the graduation ceremony of her 3-year-old daughter's primary class, and was recognized by the parents of her peers, so the news that she had a daughter officially surfaced.

Chen Yanxing did not hide it in the kindergarten, but participated in various parent-child activities in a very high-profile manner, and also took his daughter out of school together.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

Unknowingly, Chen Yanxing is 47 years old this year. Her figure is indeed fatter. Although she now has neat short hair, the fine lines on her face still show some traces of time.

Compared with filming on the screen in the early years, Chen Yanxing does seem to have a lot of vicissitudes. But she insisted on not having plastic surgery or fine-tuning, just waiting for natural aging.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

In the editor's impression, Chen Yanxing's life in recent years does not seem to be smooth. In 2021, Chen Yanxing once revealed that he was instigated by someone with a heart to deceive 30 million in the TVB information program "Looking Around".

At the beginning, Chen Yanxing thought that the 30 million was deposited in the bank and used for investment. But later she found out that all the 30 million was used to sign an insurance policy.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

What made Chen Yanxing most painful was that the bank even asked them to continue to repay the loan of 10 million, that is, they were deceived by 40 million.

At that time, in the show, Chen Yanxing directly broke down and cried. And her mother, when she heard the news, fainted to the ground.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

In order to speak for himself, Chen Yanxing took the initiative to sign up for "Looking Around", with only one purpose: to recover his 30 million funds.

So in the end, did the 30 million succeed in recovering? The outside world is not very clear, but there is a high probability that there is little hope.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

Chen Yanxing passed the wireless artist training class in his early years and officially stepped into the entertainment industry. used to be a "big beauty" on the screen of Hong Kong dramas.

Not long after her debut, she was rated as the "Five Beauties of Wireless" by the outside world. The other four also include: Cao Zhong, Fu Mingxian, Yao Yingying and Peng Ziqing.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

Looking at it now, the former "wireless five beauties", now only Yao Yingying still insists on filming on TVB and plays a supporting role in major dramas.

Peng Ziqing has become a "missing person", Cao Zhong has successfully transformed into a businessman, and occasionally photos leak out. Fu Mingxian is active in the circle of friends and often appears in the gatherings of people in major circles.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

Chen Yanxing was once highly praised by the company's senior management because of his sweet appearance, and the most representative work is the very classic "All Happy". But in 2006, after Chen Yanxing's contract with TVB expired, he did not renew the contract, but decided to leave the nest, and then gradually faded out of the entertainment industry.

47-year-old Hong Kong actress Chen Yanxing was revealed to have secretly given birth to a daughter, claiming to have been single for many years, and the child's father is a mystery

After leaving the nest TVB, Chen Yanxing's exposure and attention decreased significantly. Her workload has been extremely low over the years. But this time, Hong Kong media revealed that her daughter attends a well-known kindergarten in Hong Kong, and the tuition fee per semester is at least about 110,000.

A few years ago, Chen Yanxing was cheated of 30 million, but his daughter is still studying in a well-known kindergarten, which shows that Chen Yanxing still made a lot of money in his early years and had enough savings.

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