
At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

author:Keep a diary with your baby

The saddest thing in the world is that the white-haired people send the black-haired people, in 2010, Sheng Hailin of Hefei, Anhui Province was in pain because of the unexpected death of her daughter, in order to find hope to live, she gave birth to a pair of twin daughters despite everyone's opposition to the 60-year-old IVF, until now she is still the oldest woman in China, and now 14 years have passed, her current situation is embarrassing.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing
At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

Before 2009, Sheng Hailin's life was smooth, she grew up in the army compound, her father was an officer, she married a military academy professor when she grew up, and she was a doctor. At the age of 30, Sheng Hailin gave birth to her daughter Yingying, the child is well-behaved and cute, and she is even more beautiful when she grows up, and her daughter's personality is gentle and introverted with her father, although she is different from the extroverted Sheng Hailin, but she has always been proud of her daughter.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

In Yingying's marriage, Sheng Hailin gave up the idea of Gao Pan's officer family, afraid that her daughter would be bullied introverted, so she chose a marriage that was almost "married", in order to let her daughter marry out decently, Sheng Hailin did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy a house in Hefei for her daughter, decoration, and the result was that the relationship between the two families was tense for a while, but Sheng Hailin didn't care as long as she could keep her daughter, and at that time she was thinking about waiting for her daughter and son-in-law to take care of the children when she retired.

However, just when Sheng Hailin wanted to enjoy a happy retirement life, in 2010, her daughter and son-in-law went back to her mother-in-law's house to live, but both died of gas poisoning, Sheng Hailin didn't even have time to see her daughter for the last time, that year Sheng Hailin was 59 years old, her world collapsed, and she washed her face with tears all day long.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

Sheng Hailin, who has been strong all her life, has never been so decadent, she even thought about following her daughter for a hundred years, but reason told her again and again that this state is not right, she must find a support for herself to stand up again, in such repeated self-struggle, Sheng Hailin finally made a decision that shocked everyone, that is, to have another child.

When Sheng Hailin told the people around her about this decision, everyone was against it, including her husband. However, Sheng Hailin has been saying the same since she was a child, and her personality is even more stubborn, in order to achieve her goal, she even knelt down and begged her husband to cooperate, and in the end her husband couldn't bear to see her sinking, so he could only agree, but the condition was that he couldn't care about drinking in the future.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

In October 2009, Sheng Hailin was in a hospital in Hefei, and the doctor implanted three fertilized eggs with in vitro fertilization into her, and two embryos were successfully implanted a month later...... Sheng Hailin almost experienced the common symptoms of pregnant women, and supported the child to term in one breath in her heart, and in May 2010, Sheng Hailin gave birth to a pair of twin daughters by caesarean section, becoming the oldest woman in China.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing
At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

The birth of twins gave Sheng Hailin hope, gave her spiritual comfort and short-term joy, but soon real life turned on the warning light to her, the cost of living and half of her and her husband's retirement income has been invested in the early operation, it is impossible to take care of the twin daughters alone at their age, Sheng Hailin is impossible to accept the help of relatives and friends, can only spend money to hire a nanny, it is obvious that their pension is not enough.

At the same time, Sheng Hailin also attracted widespread attention from the media because of her advanced age and childbirth, coupled with her previous identity as the president of the hospital, as well as her understanding of medical technology, she gradually began to have commercial endorsements, lectures, interviews and other media to find her, at first Sheng Hailin was also hesitant, but when the gap between family income and expenditure was really in front of her, Sheng Hailin had to face the reality, when her two daughters were less than one year old, she carried her suitcase and went north and south to lecture to make money.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

In this process, Sheng Hailin met many elderly people who were lonely like her, and many of them regarded Sheng Hailin as a kind of hope, and they learned from her and wanted to have another child, but Sheng Hailin told them without exception that she was just an example and it was not recommended to follow suit. The birth of two children did make up for Sheng Hailin's pain of losing her eldest daughter to some extent, but the practical problems of raising two children and her own problems due to pregnancy and childbirth also followed.

The husband was forced to agree to Sheng Hailin to do IVF, not to mention that he was already over the age of old, and her husband couldn't provide much help after the child was born, Sheng Hailin herself was also powerless, osteoporosis, bleeding gums, lack of sleep, and even accompanied by slight postpartum depression, holding the child for a while would cause back pain, at that time Sheng Hailin was really old, so the child could only be handed over to the confinement lady and the nanny.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

When the children grow up, Sheng Hailin has to struggle with how to get to know their mother with them, and she looks like someone else's grandmother, and Sheng Hailin can't interfere in learning, so she can only send them to boarding school. Because the two daughters Sheng Hailin are almost out of the circle of their peers, the old colleagues and friends have all begun to enjoy retirement, occasionally see their grandchildren, go out to travel, and dance square dances when they have nothing to do, but Sheng Hailin still has to work hard to make money to raise her children.

In 2022, Sheng Hailin's husband died, and life gave her a heavy blow again, and her husband went so suddenly that Sheng Hailin still doesn't remember when she signed the critical illness notice, and insists that it was mishandled by the hospital. After the death of her husband, Sheng Hailin's monthly fixed income was only 10,000 yuan of pension, and she had to support two children, a nanny, and a self-media team.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing
At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

When she insisted on risking her pregnancy again, many people persuaded Sheng Hailin that if she wanted to accompany her child as an adult, she should at least live to be 78 years old in good health, this problem was not solved, Sheng Hailin chose to avoid it at that time, but with the passage of time and the death of her husband, she also had to face this problem.

In fact, Sheng Hailin once left a way back for herself in the early days, she found a "godmother" named Chen Xiaoyun for her two children in Beijing, and Sheng Hailin once regarded her as her best friend. In 2017, Chen Xiaoyun found Sheng Hailin through Sheng Hailin's eldest daughter's work unit, and a deep self-introduction moved Sheng Hailin to run a health care product with her, and since then Chen Xiaoyun has become Sheng Hailin's family.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

Later, Chen Xiaoyun joined Sheng Hailin's team, and the platform of Sheng Hailin's account mainly promoted Chen Xiaoyun's health care products, and two years later, Chen Xiaoyun asked Sheng Hailin to invest on the grounds that her husband had a small treasury in his hand, so Sheng Hailin gave the other party 1.9 million before and after, and this money was almost all Sheng Hailin's retreat.

However, when her husband died and her own popularity continued to decline, her income plummeted, Chen Xiaoyun refused to repay the money on the grounds that she was in trouble, and then began to play evaporation in the world.

Sheng Hailin realized at this time that she may have been deceived, even if her husband reminded her many times when she was alive that Chen Xiaoyun was a liar, but at that time Sheng Hailin couldn't listen to her at all, and even regarded her as the "Beijing mother" of her two children, but when she went to the police station to report the case, she found that she didn't even have a photo of Chen Xiaoyun in her hand for so many years, but blindly regarded her as her own retreat.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

In her own words, her wife is gone, her old face is gone, and her old rice (money) is gone, but she can't take care of it a lot in order to live, live broadcast for two hours a day, Sheng Hailin sells cheap paper towels and pre-made dishes in the live broadcast room, and then falls asleep with sleeping pills every night, and the next day she wakes up and continues to hold her seventy-year-old body to grab business in the market where young people gather.

Some people also asked her if she regretted her decision to insist on reparenting at an advanced age, Sheng Hailin chose to be silent, because she couldn't think about it and didn't dare to think about it, and there was nothing to turn back. As she herself said, her own experience is not recommended to be emulated, because both she and her children have to face a lot of life that is different from their peers, and they have to solve more and more complex problems, and life does not show mercy to anyone because of this.

At the age of 60, she took the risk of giving birth to twins in test tube, and after many years, her current situation is embarrassing

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