
A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

author:Poetry and painting Zhejiang cultural tourism information

A hundred years ago, a red boat sailed out of Jiaxing South Lake, leading a nation to write an epic of saving the country and saving the country, and the magnificent mountains and rivers.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


A hundred years later, the beautiful water of Nanhu Lake is still the same, the light smoke is full of Zhu, and the breeze is coming, but the little red boat has changed the world. Your trip to July starts here!

You don't have to worry about when to go, you just need to collect this guide, pack your bags, and set off immediately!

First stop South Lake World

Check in Jiaxing's new landmark

Starting from Jiaxing Station, the first stop we checked in was Nanhu Tiandi.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Wang Junqian

Nanhu Tiandi combines culture and scenery to present a unique style, which can not only meet people's needs for eating, drinking and playing, but also give people a sense of relaxation.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Wang Junqian

The reason why Nanhu Tiandi is recommended as the first stop is because you can immerse yourself in exploring the urban temperament of Jiaxing while walking through the streets and alleys.

This is the commercial space closest to the city's culture, and it is an excellent example of creating "Lakeside +": on one side is the tranquil and beautiful South Lake, where the wind blows the leaves and the water is sparkling; On one side is the spatial transformation of the sunken square, connecting the past and the future.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @ a lion's head

The second stop is Huijing Garden

A place where the beautiful scenery of South Lake gathers

To visit Nanhu, Huijing Garden is a must-visit. This is not only the main entrance of the South Lake Scenic Area, but also the best place to watch the beautiful scenery of the South Lake.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @ Mercedes-Benz's Little Mustang

Huijing Garden is located on the south bank of the South Lake, with rockery waterfalls, terrace courtyards, tree-lined trails, and ancient bridges and flowing water, which fully demonstrate the handsome atmosphere of the Jiangnan garden.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


Jin Yong fans must go to check in the Drunken Immortal Building, the Drunken Immortal Roast Chicken, the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, and the Seven Heroes of Jiangnan Pot...... Directly let you dream back to the martial arts rivers and lakes!

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @Jennifer love life

Guotai Min'an has fewer thousand cups, and the wind and rain are smooth with a pot of spring.

The couplets on the Wanghu Tower always make people's hearts ripple. It is the sister building of Yanyu Building, which displays the fine calligraphy and painting exhibition of the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall, and is also the best place to enjoy tea and leisure, and watch the panoramic view of Nanhu Lake.

Stop 3: Island in the middle of the lake

How many buildings are in the smoke and rain

The island in the middle of the lake is like a pearl inlaid on the land of Jiahe.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


The smoke and rain here are hazy, beautiful, no wonder the Qianlong Emperor went to the south of the Yangtze River six times, and landed on the island in the middle of the lake eight times, just to watch the beautiful scenery of this smoke and rain building.

When you come, it's rainy, and that's the perfect time to climb the tower and enjoy the lake. The lake is hazy with smoke and rain, and the scenery is all in smoke. The fragrance of tea is faint, the filaments are repeated, and the flowers and lakes are like the days of the gods.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @ Two Generals

In 1921, Nanhu ushered in that great and sacred moment. The First Nanhu Conference of the Communist Party of China was held in a small boat in Nanhu. Walking around the island in the middle of the lake, you can see the famous "Red Boat", which is the place where dreams begin, and where faith flies, and the years of passion are still in sight!

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


The fourth stop is the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall

Continue the red gene and forge ahead into the great era

Nanhu Lake is the birthplace of the party, and since we have paid homage to the red boat of Nanhu, we should also visit the Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall and visit the great "Red Boat Spirit".

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Objects, pictures, charts, and videos show the magnificent 100-year history of the Communist Party of China.

Stop 5 Mui Wan Street

Take a stroll through the old streets and alleys

According to legend, during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, some people planted plum blossoms here, plum blossoms bloomed all over here, and it is said that the street twists and turns because of the lake, like the branches of plum blossoms, so it is named Meiwan Street.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

▲ Plum blossom Xiaohongshu @ Jiaxing Youyoujun

It is an old street that must be visited when you come to Jiaxing City Walk, and it is also a place where Jiaxing is full of humanities.

Streets and alleys, one story at a time. There are Jinjiu refuge in the block, the former residence of Zhu Shenghao, the former residence of Wang Huzhen, and the former residence of Shen Junru...... The alleys are deep and secluded, the blue bricks and gray eaves, the traces of the years have precipitated into history, and walking in the meantime, it seems that the person in the painting is walking through the long scroll in the south of the Yangtze River.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


There are also many coffee shops, restaurants, and cultural and creative shops full of literary and artistic atmosphere on the street, which integrate classical elegance with modern vitality. When you are tired of shopping, you can find a teahouse to taste tea and feel the romance of the water town exclusive to the south of the Yangtze River.

Stop 6 Xiexi Street

Memories in the fireworks of the market

In the hearts of Jiaxing people, the ceiling of Jiaxing siu mai must be the siu mai shop on Xiexi Street.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @ Flower Roll

The raw fried siu mai is a must-try, the skin of the siu mai is very thin, the bottom is charred, dipped in vinegar and chili sauce, it is simply amazing!

Winter bamboo shoots and fresh meat siu mai is a must, the kind that bursts the juice directly with a bite. The egg yolk siu mai is also delicious, it is the Plus version, and you have to try it when you come here!

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Lin Xi

Walk 700 meters north along Hexin South Road and there is a Catholic church. Gothic Western architecture with a large lawn, this is an alternative romance that belongs to the South Lake. Picnic, kite flying, baby walking, or just mess up here, and let your soul empty for a moment!

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Ke Song_

The seventh stop, Zicheng Ruins Park

A city reads for a thousand years, and the garden cuts the window shadow

Some people say that if you understand Zicheng, you can understand Jiaxing.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


As the earliest city wall in Jiaxing, Zicheng is the root of the city. The tower on the city wall is on the central axis of the ancient city, like an old man, guarding his people.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


In order to protect the ruins, the people of Jiaxing are particularly romantic and have built a heritage park full of oriental aesthetics. Not only can you enjoy the tower and Yongdao at close range, but you can also take a closer look at the ruins pit, the ring stone workshop, and the residential garden......

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Garuru

Outside the window is a hundred-year-old tree, the light and shadow also have the beauty of adults, and the sprinkling silhouette is super beautiful. It's hard to imagine that in the bustling city center, there is a park that can "wash the lungs", and the green screen through the doors and windows is not only pleasing to the eyes but also to the heart.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Xiaohongshu @ Garuru

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Mr. Jin Yong's birth, Zicheng Ruins Park has launched an immersive Song Yun martial arts-themed bazaar - Zicheng Grand Market.

"Flying snow shoots white deer in the sky, and the smiling book god leans on the blue duck", all kinds of martial arts IPs gathered, as well as the light and shadow show in Zicheng, and give you a martial arts dream!

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder


Stop 8 Moon River Historic District

Its water bends, hugging the city like the moon

Why bother to only look at Wuzhen in the water town, the Yuehe Historical District is not inferior! The alleys and streets are tortuous, criss-crossed, the small rivers are narrow, and the old houses on both sides are antique.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @ Late Millennium

The basic pattern of Sanhe and Three Streets outlines the pattern of crisscrossing ancient streets and deep alleys. Small bridges, flowing water, people's houses, snacks, markets, century-old brands...... Walking along the bluestone slabs on the shore, it seems that every step is stepping on the vein of history.

Make the Moon River Historic District the last stop on your day trip because the nights here are so charming.

A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder
A must-visit in July! This super-healing famous lake in the south of the Yangtze River has set off a red chapter of wind and thunder

Little Red Book @Klose

The lights along the shore, like scattered meteors, fall into the water.

The summer night breeze is coming, strolling through the market in the Yuehe Historic District, tasting the special food supper, and checking in the Internet celebrity casual restaurant, which will definitely not let you leave Jiaxing on an empty stomach!


Breeze and bright moon, Jiaxing South Lake,

Everywhere is the charm of the south of the Yangtze River,

Super exciting, rush immediately!

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