
The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

author:Yangcheng faction

Recently, the Party Committee of the Two New Organizations of Nanwan Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen continued to carry out the "Seven Ones" activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, transform the advantages of party building into the vitality and competitiveness of enterprise development, stimulate the enthusiasm of the directors for entrepreneurship, enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, and promote the high-quality development of the enterprise with practical actions.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Party members' condolences

Carry out a condolence visit for party members. During the "July 1st" period, Dong Yu, member of the Party Working Committee, organization member and secretary of the two new party committees, led a team to express condolences to the old party members and party members in difficulty who have been glorious in the party for 50 years in the park, and talked cordially with party members in a homely way.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".


Convene a symposium. The party committees of the left and right industrial parks carried out an exchange symposium on "party building leads to promote development, and cohesion welcomes July 1st". Party members had a heated group discussion on how to strengthen the construction of the party's grassroots organizations, how to play the leading role of the party committee, and how to promote the development of enterprises. Everyone said that in the future, they will continue to improve their own quality and business level with more enthusiasm and firmer beliefs, and provide strong support for the development of enterprises in the park.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Lecture on party lessons

The secretary gave a party lesson. In order to deepen the study and education of party discipline, build a strong line of discipline defense, and encourage party members to play a vanguard and exemplary role in the development of the enterprise, the party committee of the left and right industrial parks, the party committee of Baiguoyuan Group, the party committee of Jixia Ruiji Industrial Park, the party committee of Danzhutou Industrial Park, and the party committee of Jinmin Logistics Park have successively taught a vivid party lesson to party members and party activists in the park. Among them, Dai Jiaxing, Secretary of the Party Committee of Jixia Ruiji Industrial Park, gave a vivid party discipline education party lesson for party members in the form of "bus micro party class", which further enhanced the awareness of party members to be strict with themselves and enhance their sense of identity and belonging to the party.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Review the oath of joining the party

Revisit the oath of joining the party. The Party Committee of the Left and Right Industrial Park, the Party Committee of Baiguoyuan Group, the Party Committee of Jixia Ruiji Industrial Park, the Party Committee of Danzhutou Industrial Park and other Party committees organized Party members to carry out the oath of joining the Party and reviewing the oath of joining the Party. This solemn ceremony is not only a firm expression of loyalty to the party, but also a profound memory of the original intention and mission.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Watch the Red Movie

Watch a red movie. The Party Committee of Danzhutou Industrial Park organized party members and the masses to watch the red movie "Ten Thousand Miles Home". The audience walked into a thrilling evacuation operation and felt the spirit and will of Chinese diplomats who were not afraid of dangers and obstacles and did not fail in their mission, as well as the strong strength of the motherland displayed in the evacuation operation. "No matter where we are, the motherland is our strong backing and harbor." After watching the movie, Mr. Huang, a party member, said.

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Sing classic red songs

Sing a classic red song once. The Party Committee of Danzhutou Industrial Park and the Party Committee of Baiguoyuan Group carried out the activity of "Singing Red Songs to Praise the Party's Kindness", singing classic red songs such as "No Communist Party, No New China", "My Motherland and Me", "Unity is Strength", enthusiastically eulogizing the great party and the great motherland, and presenting the party's great birthday with the most beautiful voice. Mr. He, a party member, said: "Everyone expressed their love for the party in the form of singing red songs, and also let party members and the masses get together to communicate, which enhanced the cohesion of the party organization in the park." ”

The two new party organizations in Nanwan Street carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st".

Red Learning Education

Organize a red learning education. The Party Committee of Jixia Ruiji Industrial Park organized more than 40 party members and activists to carry out party discipline and party spirit education activities at the Boluo Dongjiang Column Memorial Hall. Everyone said that they should doubly cherish the beautiful life that countless revolutionary martyrs have shed their blood and blood in exchange for today's beautiful life, carry forward the spirit of heroic martyrs, draw on the strength to forge ahead, and play a vanguard and exemplary role in the two new organizations.

In addition, the party organization also thanked the party for its kindness through intangible cultural heritage rubbing, hand-cut paper, commendation of outstanding party cadres and party member volunteers, etc., and party members used lyrical poetry and other ways to thank the party.

The series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party in Nanwan Street not only showed the good spiritual outlook of the two new party members, enhanced the cohesion of the two new party organizations, but also stimulated the enthusiasm of all the two new party members to start a business. They draw strength from party building activities, practice their original mission in hard work, and help the high-quality development of Nanwan.

Text, photo: Cheng Quan, Peng Zuozhen

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