
Three don't forget | You Xi: Don't forget the way you came and forge ahead on a new journey

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

The documents, letters, and telegrams of the Soviet power, the deeds, title deeds, and account books left behind when fighting local tyrants and dividing the land, and the registers, loans, and grain loans of the Red Army units in Youxi for raising funds and grain......

In the Soviet District Hall of the Youxi County Museum, the revolutionary cultural relics are displayed in an orderly manner, which can be found, seen, talked about, and felt, and the citizens can learn about the party building, the building of Soviet power, and the agrarian revolution in all aspects in the thirties and forties of the last century. The spirit of the Soviet District will always shine here, enlighten future generations, and promote the high-quality development of Youxi, and continue to write a new chapter in the red land.

The red spark years are like a song

The green mountains contain daisies, and the green water is like eyes.

In Houxi Natural Village, Jingkou Village, Banmian Town, Youxi County, the village road is meandering, the small bridge in front of the door flows, in front of a simple wooden dwelling, the five-star red flag is waving in the wind, and the eight big characters of "the spirit of the Soviet District, shining forever" are shining, and here is the former site of the Soviet Government of Fujian and Jiangxi Provinces.

Three don't forget | You Xi: Don't forget the way you came and forge ahead on a new journey

The new appearance of the former site of the Soviet Government of Fujian and Jiangxi Province

More than 80 years ago, after the defeat of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign, more than 600 members of the party, government, and military organs of the Soviet Government of Fujian and Jiangxi Province were reorganized into the newly organized First Regiment of Fujian and Jiangxi Province.

One day in late April 1935, the troops of the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Military Region entered Youxiban from Daejeon, and before they had time to rest, they were raided by the 52nd Division of the Kuomintang. In order to avoid a hard encounter with a strong enemy, the Red Army retreated all the way to Caoyang Mountain in Jingkou. As soon as they arrived at the foot of the mountain, they encountered the special battalion of the 52nd Division of the Kuomintang, and the two sides engaged in a fierce battle.

Relying on their outnumbers and familiarity with the terrain, the enemy encircled our army in a vain attempt to destroy the revolutionary forces in one fell swoop. Most of this unit in Fujian and Jiangxi Province was developed in the later stage of the Fifth Anti-"Encirclement and Suppression" campaign, and some of them were staff members of the Fujian and Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee and the provincial Soviet Government organs, who lacked combat experience and did not have sufficient weapons and equipment, so the soldiers had to fight the enemy with flesh and blood.

A village elder recalled the brutality of the battle: "The battle started at about 7 a.m. and lasted until about 4 p.m. When cleaning the battlefield, I picked up a few baskets of discarded bullet shells alone. "Due to the disparity in strength between the enemy and us, most of the Red Army soldiers died heroically.

At the beginning of May 1935, the surviving forces of Fujian and Jiangxi Province were raided again in the area of Zishan in Daiyun Mountain, and after a tragic battle, only a few people desperately broke out of the encirclement.

After losing the two battles one after another, Zhong Xunren, secretary of the Fujian-Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, and Yang Daoming, chairman of the provincial Soviet, quickly made a decision: In terms of strategy, they should adopt the policy of unified leadership, disperse activities, and intensify guerrilla warfare; Organizationally, we should implement the system of integrating the party, the government, and the army, organically combine the armed struggle, the mass struggle, and the secret struggle under the leadership of the party to adapt to the new situation of struggle, and at the same time move from Jingkou to the areas of Youxi, Zhongxian, and Taixi.

The people in the old area think about the source of drinking water

After the relocation of Fujian and Jiangxi Province to Jingkou in Banmian, it not only strategically cooperated with the great transfer of the main force of the Red Army and clamped down on the military strength of the Kuomintang, but also closely relied on the masses and tried their courage, leaving a spark for the revolution. On the inner walls of the walls of the old site and the walls of the rooms, slogans written by the Red Army in those years, such as "the peasants rise up to carry out the agrarian revolution", "the peasants rise up to fight the local tyrants and divide the land", and "abolish the contract labor system" are still clearly legible.

Around 1931, Youxi was used as a fundraising area, and the Red Fourth Army organized and mobilized the masses to raise a large amount of money and military supplies such as salt and rice, with more than 300,000 yuan in Dayang alone.

In August 1933, during the liberation of Jiangle by the Eastern Army, the Huangtanbian Special Committee of the Communist Party of China (renamed the Minzhong Sub-district Committee in January 1934) was established, and with the help of the Huangtanbian Special Committee, the Longhu Branch of the Communist Party of China was established.

On September 2, 1933, the Eastern Army intercepted the Kuomintang 19th Route Army at Youxikou to aid the enemy and launched a fierce battle, repelling and annihilating Tan Qixiu's troops, and won the victory in the Youxikou Resistance Battle.

Three don't forget | You Xi: Don't forget the way you came and forge ahead on a new journey

The Eastern Army of the Red Army attacked the former site of the combat headquarters in Youxi County, the Wang's compound

On January 15, 1934, after fierce fighting, the 19th and 4th Red Divisions destroyed the arsenal of the 52nd Division of the Kuomintang, occupied Youxi County, and seized a large number of weapons and ammunition. The Red Fifth Division marched into Youxi and organized more than 200 porters to carry salt, kerosene, guns and ammunition seized from the attack on Youxi County and transport them to Ruijin, Central Soviet District.


Looking back on the past, the years are glorious. On July 7, 1999, Comrade Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee, proposed that "don't forget the old area, don't forget the people in the old area, don't forget the 'five olds' and these old revolutionary cadres." In June 2012, the State Council issued the "Several Opinions on Supporting the Revitalization and Development of the Former Central Soviet Areas such as Gannan Province" to accurately define the regional scope of the Central Soviet Regions.

Excavate historical facts, collect revolutionary cultural relics, analyze and demonstrate, compile data collections, and submit reports on the application of the Soviet Union...... On July 13, 2013, Youxi County, together with Sanyuan District, Meilie District, Yongan City, and Datian County, was officially recognized by the Central Party History Research Office as a county (city, district) within the scope of the "former Central Soviet District". Subsequently, Youxi launched the "red tourism" project, and declared the relics and relics such as the former site of the Soviet in Fujian and Jiangxi Province, the former site of the Red Fourth Division, and the former site of the county Soviet as cultural relics protection units, increased investment, scientific management, and a large number of revolutionary relics and sites were better protected and restored.

The new look of the old district is exciting

Look at the present and seize the day. Youxi County has always followed the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping and strived to build a high-quality development demonstration area in the old revolutionary area.

Three don't forget | You Xi: Don't forget the way you came and forge ahead on a new journey

The bullet train is speeding through the west park of the city

The road network has been built from scratch to build a modern transportation system. From the original lack of highways and going out to shoulder and hand-to-shoulder, to now, Youxi County has 1 fast railway, 3 expressways, a total mileage of 380 kilometers of national and provincial trunk roads, and a total mileage of 3344.33 kilometers of various highways in the county, becoming an important node city of Fuzhou's "1-hour economic circle" and Xiamen's "2-hour economic circle", and the development of the old area has entered the fast lane.

Improve the quality and capacity of the city and build a new development pattern. In recent years, Youxi County has promoted urban construction and built a strong tourism county in accordance with the overall goal of urban construction of "building an ancient city in the center, building a new city at both ends, and building a new city in central Fujian in a thousand-year-old city". At present, 15 national A-level scenic spots have been built, such as Zhuzi Cultural Park, Jiufu Mountain, Tangchuan Xia Tianxia, Guifeng Ancient Residence, etc., and the residents of the county have eaten "tourist meals".

Develop new quality productive forces and promote economic transformation and upgrading. From the earliest air-spinning to the current new generation of information technology and compact spinning, vortex spinning integration application, Youxi County's textile industry is gradually transforming from labor-intensive to technology-intensive, "nylon filament (spinning) - weaving (warp and weft knitting, flower weaving) - dyeing and finishing - clothing" complete garment industry chain gradually formed, "China leather base cloth city", "China blended yarn city" and other national brand gold-lettered signboards are getting brighter and brighter......

Accelerate infrastructure construction, develop characteristic agriculture and forestry, strengthen the construction of ecological civilization, and coordinate the integration of urban and rural areas...... In 2023, Youxi County will achieve a gross domestic product (GDP) of 26.246 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.4%, 3.3 times that of 7.883 billion yuan in 2009. The construction of the old areas has been fruitful, and the living standards of the people in the old areas have been steadily improved.

The Youxikou Revolutionary History Memorial Hall has just been completed and opened its doors on July 1. Through Chairman Mao's comments on Youxi, the Eastern Army's redness for thousands of miles, the advance team's rush to cross the Minjiang River, the Communist Party's spark on the prairie fire, and Youxikou's forward forward, a series of revolutionary practice activities carried out by the Eastern Army and the anti-Japanese advance team in Youxi are vividly displayed.

The sonorous and powerful voice of development and production, and the new situation of boldly carrying forward the past and forging ahead into the future...... Today, a vibrant, progressive, happy and livable modern city is flourishing.

Source: Sanming Rong Media Center

Text: Youxi Reporter Station Wu Zhenhu

Photo: Fujian Daily, Sanming Shizhi, Huang Dongmei

New Media Editor: Li Yuqing