
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan

author:Sanming Rong Media Center

Since yesterday, a number of netizens have posted pictures,

There's a sum of money in the account—

It turned out that this money was "the annual interest of the housing provident fund"

Some netizens posted that they had more than 6,000 yuan in interest

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan


There are many Fujian netizens

posted his own interest

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan

What is the annual interest settlement of the housing provident fund?

How to check how much interest is in my account?

Let's take a look↓

What is the annual interest settlement of the housing provident fund?

Recently, someone received this account from the annual interest of the housing provident fund account. In accordance with the relevant regulations, the deposit interest rate of the employee housing provident fund account shall be implemented according to the benchmark interest rate of one-year time deposit, and the annual interest rate shall be 1.5% for the current year.

The interest settlement date of the provident fund is June 30 of each year, and the interest settlement year is from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of the current year. The interest accrued shall be incorporated into the principal of the employee's personal provident fund account.

How do I get this money?

The accrued interest will be transferred to the employee's personal provident fund account.

Owned by individual employees,

There is no need for employees to handle related business to arrive in the account.

The provident fund paid by employees in accordance with regulations is exempt from individual income tax.

Previously, some netizens posted screenshots of the settlement

The amount varies

Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan
Quick Look! The money has arrived! Someone received more than 6,000 yuan

Then the specific amount of interest in your account

How is it calculated?


Interest amount = personal account funds × actual number of days × annual interest rate ÷360

Source: Metropolis Express, State Council client, Guangzhou Daily

New Media Editor: Li Yuqing