
Hanye Street, Wancheng District: Closure of self-provided wells in the jurisdiction to ensure the safety of urban water supply

author:Henan Business Daily Nanyang News

Top news reporter Zhang Zhizhong correspondent Sun Jun Zhang photocopy

In order to ensure the safety of urban water supply and water quality, the water resources management system should be fully implemented, the illegal use of groundwater should be strictly investigated and punished, and the management of water intake from self-provided water sources should be strictly regulated, so as to realize the rational development, effective protection and scientific management of groundwater resources. In recent days, the comprehensive administrative law enforcement squadron of Hanye Street, Wancheng District, Nanyang City, has actively carried out joint law enforcement with various communities to seal residents' self-supplied wells for domestic water.

Hanye Street, Wancheng District: Closure of self-provided wells in the jurisdiction to ensure the safety of urban water supply

Propaganda is launched to create an atmosphere. Led by the main leaders of the office, go deep into the self-provided well water supply unit, hold a mobilization meeting, conduct on-site publicity, widely publicize the water resources management regulations, water intake permit methods, self-provided well remediation and other policies, regulations and important significance, preach the rationality of the closure of self-provided wells and the necessity of accessing tap water in accordance with the law, enhance the concept of water use by the masses in accordance with the law, and create a public opinion atmosphere of "active declaration, rectification within a time limit, reporting and investigation, strict management and heavy punishment".

Hanye Street, Wancheng District: Closure of self-provided wells in the jurisdiction to ensure the safety of urban water supply

Joint law enforcement, on-site identification. Through joint on-site visits with various communities, the Hanye Sub-district Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Squadron determined that most of the self-supplied well water supply units did not have sanitary conditions. In addition, some water supply units have slightly transformed industrial and agricultural wells (former farmland irrigation wells, construction site wells, etc.) into drinking water wells, and their machine rooms and equipment do not meet the requirements of domestic water wells. For the sake of water safety for the residents, this law enforcement focuses on cracking down on the unauthorized construction of water intake engineering facilities without obtaining water intake approval documents. For such behavior, it is necessary not only to stop the self-provided wells in a timely manner, but also to seriously investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel in accordance with the law. In this operation, a total of 3 self-provided wells were closed, more than 400 meters of related pipelines were dismantled, and 2 new water nozzles were connected.

Hanye Street, Wancheng District: Closure of self-provided wells in the jurisdiction to ensure the safety of urban water supply

Establish a mechanism for long-term advancement. Establish a long-term mechanism for governing water in accordance with the law, managing water in accordance with the law, and taking water in accordance with the law, carry out multi-departmental joint law enforcement exploration, and the sub-district office is responsible for closing the self-provided wells, and the higher-level departments shall be punished and recover the water resources tax in accordance with the "Water Law of the People's Republic of China", "Henan Province Water Resources Tax Collection and Management Measures" and other laws and regulations, and close the water resources tax in accordance with the law, forming a strong deterrent, and actively establish the management account of industrial and agricultural self-provided wells, and integrate the management of domestic water self-provided wells and industrial and agricultural water self-provided wells, and comprehensively improve the scientific management and control level of self-provided wells in the jurisdiction.

Source: Hanye Street

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