
It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!
It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!

It's graduation season again, and the beautiful college life starts in the summer and will end in the summer, although this youth story full of good memories is written by millions of people, with different punctuation and different sentences, but it will always end in the same ending:


A word that seems strange but close at hand. In this regard, many students may be confused, and many students may be anxious, but we still hope that everyone can relax! No, in the latest issue of "Singer", which was just finished last week, Ms. Yuan sang passionately and presented this good song to commemorate the graduation season:

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!

As a company in the wine circle that can "mingle" with college students (boasting a wave of hhh), we are very keen to answer questions for everyone every year (although we are "old social animals", but as a person who has come over, I really know everyone's mood at the moment), and the editorial team is discussing it hotly and sadly remembering the time when the lost youth is gone- Meng Xueqing, a senior sister who specializes in the purchase of spirits on, volunteered and joined the group chat with great interest!

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!

After graduating from the French Department of Sichuan University of Foreign Chinese, Meng Xueqing worked as a high-end technical headhunter in a top headhunting company in China. But she also has a hidden identity: a professional whisky enthusiast for 5 years - she joined Jiuyun halfway because she really loves wine and can't restrain herself...

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!

In the wake of the pandemic, the wine industry has seen higher layoffs, fewer jobs, a trade dispute between China and Australia has frustrated wine companies (although the crisis has now been resolved), and the graduation season of up to 9 million newcomers in 2024 has added to the pressure on students who are just stepping out of the ivory tower – and the current economic situation in 2024 has made it harder to be optimistic about the employment situation......


Preparation for employment – purposeful internships

Internships are not just a matter of opening a recruitment app during the winter and summer vacations, searching for holiday workers, and then rushing to work for a few months. As a newcomer who is about to graduate and enter the industry, you must think about what the purpose of the internship is. ——Internships are more important for college students' career journeys to better understand the operation of an industry.

For enterprises, what they want is to find more experienced employees, and there is a certain gap with the current training goals and standards of universities - universities are mainly based on knowledge transfer, and the acquisition of experience is relatively weak. The reason why the university encourages students to go to internships is to establish a buffer zone with the help of the resources of the university and society, so that students can quickly understand the work content and working methods of the company, and the operation of society and industry.

Let me take wine procurement as an example to illustrate: at present, most of the wine importing companies I know of are halfway home--there is no such professional discipline as wine import procurement practice in Chinese universities, so we have majors in wine brewing/planting, wine sales, and more are engaged in import and export practice to procurement posts - everyone revolves around procurement-related work, and uses different professional knowledge and experience to supplement and improve the knowledge and skills required for practice. There are but not many of the knowledge that can be directly applied to the work that is really derived from the knowledge learned in university.

When choosing an internship position, I personally suggest that you do not exclude the sales position of a wine company - on the one hand, the sales position is still the position with the largest number of wine companies and relatively low standards, on the other hand, the outward communication ability of the sales personnel can be more exercised, and the industry situation can be quickly understood. As an HR of an enterprise, fresh graduates' school experience is not so important, and what everyone prefers to see is specific, real work experience in the workplace. A market-oriented, mostly foreign exchange, and a more socialized sales internship is much more valuable than a purely clerical internship.

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!


Preparing for employment – building an authentic resume

Every school will have a career guidance class, and there will also be an employment office teacher to guide the writing of resumes, so I won't go into details, but only give some practical experience from the perspective of HR - what does HR like to see?

First of all, I suggest that the resumes of college students should "meet people", and if the resumes we want to send are different for different positions, we must highlight our communication skills for external positions in the market direction, and we must write some experiences about communication; R&D positions should emphasize their scientific research strength, and so on. Even if it can't be a thousand people, it should be adjusted in a targeted manner.

Second, there should be data or specific project reflection. What HR reads most in a day is all kinds of "fake and empty" in resumes, and there are already mature and professional judgment methods. Therefore, if there is anything that can be reflected in the data in the resume, the project experience should be listed in the project, and the project experience should be divided into project goals and actual achievements. The process of combing through the project is actually the process of preparing for the interview.


Preparation for employment – actively grasp and obtain information

The information here is divided into several dimensions: employment information, industry information, and company information. These three pieces of information are the basis for us to establish the "three views" of the future workplace.

Employment information should be read as much as possible. At present, the competition for employment is fierce and cruel, and students should actively understand the future employment prospects of their majors, understand the changes in the macro environment, and adjust their employment decisions. For example, if we are studying viticulture/brewing, we should actively understand the relevant policies of the country and the production area, including the talent landing policy.

Industry information refers to the structure and operating rules of the subdivided industry. For example, in the wine exhibition industry, students must first know the collaborative operation mechanism of the exhibition industry and the wine industry, what kind of audience are different exhibitions, and what is the scale? What are the top companies, and what are their advantages and disadvantages? What are the prospects for this industry? What is the general way to make money in this industry? Establishing such a cognition is conducive to students to understand the direction of their work and the goal of achievement, and it is also conducive to the formation of industry cognition.

Company information means that we need to understand the authenticity and reliability of the company before entering a company (although I know that everyone likes overseas investment, but before entering the interview, we must have some preliminary understanding of the company) - does this company belong to the role of Party A or Party B? What is the reputation of the company we are going to in the industry, what is the average salary in this industry, and what other companies in the same industry are in our city? What are the main customers, what are the general prospects, what was the turnover last year, what are the positions we are interviewing for, etc. These homework is not difficult to understand in an era when it is so easy to obtain, but it is very beneficial to students' employment decisions and interviews,—— if the company has no development prospects, what are you spending money to waste time......

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!


Thinking in Employment: Initial Career Planning and Thinking

Many of you who read this article should be fresh graduates in 2024 or students who are about to enter their senior year. Everyone will encounter some contradictions: the industry they are interested in seems to be unable to do it, and the industry they are not interested in is afraid that they will not be able to persist in the future after studying for a few years...... My parents suggested that I take the public entrance examination, but I don't seem to want to enter the system. It is also difficult to choose between salary, work location, treatment and even personal feelings - or really confused, really not knowing what you want to do and what you can do......

My advice is that you have to do a beginner's career plan first. Whether or not to enter the public examination and enter the system or graduate school is not the point, but I strongly discourage the strategy of "take the test first, try it, and then get employed" - the difficulty of these exams does not need to be stressed, if we think about failing from the beginning, it is probably meaningless, and we also miss the best time for the school recruitment interview.

If we have already decided on employment and have made all the preparations mentioned above, the next step is to enter the practical phase.

The second thing is whether we have to do internal or external work: the internal here refers to the clerical work is mostly done, which does not require too much communication, but more to examine our stability and writing ability, as well as some practical qualifications and professionalism such as translation, copywriting, finance, auditing, etc.; Externally, it is some work centered on communication, such as sales, marketing, operations, etc.

The premise of thinking clearly about what to do is to know what you can do first, and if we already know about a certain industry during the internship process, then we can start with this industry. Generally, after the initial screening of resumes in the industry, a round of telephone interviews will be conducted first, and the general interview is not difficult, as long as we express ourselves fluently and have a positive attitude, we can basically go to the actual interview link! Don't be afraid of interviews, don't feel like interviews are a toss-up, interviews are a practice makes perfect, and the best way to get information! We can gradually answer each other fluently in many self-introductions, and we can also learn about this industry and this position through communication with the interviewer, which we can't get at home or on campus.

When our interview is passed and the initiative is handed over to us, we need to make a choice based on comprehensive consideration - as HR, I can responsibly tell the students that in the final salary negotiation, you can truly express some of your ideas, defend some of your reasonable rights and interests, the most basic five insurances, the minimum labor contract protection, these can be actively proposed and confirmed, as for the salary, it can also be fought for back and forth.

Regarding the next choice, it is also the most important part, splitting the dimensions and making a comprehensive judgment

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!


Personally, I think we can make a table for ourselves, and score the opportunities in our hands from different dimensions on some objective factors: working distance, salary (responsible and non-responsible), five insurances and one housing fund payment base, office environment, company benefits, etc., and score once after splitting, there will always be a final score.

After the objective factors are resolved, it is my own factors, and according to my own employment choice, I will prioritize the following aspects (the following is my ranking for reference, but you can also add your own thoughts):

My interest, industry prospects, teaching style of my supervisors, company training, future development plans, work difficulty and stress index, and sustainable learning.

1. I like to put interest in the first priority, this is because I personally think that interest is the premise for me to choose an industry and stick to it, after all, my first job will affect a lot of my judgment, it may make me identify an industry, or it may make me give up an industry completely, so I choose to put interest first.

2. Industry prospects, our first job, and the first industry we have contacted, about the sustainability of this industry, the sustainability of related industries, and whether the national policy is tilted are all we need to know. It's also about our future career choices, try to be cautious in case you regret it.

3. The teaching style of the direct leader is very important, generally in the interview process will have the direct leader to participate in the interview, this round of interviews, basically can have a preliminary understanding of the management style of our leaders.

We can also ask some questions directly: for example, KPIs or OKRs are generally based on what kind of role we want me to be when I join the team, and what is actually the focus of work assigned to me, etc. It is much easier for a good industry leader to give us guidance and resources than to go it alone.

4. Company training, at present, most companies will give special training to fresh graduates, some are centralized training, and some are assigned to direct leaders or colleagues in the same department. The training session is also an important part for us to quickly understand the corporate culture and their respective division of labor, so it is recommended to understand it clearly in the interview or ask HR individually.

5. Future development plan - It may be unrealistic for us to make a ten-year career plan now, but I think it is okay to plan a three-year initial plan. Three years is generally the default best time for job hopping in the workplace, and whether this choice is conducive to our career choice after three years can also be used as a reference standard.

6. Work difficulty and pressure index can help us understand the task and management logic, first of all, we can first understand where the difficulty of the job is, I suggest that you can ask this question and communicate in the link of the direct leadership, the pressure index can be judged according to the KPI or OKR formulation and the split of the responsible compensation part, of course, there are some soft parts, the consideration of the mentality, the difficulty of communication in daily work, etc., should be thought about in advance.

7. Sustainable learning, I personally believe that work is actually a process of learning, whether we can continue to learn new things and whether we can continue to be interested in an industry are complementary to each other. If we feel that this job has lost the need to study when we first started in the industry, we may not last long...... Constantly learning different work abilities through this job is actually adding more possibilities and more initiative to our future.

These are some of the practical thoughts I have summed up based on my own experience and those around me. Finally, I would like to give you another suggestion - that is, prepare every step, think about every step, and then try, it is meaningless to just stay thinking and not acting, after trying we will know whether to want or not, after all, as a newcomer in the workplace, the biggest capital is "young"!

It's graduation season, confused, anxious, nervous, uneasy... Let's listen to what this senior sister has to say!