
There is no better choice for a family car

author:Little Ash Hello 12

When I bought a car, I didn't think I would consider new energy vehicles, but when I thought that the current tram is a big trend, and it also contributes to environmental protection, compared with oil cars, the cost of car maintenance in the later stage will be lower, and for young people who have just gone to work, it is also very good to buy a car to practice. This car, the most satisfying is the surging power, for the starting of the push back feeling, I personally feel more comfortable, it is indeed with the fuel car to drive a part of the difference in power is stronger, the control is more sensitive, and the noise is relatively small, not to say like the roar of the engine, it is quieter to drive.

To be honest, the most dissatisfied with this car is the interior materials, although it looks better, but it is not resistant to dirt, especially if there are children at home, scratching with your feet will leave a footprint.

Space, in the same level of models is also relatively spacious, its ride space and storage space I personally think are very sufficient, the front and rear space design is relatively spacious, and the leg space is relatively large, a leg is not a problem, and another is the trunk space is large enough, you can put down a lot of things, sometimes on a business trip, it is easy to bring four or five suitcases, long-distance business trips must bring enough things, even so, there is still a large part of the space, You can also bring some souvenirs with you when you come back.

The power is particularly strong, and compared with the fuel car, the power is more crisp and the burst is smoother. At the beginning, I would feel that the electric car in the later stage can not be mentioned in the speed, although the early stage is faster, but the later stage will be very difficult, but the contact with this car is a period of time, I found that this kind of problem basically does not exist, even in the middle and late stages, the speed is still on call, more than 100 yards can be easily lifted up. When running at high speed, although the power consumption is slightly higher, the whole power is still practical enough, and it is particularly convenient to overtake and speed up.

The battery life is also very good, basically a full charge can run for a long time, that is, when driving on the high-speed, the battery life may be slightly shorter, but now the charging piles are more widely distributed, run for a period of time for three or four hours in the service area to charge, rest and rest quickly and continue to hurry, do not delay the normal car travel.

The design elements on the exterior are relatively rich, which makes the whole car sporty and modern, and the return rate on the road is relatively high. The lines on the side of the body extend all the way to the rear, the visual experience is great, and the other is that it matches the size of the body, which looks particularly stylish.

The interior design is also more refined, and there are more designs in the central control. It looks more classy, and if you sit in the car and just look at the interior, you will feel that this car is expensive. However, there are also disadvantages, not very dirty, and it is more troublesome to clean up with children at home.

The cost performance is relatively high in the same level, after all, the cost of maintaining the car in the later stage is relatively low, and the configuration of the car itself is not low, to be honest, and the tuning is also easier to drive.

How to say it, basically there should be, and it is relatively easy to use daily, with the blessing of these high-tech, it is particularly convenient to drive daily travel.

There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car
There is no better choice for a family car