
The cool appearance made me quietly excited

author:Little Ash Hello 12

At present, I like the aspect or configuration, because the configuration on the car is really perfect, and the rich safety configuration is very reassuring, so that the novice Xiaobai can easily get on the road, some of the functions of science and technology for the owner of the technology is not good, it has indeed become very convenient, and the above functions are particularly easy to use, there has been no jamming, and the space in the car is also very good, I am very satisfied.

At present, some small deficiencies have been found, that is, the shock absorption effect of the car is too hard, when passing through the speed bump, although it is also a little falling, but it is acceptable, but driving on a rural road with poor road conditions, the shock in the car is quite strong, I think the chassis debugging needs to be softer, because I often go back to my hometown, in order to make the elderly at home have a better riding experience, I personally hope to improve the shock absorption effect.

My body is not fat, more than 1.7 meters tall in the car is quite spacious, and the lighting of the car is also good, sitting in the car always feels particularly bright, and the family also has plenty of room for activity in the back row, the legs and head will not be oppressed at all, there is still a lot of space from the front row, you can move your body, so that they will not be tired in the car, it is worth praising that there are quite a lot of lattice designs in the car, especially the storage lattice design is relatively large, and it has become more convenient to put some trivial items, The storage capacity of the trunk is also quite good, and when you take your family back to your hometown, you can fit the things of a family of four.

There are some small deficiencies in the performance of the driving experience, mainly because the shock absorption is slightly less ideal, and the other aspects are quite good, because the pure electric car does not have too noisy driving sound, the steering wheel size is just right, and the weight is also well controlled, quite worry-free, novices can also get started quickly, and the power performance of the car is also good, whether it is starting or speeding up are quite agile.

Compared with fuel vehicles, the cost of using a car is already quite good, even if it doesn't cost much to get to and from work, and in the case of air conditioning, the power consumption will not be too high, the battery life is still quite good, and the daily charging is also more convenient, as long as the memory is good, there will be no battery life anxiety, I think the pure electric car is quite suitable for me.

The shape of the appearance is indeed quite atmospheric, not too exaggerated shape, I think the design of the front of the car is quite novel, which makes people look bright, and the shape of the car is relatively novel, and I also feel a full sense of science and technology, even the design of the tail is quite trendy, so that the high-end sense of the car has become richer, and the grade is more sufficient.

The style of the vehicle is relatively simple, but I like the look, and there are a lot of practical designs, the size of the center console is just right, and it is quite textured to the touch, even the fabric of the seat is soft, the support effect of the backrest is also good, sitting in the car, you will get a better ride comfort, the wrapping of the seat is better, and the sound quality effect is also good, sitting in the car and listening to songs, it is still quite atmospheric.

The cost-effective performance of the car has been recognized by me, I think the price of the car is acceptable, and the above configurations are relatively complete, and the endurance performance is not bad.

The above intelligent functions are quite complete, and all kinds of functions are available, and in terms of functions, I also feel advanced intelligence.

The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited
The cool appearance made me quietly excited