
Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?

author:Enlighten life

Written before the opening:

Maybe the 3,000-point defense war of A-shares has been fought for too long, and the market has been clamoring to cancel the refinancing recently.

Is it possible?

It's ridiculous to think about!

The net worth of other entrepreneurs is on the line, and it is not easy to go public, and they are not allowed to sell it, just like the factory finally produces the product, but does not allow it to be sold to the outside world, is it fair?

If you understand this, you can understand why you are reluctant to cancel the refinancing.


Gree Electric opened at the price of 38.8 yuan, and ten minutes later, it began to decline at the price of 38.86 yuan.

At 10:02, the stock price fell to the price of 38.41 yuan and temporarily stopped falling, and three minutes later, rebounded at the price of 38.42 yuan.

At 10:14, the stock price rebounded to $38.65 and met resistance and consolidation, and 20 minutes later, continued to decline at $38.61.

At 11:23, the stock price fell to $38.17 and finally stopped falling until the close of trading at $38.24.

During the period, 5 lots were added at the price of 38.27 yuan.

Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?

At that time, the handicap showed that the gap between the inner and outer disks was constantly expanding, and the outer disk was much larger than the inner disk. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 1.05 points, or 0.04%, while Super Brands fell 1 point, or 0.08%, and Midea Group fell 1.58%.

Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?
Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?


After the afternoon open, Gree Electric continued to consolidate at a low level until it finally closed at a price of 38.26 yuan, down 1.65% throughout the day.

Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?
Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?

At that time, the handicap showed that the outer disk was still much larger than the inner disk, and the gap was further widened. The Shanghai Composite Index rose 2.28 points, or 0.08 percent, while Super Brands fell 4.69 points, or 0.37 percent, and Midea Group fell 1.7 percent.

Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?
Gree Electric Appliances 803 days: It fell by more than one point, it's ridiculous to think about it, how can the refinancing be canceled?

After-hours insights:

Gree Electric fell by more than a point, but Midea Group is the same.

The Shanghai Composite Index was quite tenacious, recovering 3,000 points in intraday trading, but in the end, it regained and lost, and closed with a small white line.

Presumably, the investors of Gree Electric Appliances had another uncomfortable day, falling nearly 13 points from above 43 yuan.

It's false to say that it's not miserable, but it doesn't matter if it feels, after all, everything that should be experienced has already been experienced, not to mention that it is not the company's own problem.

Of course, it's just how I feel about myself.

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