
From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

author:Extinction gaffes
From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Text | Tomatoes tuck in the belly

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"She has a strong need for sex and is always demanding"

She was once a hot first-line actress in Hong Kong,

But because of her ex-husband's words, she became a "laughing stock" in the whole of Hong Kong.

She refused Lin Zhiying's pursuit and married a rich man who was not good-looking,

Keep saying that it's not for money, but what is it for?

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

After marrying a rich man, the "jade girl" who holds the moon from the stars,

Reduced to the point that everyone falls into the "lust woman".

And she was not defeated by reality, turned the tables against the wind, was reborn in Nirvana, and saved herself from fire and water.

This "sweetheart leader" Ye Yunyi, what has she experienced?

became famous at a young age and became a popular "otaku god and goddess" all over Asia

She was born in Hong Kong in 1973.

Although her family conditions are average, she was spoiled as a princess by her parents.

When she was a child, she looked like a Barbie doll,

The facial features are exquisite, sweet and lovely, and passers-by will take a few more glances when walking on the street.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

When she was 13 years old, she was found walking on the street by a talent scout and invited her to shoot an advertisement.

She happily ran home and told her parents about it.

I originally thought that my parents would not agree, after all, at this age, I still have to focus on my studies.

But unexpectedly, her parents were very supportive, and soon she signed a contract with an advertising agency.

The first commercial I shot was a shampoo commercial,

The whole process went very smoothly and the response to the ad was surprisingly good.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

She has a lively personality and speaks very politely,

Although he has been pampered since childhood, he is not squeamish at all.

Who doesn't like such a little girl?

In an instant, she became the object of competition among major advertisers, and many big brands rushed to cooperate with her.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

How popular was she at that time?

Walking on the streets of Hong Kong, you can see her posters everywhere,

can be said to be a well-known child star.

In 1988, the development of Hong Kong's film and television industry was in full swing.

She was 15 years old that year and also stepped into the film and television industry.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

After all, it's a fledgling young actor,

At first, she could only play some small supporting roles, but she did it all well.

When she was 16 years old, she participated in the movie "The Peacock Prince",

The film is based on a Japanese manga,

And Ye Yunyi's sweet appearance happens to be very in line with Japanese aesthetics,

So this movie made her an overnight hit in Japan.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

After the film was broadcast, she became a goddess in the minds of countless Japanese otaku.

In order to see her, many Japanese men went to see the movie several times.

Not only in Japan, but also after the film was broadcast in South Korea, it also caused a big sensation.

She was only 17 years old that year, and her future was bright.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

The company saw that she had such potential, and began to praise her, giving her the best resources.

Subsequently, she started an open life,

The cooperation is all popular stars in Hong Kong, such as Anita Mui, Wang Zuxian, and Aaron Kwok.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Within a few years, she became a first-line actress,

is known as the "Jade Girl" idol, and Zhou Huiming is equally famous.

Zhou Huimin is the head of a generation of jade girls,

can be compared with her, which shows how high Ye Yunyi's status in Hong Kong was at that time.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

It is said that women with successful careers are often emotionally unhappy,

The appearance of a person directly made her life fall to the bottom.

refused Lin Zhiying to marry a rich man, and became the laughing stock of Hong Kong

Maybe her life is too smooth, she is always in a very confused mood,

Suddenly being "held by the stars", she felt that everything was like a dream.

I know that there are too many variables in the entertainment industry, and I don't know when I will fall off the altar.

She wants to seek emotional sustenance,

But many years later, she found out that feelings are the most unreliable.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

She has outstanding appearance, gentle personality, and there is never a shortage of suitors around her.

Lin Zhiying fell in love with her at first sight when she was filming,

boldly showed her love in front of the public many times, but she rejected Lin Zhiying.

The editor thinks that the two of them are really compatible, maybe Lin Zhiying is not the type she likes.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

But her final choice was a big surprise.

looks not a little bit worse than Lin Zhiying, and more importantly, his character is not good.

So how did she fall step by step?

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

The man's name is Chan Pak Ho, a tycoon in the Hong Kong toy industry.

In order to pursue Ye Yunyi, it is a flower bag and a jewelry luxury car,

Spend all your thoughts, just to make the beauty smile.

But Ye Yunyi was not moved by these, she was not that kind of material girl.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

But Chen Baihao did not give up and chased after him.

In order to be able to see her, sometimes wait outside the set for a day,

Hush the cold and ask for warmth, be on call, and be courteous everywhere,

When she felt that Ye Yunyi was a little moved, she directly snubbed her and came to "want to catch and indulge".

Obviously, this is an old fritter in love.

But Ye Yunyi thought that she had met true love and agreed to his pursuit.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

The two had only been in love for a month, and they got married impulsively.

What is surprising is that she directly announced her retirement from the circle and went home to become Mrs. Kuo.

She thought she had found someone who could shelter her from the elements,

But he didn't expect that the winds and waves after that were all given by him.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

After marriage, she gave birth to a child for Chen Baihao, thinking that the marriage between the two would be more stable.

But it didn't work out in less than a year, and Chen Baihao couldn't wait to tear off the "mask".

When she was disgusted and blamed by her in-laws at home,

Her husband is outside with a beautiful woman in his arms, singing every night.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Seeing that her husband has completely changed before and after marriage,

Her heart was full of despair, and before she could mention the divorce, her husband did it first.

couldn't swallow this breath, she sued Chen Baihao,

finally succeeded in getting custody of the two children, and Chen Baihao also promised her that she would pay child support every month.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

But what she never expected was that

After that, Chen Baihao's behavior once again refreshed her three views.

He broke his promise, refused to pay child support, and spoke wildly in front of the media.

said that the reason for the divorce was that Ye Yunyi had "strong sexual desire", and she really couldn't resist it.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Ye Yunyi, who finally calmed down in life,

Because of this sentence, she became the target of public criticism.

Everywhere you go, you will be pointed at by passers-by, which has become a "joke in Hong Kong".

And she has no way to defend it, how can this kind of thing be explained?

Even if it is explained, who will believe it?

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

She had no choice but to choose silence, gritting her teeth and continuing to walk.

It is said that water to a desperate situation is a waterfall, and a person to a trough is rebirth,

How did she get on the path of rebirth?

Walk on the pinnacle of life again

After going through so much, she finally understood,

It's better to rely on no one than on herself, she should be her own backer.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

In order to make a living, she also thought about returning to the entertainment industry.

But the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, and there is no place for her for a long time.

Others mocked her: Are you a "jade girl" or a "lustful girl"?

At this moment, she finally saw the essence of life and was determined to live a life on her own.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

In order to support her children, she worked as a salesperson and opened a ceramic studio in those years.

Although they didn't make a lot of money, at least they didn't have to worry about food and clothing.

As the child grows up, the financial pressure becomes less.

She is determined to work hard to improve herself and study at the same time.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

At the age of 34, she was admitted to the Hong Kong Art School.

Later, he spent another seven years studying for a master's degree in Melbourne.

Not only that, but he also started an art school with his friends, wrote and published his own books.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Occasionally, someone invited her to film, and she readily agreed,

Even if she can only play the role of an aunt, she is not depressed,

After all, when facing the camera, she seems to have returned to her youth.

Who doesn't miss their youth?


Today's Ye Yunyi is 51 years old,

Time flies, and both of her children have already graduated with master's degrees.

Time never defeats beauty, although she is no longer young, she is still beautiful.

Now there is more calmness and indifference on his face.

From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Her marriage was unhappy, and it can be said that it was because she chose the wrong person that ruined her life.

But when she was at a low point in her life, she did not collapse,

It's about bounce back and start a new chapter in your life with courage. Her courage and tenacity are worth emulating.

At the same time, her experience also teaches us that women should remain independent and not dependent on others at all times.

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From "Jade Girl" to "Lustful Girl", she used to be the laughing stock of Hong Kong, but now at the age of 51, she has turned the tables against the wind

Sohu: Ye Yunyi went from a sweet goddess to a fateful woman, and her story is embarrassing

Sohu: Ye Yunyi married playboy Chen Bohao at the peak of her 22 years, but her husband was unfaithful after marriage, and her in-laws did not wait to see her

Sohu: She, a generation of jade girls, was at the peak of her career at the age of 22, but she became an abandoned woman of a wealthy family 5 years later, how is it now She married into a wealthy family when she was popular, divorced due to sexual incompatibility, and now becomes a sales lady

CCTV: The sad record of a beautiful actress marrying into a wealthy family (Photos)

Sohu: "The originator of the Jade Girl" Ye Yunyi: married a wealthy family at the age of 22, and was ruined 5 years later because of her husband's words

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